Thursday 30 May 2024

No 14188, Thursday 30 May 2024, Hypatia

Solution to 16D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Starts to tackle unusually cold, bad weather around sporting event (3-2-3) TUG-OF-WAR {Ta...e}{Un...y} and {RAW}{FOG}<=  
5   Ducks kept in a small space (6) AVOIDS {A}{VOID}{S} 
10 Cry at last in movie's rousing climax (7) EXCLAIM {m..iE}{CLIMAX}* 
11 Doctor Hardy's books and pipe (7) HYDRANT {HYDRA}*{NT} 
12 Implements that optimize outcomes, leveraging strengths basically (5) TOOLS Acrostic 
13 Result of withdrawal (9) DEDUCTION [DD] 
14 Sis went to one who's dishonest (5,7)  FALSE WITNESS {SIS+WENT}* [RA]
18 What you will wear with length to cover feet (7-5) TWELFTH-NIGHT {WITH+LENGTH}* over {FT} 
21 Food in resort near slum - mostly at Mumbai’s periphery (9) SPAGHETTI {SPA}{GHETTo}{m...aI} 
23 Short dresses, retro skirts making a comeback (5) TERSE [T<=] 
24 Separate lives, putting nothing behind (7) ISOLATE {IS}{O}{LATE} 
25 Circus act that sets the bar high? (7) TRAPEZE [CD] 
26 Large figures in endowments for royal institute (6) GIANTS G(-r+i)IANTS 
27 Essentially intolerable with others before he gets into fights (8) WRESTLER  {i..oLERa..e}<=>{W}{REST}

1   Score reached over time with end of tourney (6) TWENTY {WENT}<=>{T} and {t...eY} 
2   Primarily green elegant creatures, keenly observing surroundings! (6) GECKOS Acrostic &lit 
3   Rod moves fast covering trail with fine couple (9) FLAGSTAFF {F{LAG}STA*}{FF} 
4   American star ashamed at broadcast that's completely crazy (2,3,2,1,6) AS MAD AS A HATTER  {A}{STAR+ASHAMED+AT}*
6   Some have dictionaries of ancient Hindu texts (5) VEDIC [T] 
7   Fancied maiden struggling to woo soldier (8) IMAGINED {IMA{GI}NED*} 
8   Saints excitedly embracing a man worshipping God - just the opposite (8) SATANISM {SAINTS}* over {A} then {M} 
9   In assembly, Modi 's answer hit opposition's representative (6,8) SHADOW MINISTER
15 It is a new hat made for islanders (9) TAHITIANS {IT+IS+A+N+HAT}* 
16 Shoot in scene, nearly hiding (8) ?T?S?I?G (Addendum - STASHING {STA{SHIN}Ge} - See comments)   
17 A lemon cocktail taken by mother for skin problem (8) MELANOMA {A+LEMON}*{MA} 
19 Regularly appears in court, due early for trial (6) ORDEAL {cOuRt+DuE+eArLy}  
20 Hypatia tore apart rock star? (6) METEOR {ME}{TORE}* 
22 Cycling ground in the middle (5) HEART (+h)HEART(-h) 

Reference List
Small = S, Books = NT, Feet = FT, Royal = R, Institute = I, With = W, Time = T, Fine = F, American = A, Man = M, New = N


  1. 11a first time!!!
    Typo in Clue: doctor HARDY's

  2. 16D STASHING - hiding; {SH}oot, {IN}, scene nearly {STAG}e

  3. 3D- Do we get FF from fine? Ref. list gives only F.
    Oh! Now I get it. Couple gives FF. Good one.

  4. Enjoyablr puzzle Thank you Hypatia

  5. 16D-hiding-stashing; Sta(shin)ge-e; scene-stage, shoot-shin as in shoot up -shin up

  6. I found it tough today. But finally solved.
    My fav
    Thanx Sowmya!
