Saturday, 31 August 2024

No 14268, Saturday 31 Aug 2024, Hypatia

Fly from locations within time limits (6) TSETSE {Ti{SETS}mE}
4   Snow crystals begin to float on Superior and Erie (6) FLAKES {Fl..t}{LAKES}
9   Water seeping in Victoria Quay (4) AQUA [T]
10 Create cover art showcasing almost any city (10) TRAVANCORE {COVER+ART}* over {ANy} Travancore was never a city, it was a Kingdom/Region
11 Abruptly turn violent in fight for justice (6) VIRTUE {VI{TURn*}E}
12 Game played in Spooner's club venue (4-4) HAND-BALL (~band hall to hand-ball)
13 Mathematician joining a new university, month after strike (9) RAMANUJAN {A}{N}{U}JAN}<=>{RAM}
15 Initially all cinema theatres showed plays (4) ACTS Acrostic
16 Student getting result in advance (4) LEND {L}{END}
17 Becomes weak from trials (6,3) TRAILS OFF {TRIALS}* [RA]
21 Fixed bridges around river after freezing point's passed (8) OCCURRED {CUR{R}ED}<=>{0C}
22 Eager American lost in European country (6) HUNGRY HUNGaRY 
24 Manager bothering previous supplier on vacation (10) SUPERVISOR {PREVIOUS+Su...eR}*
25 Shoot a smart guy (4) WHIZ [DD]
26 Harry Potter character losing hat and old fur coat (6) ERMINE hERMIoNE
27 Small desk in firm (6) STABLE {S}{TABLE}

1   Strangely quiet lawyer, at first gets a drink (7) TEQUILA {QUITE}*{La...r}{A}
2   Upgrade old key (5) EXALT {EX}{ALT}
3   Restricted dining option upset men unpacking sandwiches (3,4) SET MENU [T]
5   Studied opening of legal auditor's books (6) LEARNT {Le..l}{EAR}{NT}
6   Incentives for bicycle moves in football, say (9) KICKBACKS  [DD]
7   Pulse and sugar could produce this excess with age (7) SURPLUS {SURPLUS+AGE}*=PULSE+SUGAR}
8   MP has heard PM, say in assembly (6,7) MADHYA PRADESH*
14 Starts to unwind near Amadeus playing on and on (2,7) AD NAUSEUM {Un...d+Near+AMADEUS}*
16 Address line etc. modified getting united again (7) LECTURE {L}{ETC}{U}{RE}
18 Take after one's parents in their careers! (7) INHERIT*
19 Overlook copy having one version originally (7) FORGIVE {FORG{1}{Ve...n}E}
20 Chicken caught by black bird (6) CRAVEN {C}{RAVEN}
23 Prince in bar's counter drinking a whiskey (5) NAWAB {BAN}<= over {A}{W}

Reference List
New = N, University = U, Student = L, River = R, American = A, Old = O, Small = S, Key = ALT, Books = NT(New Testament), Line = L, United = U, Again = RE, Caught = C, Whiskey = W

Friday, 30 August 2024

No 14267, Friday 30 Aug 2024, Vidwan

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

8   We drove the nanny mad occasionally (155,3,3,4) EVERY NOW AND THENIncorrect enu
9   ILO and OPEC's output (5,3) CRUDE OIL {ILO}* [RA]
10 Stale like some cold hate (3-3) OLD-HAT [T]
11 Stray behind devil's army, time for enrichment! (11) IMPROVEMENT {ROVE}<=>{IMP} and {MEN}{T}
16 Be patient! This cannot be an instruction to a male stripper! (4,4,5,2) KEEP YOUR SHIRT ON [DD]
18 John's work at emergency room, fill up time! (5,6) WATER CLOSET {W}{AT}{ER}{CLOSE}{T}
21 Coil space - time for mass (6) VOLUTE VOLU(+t-m)TE
23 Despot's gold going to cold traitor (8) AUTOCRAT {AU}{TO}{C}{RAT}
25 Model has cake mixed with harmful medicine, calms down (155,1,5,4) TAKES A CHILL PILL {T}{HAS+CAKE}*{ILL}{PILL} Incorrect Enu's were most frustrating.

