Thursday 20 June 2024

No 14206, Thursday 20 Jun 2024, Afterdark

Solution to 3D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

7   Say, figures that can be seen in eyes (5) CONES [DD]
8   Stoking rural ire about government is unconventional (9) IRREGULAR {RURAL+IRE}* over {G}
10 To beat is funny, so to say! (6) PUNISH [DD]
11 Stokes has tea and fresh idly regularly (8) STEADILY{S}{TEA}{IDLY*}
12 Composure seen in a card game (8) PATIENCE [DD]
13 Thin lad fed some nutrient (4) BONY {BO{Nu...t}Y}
15 Withdraw with honour to save name (7) REVERSE{REVER{S}E} 
17 13 without supervision can act funny, also not (7) NEITHER tHIRTEEN*
20 Travel-bag for event (4) CASE [DD]
22 Sat with drink as reported (8) SUPPOSED {POSED}<=>{SUP}
25 Is holding orange juice at start (8) ORGANISE {ORANG{IS}E*}
26 Could be age, longing to leave society (6) THIRTY THIRsTY
27 Advantages in setters being cryptic (9) INTERESTS*
28 People get beer in Marks & Spencer? (5) MALES {M{ALE}S}

1   Settled laptop due somehow (9) POPULATED*
2   Drug within iodine stops spread of endemic (8) MEDICINE {I} in {ENDEMIC}* Semi&lit
3   Assumed Edward will stem the rot (7) ?R?S?E? (Addendum - TRUSTED {T{RUST}ED} - See comments)
4   Mysore's emblem maintained in duplicate (8) RESEMBLE [T]
5   Charge included designated driver's negligence primarily is unexpected (6) SUDDEN {SU{DD}E}{Ne...e}
6   Female faces troubles and collapses (5) FAILS {F}{AILS}
9   Avoid socializing primarily with crude person (4) SHUN {So...g}{HUN}
14 One less than majority? (9) SEVENTEEN [CD]
16 Epics rewritten with people's illustration (8) SPECIMEN {EPICS}*{MEN}
18 Hot and relevant reading covered (8) TROPICAL {T{R}OPICAL}
19 Basically tourists visit spaces built for viewpoints (7) ASPECTS {To...s} in {SPACES}*
21 Shocked that a network's down (6) AMAZED {A}{MAZE}{D}
23 Ready husband for a walk (4) PATH {PAT}{H}
24 Medico's liquid could be tea perhaps (5) DRINK {DR}{INK}

Reference List
Government = G, Stokes = S, Society = S, Designated driver = DD, Female = F, Reading = R, Down D, Husband = H

Wednesday 19 June 2024

No 14205, Wednesday 19 Jun 2024, Afterdark

Solution to 11A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Go through parchment (6) SCROLL [DD]
4   When starting late, children should gain resistance against disease (6) RABIES (-b+r)RABIES
8   Laboured night shift to arrest criminal (7) HALTING {H{AL}TING*}
9   Perhaps, factory can get new equipment at the start with the help of railway (7) CANNERY {CA{N}N}{Eq...t}{RY}
11 Copied an article one published in issue (10) ?E?I?A?I?E (Addendum - DERIVATIVE [CD] - See comments)
12 Pavlov engaged to wrap a stove (4) OVEN [T]
13 Indiscriminate weeds in a plant (5) SWEDE*
14 Stops family getting a leather garment (8) SEALSKIN {SEALS}{KIN}
16 Measure, say cat's return track (8) FOOTSTEP {FOOT}{PETS<=} Track would be FOOTPRINT and not FOOTSTEP?
18 Southern gals in a funny way create jargon (5) SLANG {S}{GALS*} Error in fodder. Should have been Northern.
20 Leaders from South encourage agitators rabidly to burn (4) SEAR Acrostic
21 Broadcast his rant about jerk who could be a disbeliever (10) ANTICHRIST {HIS+RANT}* over {TIC}
23 Rewrite article on show (7) RECITAL*
24 Finance is from New Delhi perhaps (7) CAPITAL [DD]
25 Letters from advisor relates to a plant (6) SORREL [T]
26 Order to pay (6) SETTLE [DD]

