Wednesday 31 July 2024

No 14241, Wednesday 31 Jul 2024, Saral

Solution to 6D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

8   Perfect opinion by liberal (5) IDEAL {IDEA}{L}
9   Choose right poem for conductor (9) ELECTRODE {ELECT}{R}{ODE}
10 Outstanding number chart (7) NOTABLE {NO}{TABLE}
11 After the beginning, universe is in gradual process of assimilation (7) OSMOSIS {cOSMOS}{IS}
12 Cabinet maker, former US President accommodating writer (9) CARPENTER {CAR{PEN}TER}
14 Backing everyone working in plain (5) LLANO {ALL<=}{ON} How does ON get reversed?Seems to be an error in the clue
15 Details of tours on vacation led by deputy in charge (7) DEPICTS {TourS}<=>{DEP}{IC}
18 Grants from nurse by Sunday (7) EXTENDS {EX}{TEND}{S}
19 Satellite's antenna on the radio (5) ARIEL (~aerial)
20 Hotel receptionist at first led host moving to entrance (9) THRESHOLD {H+Re...t+LED+HOST}*
24 Surprisingly precise instructions (7) RECIPES*
25 Bird, large one about to be put in cage (7) PELICAN {PE{L]{1}{CA}N}
27 Bombing MiGs? EU did wrong? (9) MISGUIDED*
28 Blade provided to cut short joint (5) KNIFE {KN{IF}Ee}

1   Most prefer city in France for outing (6) PICNIC {PICk}{NICe}
2   Crushing cane, beet, sugar finally for sweet stuff (6) NECTAR {CANE+beeT+s..aR}*
3   Piece from bomb blast? Not quite! (4) SLAB BLASt*
4   Supply from core user possibly (8) RESOURCE*
5   Urges student in the end to fill copies (10) STIMULATES {S{s...nT}IMULATES}
6   Director on board, unknown, was corrupt, dividing money (8) ?O?S?A?N (Addendum COXSWAIN {CO{X}{WAS*}IN} - See comments)
7   Meetings on board suppressing angry noises (8) SESSIONS {S{NOISES*}S} Will 'on board' lead to ship (SS)?
9   Not odd time for game (5) EVENT {EVEN}{T}
13 Oil producer, manufacturing usual type, adding chemical initially (10) EUCALYPTUS {USUAL+TYPE}* over {Ch...l}
15 Dark shades primarily bordering UP city pictures (8) DIAGRAMS {DI{AGRA}M}{Sh..s}
16 As per Spooner, crime by paparazzi to Diana,say (8) PRINCESS (sin press to princess)
17 Reject ideas? (3-5) SET-ASIDE [IDEAS}* [RA]
21 Quick! Wrap idlis in part (5) RAPID [T]
22 Goblin concealed flower (6) ORCHID {ORC}{HID}
23 Obstinate person of party with new chief (6) DONKEY {DO}{N}{KEY}
26 Water body covered in snowflakes (4) LAKE [T]

Reference List
Liberal = L, Right = R, Deputy = DEP, In charge = IC, Sunday = S, Hotel = H, Large = L, About = CA, Unknown = X, On Board = SS, Time = T, Party = DO, New = N


  1. 14a- I took backing for both All & On.
    It may be argued that in which case it becomes 'Nolla'.

  2. 19A- Is it okay to get the synonym and then get its homonym?

  3. Happy to do Saral easily. Thank you.
    6D was the last to fall with some help.

  4. 11.15 -pm here and it was worth the wait!

  5. Thanks again to MB for the grid and clues.

  6. 16D- Paparazzi is a type of press. I would have preferred 'say'.

  7. Back8ng as reversal indicator for both All & On doesn't work ?

  8. 7D have seen this usage . So used it. Looks like it is not correct πŸ˜•

  9. Nice CW given by LV aka Saral. Like new IT form “saral” easy to fill. I also had the same doubt as Paddy mentioned for 19A.

  10. 6Dn COXSWAIN - {CO{X}{WAS*}IN}

  11. Simple (Saral) clues..a la Sankalak.

    1. Thanks 😊 . I met Sakalak's grand nephew at IITM NICE24 Zonal finals. He is studying there.

  12. Nice grid LV.
    Surprisingly 14ac was the first to fall.
    I'd a small doubt.
    Is Dark DIM?

    Thanx LV.