1   I've orders, perhaps for repeals (9) OVERRIDES*
2   Stepped back, right inside circle (4) TROD {DO{R}T}<=
3   Completely on to it! Drunk! (2,4) IN TOTO*
4   Alpha wolf is partly missing in action? (4) AWOL [T]
5   One often turns cold and hot for data transfer systems (8) INFOTECH {1}{OFTEN*}{C}{H}
6   Spot investigation! No conclusion! (4) STUD STUDy
7   Untamed, tortuous fear of first love! (5) FERAL {FEAR}*}{Love}
12 Father with fruit (5) PAPAW {PAPA}{W}
13 Wrongdoing, queen runs with gold (5) ERROR {ER}{R}{OR}
14 OohThese words can be smoother! (5) TERMS SMooThER* [CA]
15 Foreign Office flat-out played foul (9) FOOTFAULT {FO}{FLAT+OUT}*
17 At length, they covered Western Australia in transit (2,3,3) ON THE WAY {ON}{THE{WA}Y}
19 Extremely enjoyable time at the French base (6) LITTLE {LIT}{T}{LE}
20 Power of sun? No sun for this cold region! (5) POLAR {P}{sOLAR}
22 Some manurealso used as animal feed (4) UREA [T] Semi&lit
23 Hurt during stomach exercises (4) ACHE [T]
24 Manage company with empty purse (4) COPE {CO}{PursE}

Reference List
Time = T, Work = W, Emergency room = ER, Mass = M, Cold = C, Model = T, Right = R, Hot = H, With = W, Queen = ER, Runs = R, The in French = LE, Power = P, Sun = S

Thursday, 29 August 2024

No 14266, Thursday 29 Aug 2024, Pixie Dust

Solution to 6D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Comes back bare-chested? Right! (4,2) SPOT ON <=
5   Tempers curried sausages (8) ASSUAGES*
9   How ideas can be made available? (3-5) SET-ASIDE {IDEAS}* [RA] Semi&lit
10 The man composed 'Jana Gana Man' for one (6) ANTHEM*
11 High-spirited, nosy dates ignored for two models (10) METTLESOME ME(-dd+tt)TTLESOME
12 Bond's reluctant to start late (4) OATH lOATH
13 I returned device to Electrical Engineer's assistant (8) EMPLOYEE {ME<=}{PLOY}{EE}
16 Penny's almost lethargic and a bit silly in shopping centres (6) PLAZAS {P}{LAZy}{A}{Si..y}
17 Small party with island lobsters (6) SCAMPI {S}{CAMP}{I}
19 Leaving two states, performing without a choreographer basically (8) VACATING {VA}{CA}{acTING}
21 Get master to drop student (4) EARN lEARN
22 Judge and criminal met in suite almost on the dot (4,2,4) JUST IN TIME {J}{MET+IN+SUITe}*
25 Respect husband working in court but not taking sides (6) HONOUR {H}{ON}{cOURt}
26 Vents about that man's joints on radio (8) CHIMNEYS {C}{HIM}{(~knees}NEYS}
27 One present, a bit tardy, two hours before midnight, nearly yawning! (8) ATTENDEE {A}{Ta..y}{TEN}{DEEp}
28 Found time to miss (6) FORGET {FORGE}{T}

2   Bit of rest for the listener (5) PIECE (~peace)
3   Drink after first signs of tiredness, oversensitiveness and snowballing tension (5) TOAST Acrostic
4   Simplicity from extraordinary navy tie (7) NAIVETY*
5   Wonderful afternoon, when everything's so overwhelmingly, magically ethereal at first (7) AWESOME Acrostic 
6   Look good! Meticulous with a sharp tie, you top the finalists! (5,2) S?A?E ?P (Addendum - SHAPE UP Tail Acrostic + See comments)
7   So a truant can be one who needs space to work? (9) ASTRONAUT*
8   Listen! Frost's drill results in peer pressure? (3,6) EYE STRAIN {(~ice)EYES}{TRAIN}
14 Somehow a dumb outback's not bad, maybe to fool around (4,5) MUCK ABOUT {a+dUMb+OUTBACK}*
15 Lose melon, bananas and fish (5,4) LEMON SOLE*
18 Bruised now, Jack's unusually rude (7) INJURED {IN}{J}{RUDE*}
19 Henry abandons car cracked by second bump (7) VESICLE {VEhICLE} over {S}
20 Cowardly about one fight (7) CAITIFF {CA}{1}{TIFF}
23 Smarter one tries to display elevated orientation (5) TENOR [T<=]
24 Reverend's lament? Your's truly, perhaps (5) MAYBE (~bay me to maybe)

Reference List
Date = D, Model = T, Electrical = E, Engineer = E, Penny = P, Small = S, Island = I, Student = L, Judge = J, Husband = H, About = C, Time = T, Now = IN, Jack = J, Henry = H, Second = S, About = CA