1   Cut is small to suffer (5) SHAVE {S}{HAVE}
2   Rope used in ship seen on sailor's counter with another cord (7) RATLINE {TAR<=}{LINE}
3   Male getting treated outside home by specialist of facial feature, say (9) LINEAMENT {L{IN}EAM*}{ENT}
5   Worried after a bishop becomes slow (5) ABATE {ATE}<=>{A}{B}
6   Broadcast of genius around middle of October pertains to fire (7) IGNEOUS {IGNE{octOber}US*}
 Son's publishing without source and examining (9) SURVEYING {S}{pURVEYING}
10 Knocking off tips aside, it's lavish (9) DISSIPATE
13 In a way, seems OK to describe large space in the front as one without puffers (9) SMOKELESS {SEEMS+OK}* over {L} and {Sp..e}
15 Partner is a fool of course, initially kept setter worried (9) ASSOCIATE {ASS}{Of}{Co...e}{I}{ATE}
17 Bone for a month makes happier dog (7) TERRIER (-m+t)TERRIER
19 Look to stop transport (7) AIRLIFT {AIR}{LIFT}
21 Ask me anything unknown on electric shock (5) AMAZE {Ask}{Me}{An...g}{Z}{E} Letter pick indicator missing? Or is it an accepted abvn in internet slang?
22 Having meat in small eatery at the corner leads to stigma (5) SHAME {S}{HAM}{Ea...y}

Reference List
Resistance = R, Criminal = AL(Capone), New = N, Railway = RY, Small = S, Home = IN, Specialist = ENT, Bishop = B, Son = S, Large = L, Bone = T, Month = M, Unknown = Z, Electric = E

Tuesday 18 June 2024

No 14204, Tuesday 18 Jan 2024, Afterdark

Solution to 13A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Parts of flower and others kept in empty pouches (6) PETALS {Pou{ET AL}cheS}
4   Judge having tea reportedly with visitors (6) GUESTS {GUES{(~tea)T}S}
9   Spot an agent (4) MOLE [DD]
10 Shiny horse pregnant with offspring at home (10) GLITTERING {GG} over {LITTER}{IN}
11 Knew estimate gathered was the most recent (6) NEWEST [T]
12 After removing the cap, catheters are used here (8) THEATRES cATHETERS* Semi&lit
13 Take the lead of professor retiring earlier (9) ?R?C?D?N? (Addendum - PRECEDING {Pr...g}{RECEDING} - See comments)
15 Elected leaders of Chennai hosting one show exclusively... (5) CHOSE Acrostic
16 wiretap with the French instrument (5) BUGLE {BUG}{LE}
18 About to manage chain of schools, say (9) NURSERIES {RUN<=}{SERIES}
22 Selfless surgeon running to cover emergency at first (8) GENEROUS {SURGEON}* over {Em,,,y}
23 Attacked by Russia, Ukraine finally defended hospital with daring leader (6) RUSHED {RUS}{H}{u...nE}{Da...g}
25 Arrangement with colony... (10) SETTLEMENT [DD]
26 supporting an advanced landmass (4) ASIA {AS}{1}{A}
27 Pressure disperses as South replaces West (6) STRESS STRE(-w+s)SS
28 Heads of church provided some support to cover expenses initially (6) CHIEFS {CH}{I{Ex...s}F}{Su...t}

1   One occupying post is an innovator (7) PIONEER {PI{ONE}ER}
2   Article on that place... (5) THERE {THE}{RE}
3   ...set on fire, line seen without heading (7) LIGHTED {L}{sIGHTED}
5   Auntie decided to hold characters set free (6) UNTIED [T]
6   Device used to transport ill Esther to get CRT treatment (9) STRETCHER {ESTHER+CRT}*
7   Say, sopranos from India visiting Singapore and Spain to earn money (7) SINGERS {S{IN}G}{E}{RS}
8   Studies hiding corrupt and famous (13) DISTINGUISHED*
14 Official to pass bill finally at executive committee to run (9) COLLECTOR {COL}{bilL}{EC}{TO}{R}
17 Warehouse lessor stays idle (7) USELESS [T]
19 Impromptu score (7) SCRATCH [DD]
20 Opponents from many directions surpass Mumbai Indians (7) ENEMIES {E}{N}{E}{MI}{E}{S}
21 Can incomplete hostels be boarding-houses? (6) HOTELS HOSTELs*
24 Order beer after small sip of cognac (5) SCALE {ALE}<=>{S}over {Co...c}

