Wednesday 29 May 2024

No 14187, Wednesday 29 May 2024, Hypatia

Solution to 12A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

7   Leave, hide and cry - that's disgusting (8) FURLOUGH {FUR}{LO}{UGH} 
9   Stoppage of work in Bihar taluk (6) HARTAL [T] 
10 Extremely unyielding lady's discontented and nasty (4) UGLY {Un...nG}{LadY} 
11 Soldiers unable to switch position before junction in barracks (10) CANTONMENT {MEN}{CAN'T}<=>{ON} and {T} 
12 Jerks in movies (6) ?L?C?S  (Addendum - FLICKS [DD] - See comments)
14 Destroy data if in revolt (8) INTIFADA
15 Senior support staff? (7,6) WALKING STICKS [CD] 
18 Extremely healthy female always has an allergic reaction (3-5) HAY-FEVER {{He...hY}{F}{EVER} over {A} 
20 Determine appropriate commission to lie for Spooner (3,3) SEE FIT (~fee sit to see fit) 
21 Dropping a Tesla, carelessly top up later with representative in filling station (6,4) PETROL PUMP {TOP+UP+LatER}{MP} 
22 Cross a smuggler (4) MULE [DD]  
23 Long snake concerned about biting first person (6) ASPIRE {ASP}{RE} over {I}  
24 Revolutionary design in Wordle's somewhat overwhelming (8) DROWNING [T<=]  

1   Roll with girl at old woman's house (8) BUNGALOW {BUN}{GAL}{O}{W}  
2   Dodge love for acting in drama (4) PLOY PL(-a+o)OY  
3   Doctors question boy left by sponsors (6) QUACKS {QU}{bACKS} 
4   Electrical instrument tripping hot toaster (8) RHEOSTAT {H+TOASTER}* 
5   Particular about one's afternoon dress, at first sight (5,5) PRIMA FACIE {PRIM}{A}{FAC{1}E} 
6   Fellow appeared to leave leader flattered (6) FAWNED {F}{dAWNED} 
8   Thin gun for a spot of shooting? (7,6) HUNTING GROUND {THIN+GUN}* [RA] 
13 State of wind in a frolic close to sea (10) CALIFORNIA {IN+A+FROLIC}*{seA}
16 At home, veterans basically loved building complex (8) INVOLVED {IN}{Ve...s}{LOVED*} 
17 Air surrounding mountain in capital city (8) SHILLONG {S{HILL}ONG} 
19 One discriminating argued in site from time to time (6) AGEIST {ArGuEd+In+SiTe}
20 Is this device producing hypnosis (6) SYPHON {SYPHON+IS}*={HYPNOSIS} [CA]
22 Mendicant or noble Karmapa, basically! (4) MONK Acrostic &lit 

Reference List
Cry = LO, Junction = T, Female = F, Tesla = T, Concernd = RE, Roll = BUN, Old = O, Woman = W, Acting = A, Question = QU, Boy = B, Hot = H, Fellow = F, At home = IN


  1. Need help with 5d.
    How does 1 (assuming afternoon) get in face.
    Also prim/prima, facie/face have same meaning/root.

  2. Replies
    1. Must be from "Lo and behold". Still it is only feeling sorry, not cry.

  3. 14a
    As far as english, intifada is a specific noun "palestinian rebeliion agianst..."

    Is it fair to clue generic rebellion?

    1. It's there in Chambers so that should suffice. Though the origin of the word is shiwn as Arabic.

    2. The word is in dict.
      But My dict shows it as "palestinian rebellion" , Col.
      My doubt is does the dict show as generic rebellion.

    3. This is what Wikipedia has to say

      Intifada (Arabic: انتفاضة intifāḍah) is an Arabic word for a rebellion or uprising, or a resistance movement. It can be used to refer to an uprising against oppression.

      The word intifada was first used[clarification needed] in modern times in 1952, when Iraqi parties took to the streets to protest their monarchy, which was known as the Iraqi Intifada. Other later examples include the Western Sahara's Zemla Intifada, the First Sahrawi Intifada, and the Second Sahrawi Intifada. In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict context, it refers to uprising by Palestinian people against Israeli occupation or Israel, involving both violent and nonviolent methods of resistance, including the First Intifada (1987–1993) and the Second Intifada (2000–2005).

      In English-language usage, the word primarily refers to Palestinian uprisings against Israeli occupation. While in Arabic-language usage, uprisings globally can be referred to as intifada, including for example, the 1916 Easter Rising, the 1943 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, and the 1949 Jeju uprising.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Wrong solution. Please don't post solution without anno (not even with a ?) You are depriving others of an opportunity.

  5. Doctors are quacks? Quite a few here who may take strong objection.

    1. 1. An untrained person who pretends to be a physician and dispenses medical advice and treatment.
      From Free Dic.

    2. Its used in that sense only, when used informally in British.
      One of those pun remarks when one sees a doctor.

  6. 12A: FLICKS. Cinema is a flick. Jerking is too.

    1. DD
      But I have a grouse- flick for cinema us a slang. There should be some indication.

    2. Chambers doesn't specify it as a slang

  7. Clue in Today's ET-
    Source of replenishment for saloons, maybe (6,4)

  8. Is it PETROL PUMP, referring to cars as saloons, maybe?

  9. yes, it is. I brought it up here since we do have 'Petrol pump' here today.

  10. Many more happy returns of the Day Vasanth. Have gr8 day!!!!

  11. Hapoy Birthday and Many many Happy returns if the Day!!
    May you keep doing (and probably making a few for us?) more and mire CW's

  12. Example of time improves knowledge!!!!

    Rare coin rating penalty (4)

  13. Is it 'FINE' for definition of 'penalty'. I am not sure whether it is derived from PFENNIG, old coin.