Wednesday, 28 August 2024

No 14265, Wednesday 28 Aug 2024, Saral

Solution to 21D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

7   Refuse to assume position? That's stupidity (7) DENSITY {DEN{SIT}Y}
8   Staff bringing back grain for animal (6) RABBIT {BAR<=}{BIT}
9   Abandon wasteland (6) DESERT [DD]
10 Record by one medic about plague, say (8) EPIDEMIC {EP}{1}{MEDIC*}
11 Loyalty, for example in partnership (10) ALLEGIANCE {ALL{EG}IANCE}
13 Carry short tribal emblem (4) TOTE TOTEm
14 From the beginning jokingly express sarcastic thoughts (4) JEST Acrostic Semi&lit
16 Times carrying insignificant post on social media (5) TWEET {T}{WEE}{T}
18 Browse online - mostly accurate and fine (4) SURF {SURe}{F}
19 Opening of competition without introduction (4) VENT eVENT
21 Shout following others against a union eatery (10) RESTAURANT {RANT}<=>{REST}{A}{U}
23 Engineer searches estates (8) BEQUESTS {BE}{QUESTS}
25 Guards covering royal courses (6) TRENDS {T{R}ENDS}
26 Zambians initially playing their instrument (6) ZITHER {Za...s}{THEIR*}
27 Government official in predicament over operations primarily (7) CORONER {COR{Op...s}NER}

1   It's shocking. Corrupt enticed, trapped nationalist (8) INDECENT {I{N}DECENT*}
2   Firm headed by Indian director is coming up in region (8) DISTRICT {STRICT}<=>{{I}{D}<=
3   Often they opted for publicity (4) HYPE {tHeY+oPtEd}
4   Aspire crazily for compliment (6) PRAISE*
5   Missing dancing beats, tunes essentially (6) ABSENT {BEATS+tuNes}*
6   Disturbing letters from assassin is terrifying (8) SINISTER [T]
7   Settle daughter properly (5) DWELL {D}{WELL}
12 State presses demands (5) NEEDS (~kneads)
15 Critical examination of six geese is arranged (8) EXEGESIS*
17 Miscreants' property and gold seized at first (8) TRAITORS {TRAIT}{OR}{Se...d}
18 Doctors and force aboard ship (8) SURGEONS {S{URGE ON}S}
20 Tap with epee's tip to acknowledge hit in fencing (6) TOUCHE {TOUCH}{Epee} &lit
21 Saint taking time for turning prayer beads (6) R?S?R? (Addendum - ROSARY RO(-t+s)SARY - See comments)
22 Notice institute checking near the bottom (5) NADIR {N{AD}{I}R}
24 Take out a piece of nut from refreshment bag (4) SACK SnACK

Reference List
Record = EP(Extended Play), Time = T, Fine = F, Union = U, Engineer = BE, Royal = R, Nationalist = N, Indian = I, Director = D, Daughter = D, Ship =SS, Notice = AD, Institute = I, Saint = S, Near = NR

Tuesday, 27 August 2024

No 14264, Tuesday 27 Aug 2024, Karaoke

Solution to 17D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Honeytrap portals camouflaging friendship (7) RAPPORT [T]
5   Crazy fruits (7) BANANAS [DD]
9   Old-fashioned seed is broken (5) DATED [DD?] (Addendum - {DATE}{D} - See comments)
10 Split amount by word of mouth? Good for you! (9) WHOLESOME (~hole sum)
11 Wish to delve into book of maps over time after enormous delay (2,4,4) AT LONG LAST {AT{LONG}LAS}{T}
12 Dish cooked with masala, lentil tips (4) DHAL Tail acrostic
14 Organized crime cannot be associated with magical powers (11) NECROMANTIC*
18 He acts for the country using guns, et cetera killing ultras primarily (6,5) SECRET AGENT {GuNS+ET+CETERA}* Semi&lit
21 Young woman's heart for advocate (4) AIDE mAIDEn
22 How about angry Andersen boycotting senate today? (4,3,3) HERE AND NOW {H{ANDERsEN}*OW}
25 He initiated improvised regimen (9) DIETITIAN* Semi&lit
26 Display hint, once for all (5) EXUDE Anno pending (Addendum - (+ex-all)EXUDE - See comments)
27 Following soldiers at the back of detachment near base (7) RETINUE {RE}{UNIT<=}{E}
28 Popular feature goes without a check (7) INSPECT {IN}{aSPECT}

