Tuesday 28 May 2024

No 14186, Tuesday 28 May 2024, Dr. X

Solution to 1A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Soft drink with essence of fruit flavour for masses (8) P?P?L?C? (Addendum - POPULACE {POP}{U}{LACE} - See comments)   
5   Check boy having intestinal colic at first, giving digestive remedy shortly (6) BICARB {B{In...l}{C...c}AR}{B}  
10 High on rum, cuddling single female in flat (7) UNIFORM {ON+RUM}* over {1}{F} 
11 Elderly person is retd, so worried about bills essentially (7) OLDSTER {RETD+SO}* over {biLls}  
12 Rushes with courage to save son (5) GUSTS {GU{S}TS}  
13 Doctor loves nurse? Not new for us, personally (9) OURSELVES {LOVES+nURSE}*  
14 Essentially managing company in a muddled manner (12) INCOHERENTLY {IN{CO}HERENTLY}  
18 Article about old bumpy secluded road (12) THOROUGHFARE {TH{O}{ROUGH}{FAR}E} 
21 Strange case of colic in enteric disorder (9) ECCENTRIC {ColiC} in {ENTERIC}* 
23 Metal girder in hotel yard discarded, may be defective (1-4) H-BEAM {H}{MAy+BE}* 
24 Canadian cop leapt on time to catch thugs at centre (7) MOUNTIE {ON+TIME}* over {thUgs
25 Nailed criminal smuggling cocaine to European country (7) ICELAND {I{C}ELAND*} 
26 Apply over back of knee joint (6) REEFER {RE{kneE}FER} 
27 Feel at home, getting century in session (8) INSTINCT {IN}{STIN{C}T} 

1   Hype about new electronic drive (6) PLUNGE {PLU{N}G}{E} 
2   Receiving religious instruction, troublesome person becomes man of God (6) PRIEST {P{RI}EST} 
3   Checks toilet close to studio having bad stink (5,4) LOOKS INTO {LOO}{STINK*}{s...iO} 
4   Anxious groom romanced nervously at first? That's usual (6,2,6) COMMON OR GARDEN {GROOM+ROMANCED+Ne...y}*
6   Saving a little cash, motivate to invest (5) INDUE INDUcE  
7   Move air-conditioned container secured by chain (8) ACTIVATE {AC}{TI{VAT}E} 
8   Panoramic train rides through pass (5-3) BIRDS EYE {B{RIDES*}YE}
9   Plan educational programme for stuntmen? (6,2,6) COURSE OF ACTION [DD] 
15 Most raunchy actress at premiere in tight tee shirt (9) EARTHIEST {Ac...s} in {TEE+SHIRT}* 
16 Flag in ship over river (8)  STREAMER {ST{R}EAMER} 
17 Infer fraud with evidence implicating director (8) CONCLUDE {CON}{CLU{D}E} 
19 Arrest Greek character involved in row (6) DETAIN {D{ETA}IN} 
20 In the middle of a haze after consuming a little dope (6) AMIDST {A}{M{Dope}IST} 
22 Reviewed sample of inert inorganic compound (5) NITRE [T<=] 

Reference List
Boy = B, Female = f, Son = S, New = N, Company = CO, Old = O, Hotel = H, Yard = Y, Cocaine = C, Hype = PLUG, Electronic = E, Religious instruction = RI, Toilet = LOO, Pass = BYE, River = R, Director = D


  1. 1 A Populace
    Soft drink= pop
    Essence of fruit= u
    Essence of flavour= la

    1. When essence of frUit is U, should not essence of flaVour be V?

    2. True. So it is not essence of flavor. zit gas to be something else. Essence of fruit us right but not essence of flavor- we can't extend it!

    3. 1A- Pop u lace- Masses
      Soft drink- Pop, essence of fruit- U, flavour- lace
      'Essence of' is only for fruit.

  2. How do you get CE at the end?

  3. 1A : POPULACE = Masses
    Soft drink = POP (Cola)
    With essence of fr(U)it = U
    Flavour = LACE

  4. How do you say 9D is DD What is the relationship to stuntmen?

  5. Plan/ Educational prog. for stuntmen are the 2 def

  6. Slightly tougher than earlier days. Otherwise typ Dr. X.
    The surfaces connect so seamlessly.

    My fav
    Thanx Doc!