Reference List
Horse = GG, at home = IN, The in French = LE, Advanced = A, South = S, West = W, Church = CH, On = RE, Line = L, India = IN, Singapore = SG, Spain = E, Money = RS, Pass = COL, Executive committee = EC, Run = R, Directions = E,N,S, Small = S

Monday 17 June 2024

No 14203, Monday 17 Jun 2024, Pixie Dust

Artwork by Prasanna
Solution to 18D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Jumped when Superintendent of Police called (6) SPRANG {SP}{RANG}
5   In disguise, Ram went with a boater (8) WATERMAN {RAM+WENT+A}*
9   Neutral peacemaker's stationed around capital of Indonesia (8) UNBIASED {UN}{B{In...a}ASED}
10 Suggestion from religious woman involving a church (6) NUANCE {NU{A}N}{CE}
11 These are marks of significant pause after processing income loss (10) SEMICOLONS*
12 Some crazy or exciting time long past (4) YORE [T]
13 Small fish and fruit (8) SHADDOCK {S}{HADDOCK}
16 In a graceful manner Bill has a try capturing focus of visitor (6) ADAGIO {AD}{A}{G{visItor}O}
17 My ailment discussed in an oppressive atmosphere (6) MIASMA (~my asthma)
19 How Neo could be a Star Wars spin-off? (5,3) ROGUE ONE {NEO}* [RA]
21 In Jerusalem, old man going to and fro (4) ABBA <=>
22 Unable to slip away and marry say, one from the Melon family? (10) CANTALOUPE {CANT}{(~elope)ALOUPE}
25 Kudos! You finally designed puzzle (6) SUDOKU {KUDOS+yoU}*
26 Control large numbers crossing Atlantic basically to reach Edinburgh on 31st December, say (8) HOGMANAY {HOG}{MAN{At...c}Y}
27 One with a strong desire starts to tantalise husband in rather sexy, totally enchanting robe (8) THIRSTER Acrostic
28 Force told to stand by (6) WEIGHT (~wait)

2   Queen Nephthys sampling rounded kind of pasta (5) PENNE [T<=]
3   Criminal ability to waste time and last bit of money for a cover story (5) ALIBI ABILIty*
4   Go out playing, welcoming beginnings of spring! Supremely enjoyable! (7) GUSTOSO {GO+OUT}* over {Sp...g} and {Su...y}
5   The Reverend guided tramp to union! (7) WEDLOCK (~led walk to wedlock)
6   Country's embroiled in a suit (7) TUNISIA*
7   Dreamy ad about lingeries, essentially bought off the shelf (5-4) READY-MADE {DREAMY+AD}*{l..gEr..s}
8   Grant gets one working instrument (9) ACCORDION {ACCORD}{1}{ON}
14 Bihar's unusual urgency to find something keeping locks in place? (9) HAIRBRUSH {BIHAR}*{RUSH}
15 Four divas freaking out? Shame! (9) DISFAVOUR*
18 Description of a cold judge (7) A?C?U?T (Addendum - ACCOUNT {A}{C}{COUNT} - See comments)
19 Cowboy took flight with revolutionary leader at last (7) RANCHER {RAN}{CHE}{l...eR}
20 Girl abandoned goals to work in city (7) GLASGOW {G}{GOALS*}{W}
23 West Asian citizen seen in Romania (5) OMANI [T]
24 Appropriate way to cook (5) POACH [DD]

Reference List
Peacemaker = UN, Church = CH, Small = S, Bill = AD, Time = T, Revolutionary = CHE, Girl = G