1   Cycling aversion, part of cardinal's habit (3,3) RED HAT (-hat)RED(+hat)HAT
2   Original Peter Pan comes up in brightly-coloured parts of flower (6) PETALS {Pe..r}{SLATE<=}
3   Authoritative rules by Republican in a second modification (10) ORDINANCES {R+IN+A+SECOND}*
4   Too well to trim edges for wiper (5) TOWEL {TOo}{WELl}
5   Reserves shot down in retail outlet (4,5) BOOK STORE {BOOKS}{TORE} Book store can be a wholesale outlet also!
6   Call for press, I say (4) NEED (~knead)
7   They open school for one who is learning (8) NEOPHYTE*
8   Private eye recovers her locker contents to some extent (8) SHERLOCK [T]
13 They mix and serve beers and porter heartily (10) BARTENDERS {BEERS+AND+poRTer}* Semi&lit
15 Fierce battle around Red Sea in truce period (9) CEASEFIRE {FIERCE}* over {SEA}*
16 Maybe Cayman says aye to go on lunar spacecraft (8) ISLANDER {(~aye}I}S{LANDER} S from? (Addendum (~ i lander)  - See comments)
17 Thorough check of papers put up in a court (4,4) ?C?D ?E?T (Addendum - ACID TEST {A}{C{ID}{SET<=}T} - See comments) 
19 Tipsy nurse swallows drugs heartily in two minds (6) UNSURE {NURSE}* over {drUgs}
20 Most refined model brought down in comments on X (6) TWEEST TWEE(-t)S(+t)T
23 Funny bunnies skinned in depression (5) ENNUI*
24 Essentially, customer is right (4) LIEN cLIENt

Reference List
Date = D, Time = T, Senate = S, Soldiers = RE, Base = E, Popular = IN, Republican = R, Papers = ID, Court = CT, Model = T

Monday, 26 August 2024

No 14263, Monday 26 Aug 2024, Gussalufz


Artwork by Prasanna


Rangoli by Gowri

Solution to 30A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

Kya? Phir Vahi?

1   Setter's scheme of notes duplicated around (4-4) AGAR-AGAR {RAGA<=}{RAGA<=}
5   Party beat (6) THRASH [DD]
9   Unbending at the core during cycling cuts control (7) HARNESS Anno pending (Addendum - {(-s)HARES(+s)S} over {u..eNd..g} - See comments)
10 Skip toilet comprising a pit in disrepair (7) CAPTAIN {CA{A+PIT}*N}
11 A leafy vegetable, fish, and a bit of daru (5) CHARD {CHAR}{Daru}
12 Q's successor, MI6 field agent, and M, in the middle of reviewing secure artillery stores (8) GUNROOMS {qR}{00}{M} in {SNUG<=}
13 Substitute gatekeeper sat zealously guarding (6) ERSATZ [T]
14 Getting agitated, as centre brings back old laws (2-6) RE-ENACTS*
18 Gather together in pure lust, horsing around (6,2) RUSTLE UP*
20 Am attached to a kind of sex that is sinful (6) AMORAL {AM}{ORAL}
23 Today is Monday, day to go back to pleasing your boss? (8) TOADYISM {TO(-d)A(+d)DY}{IS}{M}
25 Stop, that hurts! Leave! (5) ENDOW {END}{OW}
27 Press out of control—essentially impudent, chasing old lover (7) EXTRUDE {conTrol}{RUDE}<=>{EX}
28 Request a slice of toast after short meal course (7) ENTREAT {A}{To..t}<=>ENTREe}
29 What a search engine did with the web, blowing a kiss, undoubtedly (6) INDEED INDExED
30 Regressively old-fashioned, according to correspondent (8) ?E?O?T?R (Addendum - REPORTER {RETRO}{PER) <= - See comments)

1   Consequence of cruel punishment at cage-free chicken farm (1,5,3) A THICK EAR {AT}{cHICKEn}{fARm}
2   Doctor wary after A.I. ultimately reconfigures respiratory tracts (7) AIRWAYS {WARY}*<=>{AI} and {r...eS}
3   Extremely erotic spot in/around the bottom, according to hearsay (9) ANECDOTAL {AN{Er..iC}{DOT}AL}
4   Character building is talked about, but only a little (2,4) AT SIGN [T<=]
6   Cool river for beast (5) HIPPO {HIP}{PO}
7   Weak ministry with nincompoop at the top, controlled by spies from the south (7) ANAEMIC {CI{MEA}{Ni...p}A}<=
8   Back North Indian language for 80% (4) HIND HINDi
10 College entrance test after consuming (only a third) rice porridge (6) CONJEE {C}{JEE} over {ONly} 'a third' or 'Half'? (Correction - {JEE}<=>{CONs...g} - See comments}
15 Um... bro went off for a call (6,3) NUMBER TWO*
16 Is a lit waiter dumping everyone in the sea? (4,5) SALT WATER  {iS+A+LiT+WAiTER}*
17 In vain, some label it "UFO" when seen heading skywards (6) FUTILE [T<=] 
19 Remarkably inspired rodents at work (7) SNORTED*
21 Studied encounter in song with lamb, possibly (3,4) RED MEAT (~read meet)
22 Victim: pedestrian, somewhat slow (6) IMPEDE [T]
24 Does uncle regularly sport tie? (5) DEUCE {DoEs+UnClE}
26 By now, Gussalufz is a legend (4) YETI {YET}{I}

