Thursday 16 May 2024

No 14176, Thursday 16 May 2024, Crescent

Solution to 12A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

 Old chaps come again to some empty resort (8) RECOURSE {REC{O}UR}{SomE}
9   Man facing a fellow in direct confrontation (4-2) HEAD-ON {HE}{A}{DON}
10 A cover, like over fruit (6) SAPOTA {A}{TOP}{AS}<=
11 Monk Penang discharged as fake in Malaysian villages (8) KAMPONGS {MONK+Pe..nG+AS}*
12 Contact lines for every minister (8) ?R?A?H?R ()Addendum - PREACHER {P{REACH}ER} - See comments)
14 Selection of exotic liqueurs for exclusive group (6) CLIQUE [T]
15 Police vault contains case of narcotics and drugs taken during seizures (15) ANTICONVULSANTS {VAULT+CONTAINS+Na...cS}*
18 Stop moving decorative wall panel in delivery (6) FREEZE (~frieze)
20 Mowing is extremely critical having made a change to yard (8) SCYTHING SC(-a+y)YTHING
22 A new leg, map out strategy (4,4) GAME PLAN {A+N+LEG+MAP}*
24 Boldly face animal edging back to rear (6) BREAST {B{reaR}EAST}
25 Liberal habits America leads in without exception (6) ALWAYS {L}{WAYS}<=>{A}
26 Cobblers earlier spreading rounded piece of leather over foot (8) FOLDEROL  {OLDER}{O}{Le...r}<=>{F}

1   Remedy concerning couple (6) REPAIR {RE}{PAIR}
2   High temperature apart, toxic atop volcano (8) COTOPAXI {tOXIC+ATOP}*
3   Explosion covering another, see crackers go (7,4,4) BREATHE ONES LAST {BLAST} over {ANOTHER+SEE}*
4   Jolt for dolt (4) JERK [DD]
5   As I say, my small choices lead to big bucks (8,7)  CHEMICAL SYMBOLS {MY+SMALL+CHOICES+Big}*
6   Spiritual enlightenment I register with sun rising (6) SATORI {I}{ROTA}{S}<=
7   Special gift to satisfy past wish (4,4) LONG SUIT {SUIT}<=>{LONG}
13 With son in tow, cycling across ranges (5) ROVES {S}<=>{(+r)ROVE(-r)}
16 Pick of Nizam's flanks to join forces for the most part (8) NORMALLY {(nizam)N OR M}{ALLY}
17 The least modelled jocks (8) ATHLETES*
19 Always embodying Juliet, a bird (6) EVEJAR {EVE{J}{A}R}
21 Wise old man in fine story (6) NESTOR [T]
23 Inferior nut twisted with force (4) NAFF {FAN<=}{F}

Reference List
Old = O, Fellow = DON, Yard = Y, New = N, Liberal = L, America = A, Foot = F, Concerning = RE, Temperature = T, Sun = S, Son = S, Juliet = J, Force = F


  1. 8A- Chaps as container indicator?

  2. Several good clues. Equally quite a few tough ones.
    Sapota, Long suit, Chemical symbol were all picks of the lot.

  3. As usual, a tough CW given by Crescent. Most of the solutions have new words (for me). I was happy to solve about 50% of CW
    Correctly before visiting this blog. Thanks Crescent for a challenging CW.

  4. 26A - though I got the answer from crossings, not clear about the anno. What is the role of "spreading"?

    1. Spreading/stretching like stopping,container.

      Older in LOF<=

  5. Challenging but satisfying as usual. Favs were the 3 long clues, SCYTHING, ROVES, NORMALLY to name a few. Thanks Crescent and Col.

  6. I am newbie I only got one clue correct 16D normally for the first time since I started ( 1 week ago) from then I can't even find a single answer till today. How is it done?

  7. Just ry to read the cryptic instructions in te clues. To understand that, you will have to follow the solutions given in the post for a few days carefully. Most of us have learned that way only. There is neither any formula nor any short cut. Main thing us not to give up.

    1. Okkk sir for the first two weeks I will see it here and learn and then I'll try to solve on my own. Who knows maybe I will also answer someday πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  8. 12a PREACHER = Minister
    REACH = Contact
    PER = Every
    Li nes

  9. 12a PREACHER = Minister
    REACH = Contact
    PER = Every
    Lines = Insertion ind.

  10. Found it very tough. Solved only 60%
    Folderol new word for me.
    Need to learn a lot more.

    Is it a PANGRAM today?
    Thanx Crescent

  11. 5d As I say - As I for arsenic and Iodine was very clever