Sunday 16 June 2024

Special, Sunday 16 Jun 2024, Veeyares

Three answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  



The Sunday Crossword No 3311, Sunday 16 Jun 2024

1   Charts showing me origins of shipping forecast areas: peril at sea (6,4) RELIEF MAPS {ME+{Sh...g}+{Fo...t}+{Ar..s}+PERIL}*
6   Ceremony, ponderous pronouncement crashes pips regularly (4) POMP {Pi{OM}Ps}
9   Bloody bell sounded by Spooner lookalike (4,6) DEAD RINGER (red dinger to dead ringer)
10 Fish eaten by Martha Kearney (4) HAKE [T]
12 See 20d
16 Marian welcomes Tara’s tip, one that’s out of this world (7) MARTIAN {MAR{Tara}IAN}
17 Bohemian radio’s dead air (4-3) DROP-OUT [DD]
18 Intros to Loose Ends interrupting journalists: they rise in irritation (7) HACKLES {HACK{Lo..e}{Ends}S}
20 Fashionable panellist on the radio, one putting you in stitches? (7) INJURER {IN}{(~juror)JURER}
21 Mysteries arisen: bears with start of Things Fell Apart? (5-7) BRAIN TEASERS {ARISEN+BEARS+Th...s}*
24 Award describing second letter from Soul Music producer (4) OBOE {O{B{sOul}E}
25 Powerful man alongside Nick Robinson at the start and end, dancing about? (10) CHARLESTON {CHARLES}{TO}{Nick or r...oN}
27 Check third character in Just One Thing’s heading off (4) STEM {juSt}{iTEM}
28 Artist had yarn with owl, taking part in Ramblings (4,6) ANDY WARHOL {HAD+YARN+OWL}*

1   For starters, Roger Allam didn’t attend … ____! (4) RADA Acrostic
2   Start with the French on In Our Time (4) LEAD {LE}{AD}
3   One drawn in by last two pieces in The Skewer, getting attention (3) EAR {skewE{A}R}
4   Vehicle’s comics; genial Evans at centre (7) MINIVAN {coMIcs}{geNIal}{eVANs}
5   Before concluding parts of episode, Reardon (Ed) got smart (7) PREENED {PRE}{e...dE}{r...oN}{ED}
7   Crawling about salon with flour (2,3,5) ON ALL FOURS {SALON+FLOUR}*
8   Hosts, quietly bitter ones (10) PRESENTERS {P}{RESENTERS}
11 Mum, child rattle container (5,3) MASON JAR {MA}{SON}{JAR}
13 Herc’s head, aviation firm that’s slim (8) HAIRLINE {Herc}{AIRLINE}
14 A politician greeting Webb finally promises – on the waves – to become grounded? (10) AMPHIBIOUS {A}{MP}{HI}{webB}{IOUS}
15 Caught by Jake Yapp’s second character: rock out and amuse (5,1,4) CRACK A JOKE {C}{JAKE+yApp+ROCK}*
19 Fry rank chicken? (7) STEPHEN {STEP}{HEN}
20, 12 Show what hapless crossword setter admitted (2,5,1,6,1,4) I'M SORRY I HAVENT A CLUE [D&CD]
22 Initially, Everyman’s trusting Claudia Hammond to make impression (4) ETCH Acrostic
23 Brian Aldridge, somewhat obsessive (4) ANAL [T]
26 Womans Hour, yes, covered one who laughs (3) ENA  hyENA

Reference List
Dead = D, Fashionable = IN, The in French = LE, Our time = AD, Quietly = P, Politician = MP, Caught = C, Hour = H, Yes = Y

Saturday 15 June 2024

No 14202, Saturday 15 Jun 2024, Crescent

8   Section of vessel in front of her is buckling with pressure (8) FORESHIP {OF+HER+IS}*{P}
9   Mock Congress about summits (6) APEXES {APE}{SEX<=}
10 Ancient Egyptian rattles pole as it runs around (6) SISTRA {S}{AS+IT+R}*
11 After-dinner drink like Benedictine ultimately leaving fellow very high (8) DIGESTIF {DIG}{b...nE{STIFf}
12 Peaking, scoring century of the season (8) CLIMATIC CLIMAcTIC
14 Country without a law lacking opening to charge with crime (6) INDICT {INDIa}{aCT}
15 Big bribe left, bit dispelling gossip (15) FLIBBERTIGIBBET*
18 Awful crash crushing some props (6) FULCRA [T]
20 Certain parts withdrawn are primarily such? (8) ERASURES {SURE}in {ARE<=}{Such} &lit
22 Fawned after son doodled (8) SCRAWLED {CRAWLED}<=>{S}
24 King and Queen duo consuming only Danish bread (6) KRONER {K}{RN}{ER} over {O} RN = Queen? (Correction - {K}{R}{ONE}{R} - See comments)
25 Hoopla on base has married women crowding field (6) MEADOW {ADO}<=>{E} in {M}{W}
26 Popular soprano following overture to Swan Lake, perhaps sequentially linked (2,6) IN SERIES {IN} with {S} after {Swan}{ERIE}