Reference List
Toilet = CAN, Day = D, Kiss = X, At sign = @, Cool = HIP, College entrance test = JEE

Sunday, 25 August 2024

Special, Sunday 25 Aug 2024, Veeyares

Three answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  



By Veeyares
Squares filled: 0/158
Exolve Print Notes Jotter Ⓒ Veeyares THCC

1Displays broken slate cracked initially (6)
4One resigning from Unions is perhaps at peace finally, no big deal (8)
10Wheat English possessed is consumed (5)
11Strobe flashing over vehicle leads to alert (9)
12Lessons from almost every article about science at the start (9)
13Some of these eggs turn into birds (5)
14Damaged organ produces gas (5)
16To run away in case of emergency is fairness? (6)
20Position of sculptures after losing base (6)
21The French going to get shirt twice in indecision (5)
24More worried about wife getting garden equipment (5)
25Basic concern is nothing inside is secure somehow (4,5)
27Daughter and aunt from the beginning more involved in TV series (9)
28Hum hugging wife and sway (5)
29Midget’s attempt to attain priesthood (8)
30Net result of lacking basically tools and implements; the mines dilapidated (6)

1Natural perhaps after artist leaves, woman takes lead in final (8)
2Lassitude from lazing disheartened over earth (ground) at the end of day (8)
3School staff essentially making way for new member of school (5)
5Starts to organize all states in Sahara for sanctuary (5)
6Angry about doctor, daughter flushed (9)
7Bowler in ship without shirt (6)
8Essentially best side, it is said, to get honour (6)
9Last to come playing toy guns with ecstasy (8)
15Tours organised with unbounded riots on? Scandalous! (9)
17Challenging state on new team’s right to be included (8)
18Play this one and you ultimately top (8)
19Might store things, organising after removing folios regularly (8)
22Do this at lamb meat preparation to preserve (6)
23No new information about study in this country (6)
25Motivate husband going into church with hesitation (5)
26Scenes bizarrely featuring upset playwright (5)


The Sunday Crossword No 3321, Sunday 25 Aug 2024

1   Departed at the last minute (4) LATE [DD]
3   Clairvoyancy of the Dark Ages? (10) PRESCIENCE [CD]
9   Successfully wear dress that’s not loud (4) ROCK fROCK
10 Infernal class of exercises taking time? Son, they could be positive (5,5) BLOOD TYPES {BLOOD{T}Y}{PE}{S}
11 Puts in a call to Dover? Or Rugby? (7,5) CONTACT SPORT {CONTACTS}{PORT}
15 Ditches storages cap; escalates, in part (7) ESCAPES [T]
16 Pacify with a k-kind of pudding (7) APPEASE {A}{P-PEASE}
17 Encourages rising, sets off to go around North (7) LEAVENS }LEAVE{N}S}
19 In Oxford at the outset, intensively study flipping electrical engineer (7) MARCONI {IN}{Ox...d}{CRAM}<=
20 Hotels rather fancy – here? (6,6)  HEALTH RESORT* Semi&lit
23 Everyman’s … average. ‘Rank’? That’s too much (10) IMMODERATE {I'M}{MODERATE}
24 When nothing changes if you turn back time? (4) NOON <=>
25 Sum like ‘125 x 8’? (5,5) GRAND TOTAL {125x8=2000} [C&DD]
26 Man, perhaps, in audition the writer’s going to (4) ISLE (~I'll)

1   Clear Hello!’ misread in French city (2,8) LA ROCHELLE*
2   Government economist in battered trenchcoat (10) TECHNOCRAT*
4   Tells one that might be Des: About 1? (7) RELATES {RE{LATE}S}
5   Weapons deployed, obtaining vegetable (4,3) SNOW PEA*
6   Distribute dodgy enterprises (11) INTERSPERSE*
7   Rear of capuchin monkey? Scruff of the neck (4) NAPE {c...iN}{APE}
8   Otherwise, university in London’s backing English (4) ELSE {LSE}<=>{E}
12 Got arrested (11) APPREHENDED [DD]
13 Stinking drunk, old and amorous (10) MALODOROUS {OLD+AMOROUS}*
14 Struggle in unpicking ancestries (10) RESISTANCE*
18 Some wholesaler, nouveau-riche, somewhere on the Med (7) SALERNO [T]
19 Revered Hindu’s headgear pinched by parent (7) MAHATMA {MA{HAT}MA}
21 Go round with would-be fiancé’s offering (4) RING [DD]
22 Crossword setter’s written up mother’s novel (4) EMMA {ME<=}{MA}

