Monday 27 May 2024

No 14185, Monday 27 May 2024, Dr. X

Solution to 3D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Protest as money-grabbing politician backs gangster (8) COMPLAIN {CO{MP}{AL<=}IN}
5   Pastel blue sheets (6) PLATES*
10 Polish or Greek character enthralled by knocking back draughts (5,2) SPIFF UP {PI} in {PUFFS<=} 
11 Old train crashed round province in North America (7) ONTARIO {O}{TRAIN*}{O} 
12 Anal disorder involving fistula at centre of the buttocks (5) NATAL {NA{fisTula}AL*} 
13 Finale conducted by trio in fantastic performance (9) RENDITION {END} in {TRIO+IN}* 
14 Point beyond which one can no longer survive - it's terminal! (3,2,3,4) END OF THE LINE [DD] 
18 Correct! Love is fantastic for happiness (12) SATISFACTION {O+IS+FANTASTIC}* 
21 Witticism with nice cracks about lady chasing husband in conclusion of joke (9) PUNCHLINE {PUN}{NICE*} over {L}{<=>{H} 
23 Most hostile states (5) AVERS AVERSe 
24 Passion ending in marriage proposal (7) EMOTION {m...gE}{MOTION} 
25 Buck up a friend drinking at home on retirement (7) ANIMATE {A}{IN<=}{MATE} 
26 Exhausted in conclusion, scoring cocaine and ecstasy (6) EFFETE {EFFEcT}{E} 
27 Turn to cuddle miss when it's dark (8) BLACKOUT {B{LACK}OUT} 

1   Covering crime in lock-up endlessly (6) CASING {CA{SIN}Ge
2   Half-time over, fantastic end to tourney (6) MOIETY {TIME+O}*{t...eY} 
3   Brief programme about elegant rescue devices (9) L?F?L?N?S (Addendum - LIFELINES {LI{FELINE}St} - See comments) 
4   Parodies Spooner! Man, it is funny (14) IMPERSONATIONS*
6   Weapon concealed by rebel at hideout (5) LATHI [T] 
7   Huge blunder in revolutionary outbreak by current leader of China (8) TERRIFIC {T{ERR}IF<=}{I}{China
8   Pampered nationalist in caricature by journalist (8) SPOONFED {SPOO{N}F}{ED} 
9   Night we got high, drinking booze heartily with everyone collapsing (5,2,3,4) GOING TO THE WALL {NIGHT+WE+GOT}* over {boOze} and {ALL} 
15 Self-centred person, one involved in a con game perhaps (9) EGOMANIAC {1} in {A+CON+GAME}* 
16 Pioneers new chemical compound (8) ISOPRENE*  
17 Draw small brown shed (5-3) STAND-DOFF  {S}{TAN}{DOFF}
19 Lie back, proceed to eat ice cream (6) GELATO  {G{TALE<=}O} 
20 Help to accumulate runs and declare (6) ASSERT {ASSE{R}T} 
22 Jack Daniels heartily consumed by emcee (5) HOIST {HO{danIels}ST} 

Reference List
Gangster = AL(Capone), Old = O, Lady = L, Husband = H, Cocaine = C, Ecstasy = E, Over = O, Nationalist = N, Journalist = ED, Small = S, Runs = R


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, Free Dic. says "A turn at work or any action"

  2. Why is it that it looks so complicated when we are trying to solve but looks so easy and straight forward when we see it in the blog?!!

    1. Well said Paddy😀👍🏻

    2. Paddy, anything in the dictionary is a fair game for the setter. But the solver has to look at all the possible synonyms and try various permutations or combinations to try and get the desired answer. IMO, even words beyond the dictionary are okay provided they are sufficiently well known such as IPL, NDA, ODI etc. The problem is when words that are not well known are used in the clues. It makes the crossword tough.
      It may be argued that a solver is made to continuously learn in this process and should not expect a 100% score all the time.
      The bottom line is how much we are enjoying solving the crossword.
      Thanks to the blog, we are at least able to know the answers for difficult clues, and try to understand the views and feedback of co- solvers.

  3. 3 down I got Lifelines, not sure if the logic is right but Brief = file, life. Elegant programme I thought lines of code. Must confess it helped that the other crossing letters helped me.

      Brief programme = LISt
      about: anind
      Elegant = FELINE
      ((LISt)(FELINE))* = LIFELINES. rescue devices

    2. Prabhanjan, it's not an anagram

    3. You are almost there!
      Since 'Feline' appears as it is, it is not an anagram. About is just a containment indicator. Good solve, anyway.

  4. @Paddy!
    To me it looks v difficult in the beginning. But so easy & well clued after solving. Leaves me so.....thrilled & smiling.
    A few clues that left me high today - GELATO, LIFELINES, SPOONFED, BLACKOUT, EMOTION.

    A diff kind of fun than solving Incognito.

    Thank u so....much Doc!