1   Jolly duck accompanying Jack through lake (6) JOVIAL {J}{O}{VIA}{L}
2   Split second in lab saving lecturer and paid demonstrators (4-1-3) RENT-A-MOB {RENT}{lA{MO}B}
3   Legal watch, those activated to elude capital punishment? (5,3,7) CHEAT THE GALLOWS*
4   Article on vinyl counter daughter took off (4) APED {A}{EP<=}{D}
5   High jinks, such a grand gala, serving Kingfisher in Australia? (8,7) LAUGHING JACKASS {JINKS+SUCH+A+G+GALA}*
6   Let rest breaks start from Labour Day (6) LEASED {La...r}{EASE}{D}
7   Just about ordinary, the same reflected in this? (8) MEDIOCRE {ME{ID<=}{O}{C}RE} (Correction - {MERE} over {C}{O}{ID}<=  Semi&lit - See comments)
13 Prompt curbs placed over sex doll (5) CUTIE {CU{IT<=}E}
16 Institutes are stopping meals (8) LAUNCHES {L{A}UNCHES}
17 Trace of balmy odour is relaxing in ladies' parlours (8) BOUDOIRS {Ba..y}{ODOUR+IS}**
19 King and Queen possibly eating hot vegetables (6) CHARDS {C{H}ARDS}
21 Uniform worn by the French team (6) ELEVEN {E{LE}VEN}
23 Duck crossing river will be wet (4) DRIP {D{R}IP}

Reference List
Pressure = P, Congress = SEX, Pole = S, Like = DIG, Fellow = F, Century = C, Son = S, King = K, Queen = R, Only = O, Base = E, Married = M, Women = W, Soprano = S, Jack = J, Lake = L, Lecturer = L, Vinyl = EP(Extended Play record), Daughter = D, Grand = G, Day = D, Sex = IT, Are = A, Hot = H, The in French = LE, River = R

Friday 14 June 2024

No 14201, Friday 14 Jun 2024, Vidwan

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

8   Queen mother managed one without slightest sound of laughter (8) MAHARANI {MA}{RAN}{1} over {HA}
9   Conservationists - endless avarice and vacuous nitwittedness (6) GREENS {GREEd}{Ni...eS}
10 Against some obscurantists (4) ANTI [T]
11 'Days of Yore' by English poet, describes love as sham (10) PASTEBOARD {PAST}{E}{B{O}ARD}
12 Just showcasing power and energy in public (6) OPENLY {O{P}{E}NLY}
14 Job presented with mobile communication plan (4-4) POST-PAID {POST}{PAID}
15 At home, word sex's stressful! Sounding like irregularity! (13) INTERMITTENCE {IN}{TERM}{IT}{(~tense)TENCE}
17 Blissfully calm facebit rattled after embracing one (8) BEATIFIC {FACE+BIT}* over {1}
19 Plan time and ground (6) AGENDA [AGE}{AND*}
21 Start! Go! Run! Spare us pretended disdain! (4,6) SOUR GRAPES {GO+R+SPARE+US}*
22 Bad German stuff, pious fellow rejected (4) DUFF {D}{stUFF}
23 Lands some of the best at entrepreneurship (6) ESTATE [T]
24 Unmasking old girlfriend's heartless attitude (8) EXPOSURE {EX}{POStURE}

1   It can do with bit of pepper mint (6) CATNIP {IT+CAN}*{Pe...r}
2   Most amazing priest (4) MAGI MAGIc
3   Governance takes a toll on him (8) TAXPAYER [CD]
4   Top Kings embraced IPL basics (5,10) FIRST PRINCIPLES {FIRST}{PRINC{IPL}ES} 
5   Exiting, going, running, escaping, something similar basically (6) EGRESS rEGRESS
6   Reward comperes struggling with English (10) RECOMPENSE {COMPERES}* over {EN}
7   Leader of England almost resigned, failing to motivate (8) ENERGISE {En...d}{RESIGNEd}*
13 Horrible riot in South African region related to swimming! (10) NATATORIAL {NAT{A}{RIOT*}AL} 'A' from?
15 Smartly, I chose EU for cold storage (3,5) ICE HOUSE {I+CHOSE+EU}*
16 Part of church school, one wasted by blighted pest (8) TRANSEPT {TRAiN}{PEST*}
18 Designed car crashed by me (6) FORMED {FOR{ME}D} Ford is a Brand name
20 Cripple redesigned 18D (6) DEFORM*
22 Fighter, not priest, gets earth (4) DUST {DUeliST}