Reference List
Loud = F, Time = T, Son = S, North = N, English = E

Saturday, 24 August 2024

No 14262, Saturday 24 Aug 2024, Avtaar

1  Discharged revolver confiscated by port is mine (6) QUARRY {QUA{Re...eR}Y}
4   Pretty female cut square designs on plates (8) ETCHINGS {fETCHING}{S}
9   Will US employers conceal rough handling? (3-3) ILL-USE [T]
10 Lies sure to get punished by a judge (8) PERJURES {SURE}*<=>{PER}{J}
11 Camera in printer missing a plastic accessory (7,2,5) PARTNER IN CRIME {CAMERa+IN+PRINTER}*
13 Office buddies played cello with a visitor, taking time off (10) COLLEAGUES {CELLO*}{A}{GUESt}
14 Retired lawyer accepts case of Guyanese senior (4) AGED {DA<=} over {Gu...sE}
16 Goat doing somersault in our hatchery (4) TAHR [T<=]
18 Newspaperman on the trail of woody grass zone near lake gets confused (10) BAMBOOZLED {ED}<=>{BAMBOO}{Z}{L}
21 Wily coalition stunt is legitimate (14) CONSTITUTIONAL*
23 Individual briefly spied accepting tips from convicted robber in films (2-6) ON-SCREEN {ONe}{S{Co...d}{Ro...r}EEN}
24 Retro paintings featuring old Indian king's band of three horses (6) TROIKA {ART<=} over {O}{I}{K}
25 Extremely tasty, round idlis, fermented for fullness (8) SOLIDITY {t..tY+O+IDLIS}*
26 South African junta's leader taking over fight for autonomy (6) SWARAJ {S{WAR}A}{Ju...s}

1   Pound substance that is chewed (4) QUID [DD] [MD]
2   Long live Club Al-Hilal! (3,4) ALL HAIL*
3   Badges with ribbons in rolled gold placed back-to-back (8) ROSETTES {OR<=}{SET}{SET<=}
5   "Just deserts" - article about uprising in two parts (3,5,3) THE BITER BIT {THE}{BIT}{RE<=}{BIT}
6   Sailor on the trail of his missing son in Shanghai (6) HIJACK {JACK}<=>{HIs}
7   Function elevated by Carol's personal care (7) NURSING {RUN<=}{SING}
8   Charge in court by director to control waste is stayed (9) SUSPENDED {SU{SPEND}E}{D}
12 Shoot criminal the morning after his out-of-turn request is primarily rejected (11) ENGRAFTMENT {ThE+MorNiNG+AFTER}* 
13 100 Croats illegally entering America took the direct route to the other side (3,6) CUT ACROSS {C}{U{CROATS*}S}
15 Family backs saving money with bank for the future (8) TOMORROW {RO{M}OT<=}{{ROW}
17 First Monday gift - Scotch and select drinks (7) HANDSEL [T]
19 More porous and sandy earth in abandoned lake beside river probed by Avtaar (7) LOAMIER {LOAM}{I}}{lakE}{R} Not sure of Anno (Addendum - LEAKIER {L{E}AKE}*{R} over {I} - See comments) 
20 Gathered mounting trash in empty stable with bottom of board (6) STORED {Sta{ROT<=}blE}{b..rD}
22 Divine visit experienced by Jamal, primarily (4) HADJ {HAD}{Ja..l}

Reference List
Female = F, Square = S, Judge = J, Time = T, Zone = Z, Lake = L, Indian = I, King = K, Gold = OR, About = RE, Son = S, Director = D, 100 = C, Money = M, Earth = E, River = R

Friday, 23 August 2024

No 14261, Friday 23 Aug 2024, Dr. X

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Magnanimous character embraces rebellious fool to resolve differences (4,3,4,2) KISS AND MAKE UP {KI{ASS<=}ND}{MAKEUP}
8   Starts to make extremely tasty rolls outside subway (5) METRO Acrostic
9   Silly bimbo acts pompous (9) BOMBASTIC*
11 What chef might do to cause trouble deliberately (4,3,3) STIR THE POT [DD]
12 Indisposed after starting to puke, getting tablet (4) PILL {ILL}<=>{Puke}
14 Scientist set up academy to work on germs essentially (7) PASTEUR {SET+UP+A}*{geRms}
16 Intoxicated Tories start to roar and celebrate (7) ROISTER {TORIES*}{Roar}
17 Old man starting to buy playthings to entertain boisterous girls (7) TOMBOYS {O}{M}{Buy} in {TOYS}
19 Outrageous in macho hairstyle (7) MOHICAN*
21 Failure in exam is stressful (4) MISS [T]
22 Popular girl in cheerful group (10) CONTINGENT {CONT{IN}{G}ENT}
25 Craftily lies a bit about one's skills (9) ABILITIES {LIES+A+BIT}* over {1}
26 Reviewed agreement to have director put on board (5) LADED {DE{D}AL<=}
27 Excited, feels gal will accept ring hopefully (2,3,4,4) IF ALL GOES WELL {FEELS+GAL+WILL}* over {O}

2   Perceives irritating tinnitus - needs ENT essentially (7) INTUITS TINnITUS*
3   Harry Potter's primarily hoping to prevent further damage (4,3,3) STOP THE ROT {POTTERS+Ho,,,g  +TO}*
4   Fine, new flat-bottomed boat leaving Cuba (5) NOBLE {N}{cOBLE}
5   Maiden primarily meets doctor in Indian city with money for medical test (9) MAMMOGRAM {M}{A{Me..s}{MO}GRA}{M}
6   Sleep after end of trek to crest of hill (4) KNAP {NAP}<=>{treK}
7   Disentangle from area, leaving SWAT unit flummoxed (7) UNTWIST {SWaT+UNIT}*
8   Some discovered bowl with a revolutionary design in historical region (11) MESOPOTAMIA {SOME*}{POT}{A}{AIM<=}
10 Children at old complex like the swimming pools (11) CHLORINATED*
13 Intoxicated lad now tottering all over the place (4,3,3) HIGH AND LOW HIGH +{LAD+NOW}* 
15 Refreshing vacation with old gang (9) RESTORING {REST}{O}{RING}
18 Upset about a street dog (7) MASTIFF {M{A}{ST}IFF}
20 Catholic leader's analysis of a system of beliefs (7) CREEDAL {C}{LEADER}*
23 Bit tense, worried about son (5) TASTE {T}{A{S}TE}
24 Revolting boy stealing one's phone (4) DIAL {LA{1}D<+}

Reference List
Old = O, Man = M, Popular = IN< Girl = G, Director = D, New = N, Cuba = C, Maiden = M, Money = M, Area = A, Street = ST, Catholic = C, Tense = T, Son = S

Thursday, 22 August 2024

No 14260, Thursday 22 Aug 2024, Dr. X

Solution to 27A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Most immature hanky-panky finally gets tongues wagging (8) YOUNGEST {h...kY+TONGUES}*
5   Embraced by chief for terrific work (6) EFFORT [T]
10 Complicated idea by unionist is so long (5) ADIEU {IDEA*}{U}
11 Corrected errors by fellows before meeting held by editor (9) EMENDATED {E{MEN}{DATE}D} 
12 Frantic with irritation after LSD at rave (4-5) LAST-DITCH {ITCH}<=>{LSD+AT}*
13 Developer illegally concealing hazard (5) PERIL [T]
14 Mother turned miserable after eating a little rancid curry (6) MADRAS {MA}{S{Ra...d}AD<=}
15 Small tapering objects around hundred candlesticks (7) SCONCES {S}{CON{C}ES}
18 Recalled fling on island, captivated by woman in red (7) BOLSHIE {LOB<=}{SH{I}E}
20 Familiar with a book about origin of humans (2,4) AT HOME {A}{T{Hu...s}OME}
22 Recognise fish finally in aquarium (5) THANK {T{fisH}ANK}
24 Hearts captured by poor emigrant's ordeal (9) NIGHTMARE {NIG{H}TMARE*}
25 Misbehaves in vehicle, upsetting senior (7,2) CARRIES ON {CAR}{SENIOR}*
26 Endure a little scare during flight (5) EXIST {EXI{Sc..e}T}
27 Invests in US Energy foolishly after tip (6) E?D?E? (Addendum - ENDUES {US+E}*<=>{END}
28 Enthralled by potions, she recollected ancient curses (8) BESHREWS {B{SHE*}REWS}