Reference List
English = E, Power = P, Energy = E, Sex = IT, Run = R, German = D, Running = R, English = EN, Priest = ELI

Thursday 13 June 2024

No 14200, Thursday 13 Jun 2024, KrisKross

Solution to 23A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Shoots government boats (6) GRAFTS {G}{RAFTS}
4   Businesslike cold call in mobile describing insurance basically (8) CLINICAL {C}{CALL+IN}* over {In...e}
10 Wise men fix occult device (5,4) MAGIC LAMP {MAGI}{CLAMP}
11 Lives filled with most precious thoughts (5) IDEAS {I{DEAr}S}
12 Soldier with very large umbrella (7) PARASOL {PARA}{SO}{L}
13 Fresh bit of toast, cereal and syrup (7) TREACLE {To..t+CEREAL}*
14 Poet from University in Asian port cityAsian port city (5) AUDEN {A{U}DEN}
15 One gulping soft drink down gets pat on the back (8) ACCOLADE {AC{COLA}{D}E}
18 Friend reaching Ohio on small, tailless horse (8) PALOMINO {PAL}{O}{MINOr}
20 Enthusiasm of zealots - ugly, repulsive (5) GUSTO [T<=]
23 Repeat 1-3 times, finally close (7) I?E?A?E (Addendum - ITERATE {I}{T}{ERA}{T}{c..sE} - See comments)
25 An auditor eventually brings up outstanding debts (7) ARREARS {A}{a...oR}{REARS}
26 Joint supporter for a killer? (5) COBRA {CO}{BRA}
27 Philosopher from Israel happily hugging child (9) ARISTOTLE {ARIS{TOT}LE*}
28 Fan of American firm leading a comfortable life? (2,6) IN CLOVER {INC)(LOVER}
29 Transforms game in the middle, hitting goals (6) AMENDS {gAMe}{ENDS}

1   Good design ample to arrive at a new strategy (4,4) GAME PLAN {G}{AMPLE}*{A}{N}
2   School argued about uniform, as predicted (7) AUGURED {AUG{U}RED*}
3   After cycling fast, one (not surprisingly) eats hungrily (5,4) TUCKS INTO {(-s)TUCK(+s)S}{1}{NOT*}
5   Playing politics, a king grabs power making a superficial improvement (8,2,1,3) LIPSTICK ON A PIG {POLITICS+A+KING}* over {P}
6   Innocent KrisKross punching rascal, knocking head off (5) NAIVE {kNA{I}VE}
7   Under pressure, associate leaves competition to crack buggy code (7) COERCED {COE{RaCE}D*}
8   Whips criminal as he steals sandwiches (6) LASHES [T]
9   Treatment in case of cancer - alleviate endless pain somehow (10,4) PALLIATIVE CARE {ALLEVIATE+PAIn}* (Correction - {Ca..eR+ALLEVIATE+PAIn}* &lit - See comments)
16 Enter complex, extremely irregular math function (9) LOGARITHM {LOG}{Ir...aR+MATH}*
17 Surrender, say, overwhelmed by spinners who are the highest-rated (3,5) TOP SEEDS {TOP{(~cede)SEED}S}
19 A vocal European in charge is bitter (7) ACERBIC {A}{(~serb)CERB}{IC}
21 Plain box with strap (7) SPARTAN {SPAR}{TAN}
22 Heartily relish eating pine fruit (6) LITCHI {reL{ITCH}Ish}
24 Like Missouri's historical monument (5) ALAMO {A LA}{MO}

Reference List
Government = G, Cold = C, Large = L, University = U, Down = D, Time = T, Supporter = BRA, American firm = INC, Good = G, New = N, Uniform = U, Power = P, Associate = A, In charge = IC, Like = A LA