1   Annual Day finally on first (6) YEARLY {daY}{EARLY}
2   Partners crack system entirely to remove software from computer (9) UNINSTALL {UNI{NS}T}{ALL}
3   Bad knee, friend? Ought to have surgery (2,5,3,5) GO UNDER THE KNIFE*
4   Ruthless criminal runs away - getting bloodhounds (7) SLEUTHS rUTHLESS*
6   Extremely annoyed as a result of overeating? (3,2,2,3,5) FED UP TO THE TEETH [DD]
7   Remote network device, unopened (5) OUTER rOUTER
8   Agenda given by director in agency. it's elaborate (2-2,4) TO-DO LIST {TO{D}OL}{ITS*}
9   Engages in drug abuse finally, crushed by failure (6) MESHES {MES{H}{a..sE}S}
16 Bell tower in base beside a river in Africa (9) CAMPANILE {CAMP}{A}{NILE}
17 Rum, best with cola in bar (8) OBSTACLE {BEST+COLA}*
19 Adoption of female dress by a male in some dances (6) EONISM*
20 Half of army lost defending northern region of France (7) ARGONNE {ARmy}{GO{N}NE}
21 The sad, horrific fatalities (6) DEATHS*
23 Biting cold in desert (5) ACRID {A{C}RID}

Reference List
Unionist = U, Editor = ED, Small = S, Hundred = C, Island = I, Hearts = H, Energy = E, Partners = NS(North South in Bridge), Runs = R, Director = D, Drug = H, Northern = N, Cold = C

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

No 14259, Wednesday 21 Aug 2024, Dr. X

Solution to 26A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Game of football across Europe (8) LACROSSE [T]
5   Team rejected, caught breaking rules (6) EDICTS {EDI{CT}S<=}
10 Bond chasing woman in picture, making love (7) SWEETIE {TIE}<=>{S{W}EE}
11 Famous writer spins a yarn, gets national award finally (3,4) AYN RAND {A+YARN*} over {N} then {a..rD}
12 Villain with parachute dropping down (5) ROGUE dROGUE
13 Mysterious death in book keeps one occupied (9) INHABITED {DEATH+IN+B}* over {1}
14 & 20 How one might play blind man's buff easily (4,4,4,6) WITH ONES EYES CLOSED [DD]
18 Reckless venture involving immorality on YMCA ground (5-3-4) DEVIL-MAY-CARE {D{EVIL}ARE} over {YMCA}*
21 Alarming signs with poor prospect of recovery (9) PROGNOSIS {SIGNS+POOR}*
23 Turn to fight about catching husband with lady (5) WHORL {RO{H}W<=}{L}
24 Annoying start to sojourn with money stolen by brute (7) SPITING {So...n}{PI{TIN}G}
25 Links up fuse in building, checks current (7) UNIFIES {FUSE+IN}* over {I}
26 Well-informed son enjoyed conducting classes at centre (6) S?S?E? (Addendum - SUSSED {S}{US{claSses}ED} - See comments)
27 Sought escort to entertain roguish director (8) SEARCHED {SE{ARCH}E}{D}

1   Craving extremely rare honour (6) LUSTRE {LUST}{RarE}
2   Conservative member conducts a little religious ceremony finally in the church (6) CLERGY {C}{LE{Re...s}G}{c...nY}
3   Knowing trouble follows, recklessly not taking oral contraceptives (2,3,4) ON THE PILL {HEP}{ILL<=>{NOT}*
4   Sad dame wishes to overcome depression after special therapy providing relaxation (7,7) SWEDISH MASSAGE {DAME+WISHES}* over {SAG}<=>{S}
6   Joint, ecstasy and booze - primarily for star (5) DENEB {DEN}{E}{Bo..e}
7   Yachtsmen worked, belting out many rhythmical songs (8) CHANTEYS YACHTSmEN*
8   Item served with main course in shed is dahi, extremely fresh (4,4) SIDE DISH* {SHED+IS+DahI}*
9   Travelling to beach? Must pick up stylish good swimsuit (7,7) BATHING COSTIME {TO+BEACH+MUST}* over {IN}{G}
15 Cold and sore in restraints, turning more emaciated (9) SCRAWNIER {C}{RAW} in {REINS<=}
16 Doctor is said to conduct revolutionary operation for obesity (8) ADIPOSIS {IS+SAID}* over {OP<=}
17 Electronic systems on aircraft in Nicosia repaired - maintaining velocity (8) AVIONICS {A{V}IONICS*}
19 Luxurious houses, Long Island's perfect (6) POLISH {PO{LI}SH}
20 See 14 Across
22 Sound in casino is ear-splitting (5) NOISE [T]

Reference List
Caught = CT, Woman = W, National = N, Down = D, Book = B, Husband = H, Lady = L, Money = TIN, Current = I, Son = S, Director = D, Conservative = C, Knowing = HEP, Special = S, Ecstacy = E, Many = M<, Stylish = IN, Good = G, Cold = C, Velocity = V