Wednesday 12 June 2024

No 14199, Wednesday 12 July 2024, Incognito

Solution to 30A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

8   Los Angeles maiden takes boy's young animal (4) LAMB {LA}{M}{B}
9   Short animal in post office (5) HIPPO {HIP}{PO}
10 Herb's money plant (4) MINT [DD]
11 Sailor's bit of luck since getting vehicle (6) LASCAR {Luck}{AS}{CAR}
12 Corgi removed from conflagration injured, not to the extent of leading to death (3-5) NON-FATAL coNFLAgrATiON*
13 Bachelor helps musicians (8) BASSISTS {B}{ASSISTS}
15 Casts bowls (6) THROWS [DD]
17 Despatched in advance? Give! (7) PRESENT {PRE SENT}
19 Cost attached to right warhorse (7) CHARGER {CHARGE}{R}
22 Central Asian plaque (6) TARTAR [DD}
24 Tries, for starters, artificial trout lures (8) ATTEMPTS {Ar...l}{Tr..t}{TEMPTS}
26 Respect veteran running at end of parade (8) VENERATE {VETERAN}*{p...dE}
28 Sound arrangement following initial requirement for units of ammunition (6) ROUNDS {SOUND}*<=>{Re...t}
30 Legal document with respect to having custody of setter (4) ?R?T (Addendum - WRIT {WR{I}T} - See comments)
31 The Spanish fish portion is small (5) ELFIN {EL}{FIN}
32 Drinks consumed by salesman (4) ALES [T]

1   Siesta at a city in California (4) NAPA {NAP}{A}
2   A bachelor, Charlie, operates counting machines (8) ABACUSES {A}{BA}{C}{USES}
3   In ship, hear predatory marine creatures (6) SHARKS {S{HARK}S}
4   "Bridge is hot" in European language (7) SPANISH {SPAN}{IS}{H}
5   Best quality pot returned... Not Chinese... (3,5) TOP NOTCH {POT<=}{NOT}{CH}
6   Damage one policeman's bearing (6) IMPAIR {1}{MP}{AIR}
7   South American empire's material goes missing during development of Latin America (4) INCA {latIN+ameriCA}
14 Large vessel from China or Taiwan (5) AORTA [T]
16 Snatch remaining whiskey first (5) WREST {REST}<=>{W}
18 Told, "Ran back and assessed" (8) NARRATED {RAN<=}{RATED}
20 Butter large part of bun and brown fruit (8) RAMBUTAN {RAM}{BUn}{TAN}
21 What one might do on a runway strip? (4,3) TAKE OFF [DD]
23 In Rome, double cross and score (6) TWENTY {XX}
25 Flying hornet's potty? (6) THRONE*
27 Dear Earl has a couple of these body parts (4) EARS Definition by example
29 Seedy establishment stocks colouring substances (4) DYES [T]

Reference List
Maiden = M, Boy = B, In = HIP, Bachelor = B, Right = R, The in Spanish = EL, Bachelor = BA, Charlie = C, Ship = SS, Hot = H, Chinese = CH, Whiskey = W

Tuesday 11 June 2024

No 14198, Tuesday 11 Jun 2024, Incognito

Solution to 3D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

8   Money used in Lancashire (4) CASH [T]
9   Said, "Sorry! A game... Golf... is followed by journalist?" (10) APOLOGISED {A}{POLO}{G}{IS}{ED}
10 Country gun thrown around midday by law-man (6) UGANDA {UG{dAy}N*}{DA}
11 City lass gave erroneously (3,5) LAS VEGAS*
12 Secluded ladies to tour (8) ISOLATED*
14 Parents consuming sodium in country (6) PANAMA {PA}{NA}{MA} 
16 Criticises cooking vessels (4) PANS [DD]
17 Revealed bread mix (5) BARED*
18 Crosswords, in short, from Indian on Rhode Island (1,1,1,1) I N R I {IN}{RI}
19 Guard southern entrance (6) SENTRY {S}{ENTRY}
21 Wrongly chase the fastest animals on land (8) CHEETAHS {CHASE+THE}*
23 Dare to have English statute in American state (8) DELAWARE {D{E}{LAW}ARE}
26 Odd tail-less fish dances (6) RUMBAS {RUM}{BASs}
27 A crore in America move in no time around centre of Dallas (3,7) TEN MILLION {IN+NO+TIME}* over {daLLas}
28 Dirty? Not right! Arrange to make neat! (4) TIDY DIrTY*

1   Mass from last drop of oil left inside dismantled gear-case (5-5) LARGE-SCALE {oiL} and {L} in {GEAR-CASE}*
2   Sprinkling less hing can result in disease (8) SHINGLES*
3   Empty container kept in another container (6) ?A?A?T (Addendum - VACANT  {VA{CAN}T} - See comments)
4   Bird... initially foolish bird (4) FOWL {Fo...h}{OWL}
5   A moped travels around American Tom's residence? (8) MOUSEPAD {A+MOPED}* over {US}
6   Animal, with time, becomes bird (6) PIGEON {PIG}{EON}
7   Type of cheese rejected in platefuls (4) FETA [T<=]
13 In Colorado, rich people have this type of architecture (5) DORIC [T]
15 Spoils part of heath with large and small swamps (10) MARSHLANDS {MARS}{He..h}{L}{AND}{S}
17 Barley ground using electric current at end of July or every 6 or 24 months (8) BIYEARLY {BARLEY}* over {I}{julY}
18 Private note received by resident (8) INTIMATE {IN{TI}MATE}
20 Vehicle going around university area gives shock (6) TRAUMA {TRA{U}M}{A}
22 Decapitating fish and making a mistake (6) ERRING hERRING
24 Retiring gamekeeper carries weapon (4) EPEE [T<=]
25 Ruler from Middle East rejected one road (4) EMIR {M E<=}{1}{R}

Reference List
Golf = G, Journalist = ED, Law-man = DA, Indian = IN, English = E, Right = R, Left = L, Large = L, Small = S, Electric current = I, Note = TI, University = U, Area = A, Middle East = ME, Road = R

Monday 10 June 2024

No 14197, Monday 10 Jun 2024, Incognito

Solution to 1D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

8   That lady has right German address (4) HERR {HER}{R}
9   Returning Engineers follow second in command adopting retired doctor's bidding (5) ORDER {ER<=}<=>{cOm...d} over {DR<=}
10 A police department gets drug (4) ACID {A}{CID}
11 Dresses and travels around (6) SKIRTS [DD]
12 I am sitting before a portrait painter. It's awesome (8) IMPOSING {I'M}{POSING}
13 Sorceresses chasing model get jerky, convulsive movements (8) TWITCHES {WITCHES}<=>{T}
15 See? Copper on street gets pest... (6) LOCUST {LO}{CU}{ST}
17 Oozed predigested compound after drip was removed (7) EGESTED prEdiGESTED
19 Kind of person who can solve this clue without looking at it or at the grid, perhaps when cooking spicy Chinese... (7) PSYCHIC {SPICY+CH}*
22 Slaughtering dog nor bird (6) DRONGO*
24 Wrongly sell gong and fly (4-4) LONG-LEGS*
26 In absence of sweetheart, gaze at a chop being minced for soup (8) GAZPACHO {GAZe}{A+CHOP}*
28 Direction by European king for festival (6) EASTER {EAST}{ER}
30 Setter, accompanied by Albert, gets some food (4) MEAL {ME}{AL}
31 List letters for a short time (5) SPELL [DD]
32 Aluminium, sulphur and oxygen too (4) ALSO {AL}{S}{O}

1   Bill magistrate? (4) ?E?K (Addendum - BEAK [DD] - See comments)
2   Allocates professional taxes (8) PRORATES {PRO}{RATES}
3   Travelling bachelors giving up ale to get soup (6) BORSCH BaCHelORS*
4   Steed trotting, carrying soldier, is most tense (7) EDGIEST {ED{GI}EST*}
5   Having Greek fruits, engages in unarmed combat (8) GRAPPLES {GR}{APPLES}
6   Scrape around unit used by astronomers (6) PARSEC*
7   Animal caught by Bengali onlooker (4) LION [T]
14 Bet what a happy dog does endlessly when with queen (5) WAGER {WAG}{ER}
16 Smart saint gets gin manufactured (5) STING {ST}{GIN*}
18 Other ranks' covered by duty to remove spirits (8) EXORCISE {EX{OR}CISE}
20 Big waste in fossil fuel (8) COLOSSAL {CO{LOSS}AL}
21 In case of deluge, sappers get baffled (7) FLOORED {FLOO{RE}D}
23 North American tree produces highly flammable sticky jelly (6) NAPALM {NA}{PALM}
25 Require the French sewing implement (6) NEEDLE {NEED}{LE}
27 Final word of prayer found in testament (4) AMEN [T]
29 Bearing brewed teas (4) EAST*

Reference List
Right = R, Engineers = Sappers = RE(Royal Engineers), Model = T, See = LO, Street = ST, Chinese = CH, European = E, King = ER, Albert = AL, Soldier = GI, Greek = GR, Queen = ER, Saint = ST, Other ranks = OR, North = N, American = A, The in French = LE