Wednesday, 4 December 2024

No 14347, Wednesday 04 Dec 2024, Saral

Solution to 7D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

7   Arab gentleman drunk with this stylish barman (7) ELEGANT [CA] {ELEGANT+BARMAN}*={ARAB GENTLEMAN}
8   Preparing soy with bits of tuna, eel, roe for seafood (6) OYSTER {SOY}*{Tuna}{Eel}{Roe}
9   Shake and stumble missing hard whiskey earlier (6) WOBBLE {hOBBLE}{<=>{W}
10 Control from meditation perhaps without ego (8) DOMINATE MEDitATION* Ego/It?
11 Workers leave before end of shift in branch (10) DEPARTMENT {MEN}<=>{DEPART} and {s..fT}
13 Alert secret agent nabbing leader of rioters (4) SPRY {SP{Ri...s}Y}
14 Real term used often (4) TRUE {TeRm+UsEd}
16 Heard a groan in inlet (5) CREEK (~creak)
18 Starts to purchase one roro ticket in harbour (4) PORT Acrostic
19 Flightless birds found in the museum (4) EMUS [T]
21 New suitor's ad is ultimately terrible (10) DISASTROUS {SUITORS+AD}*{iS}
23 Channel finally covering European game (8) LACROSSE {c...eL}{ACROSS}{E}
25 Every now and then groups stalked stock taker (6) RUSTLE {gRoUpS+sTaLkEd} Answer should be Rustler
26 Permanent shelter for horses (6) STABLE [DD]
27 Conspicuous way to restrain a legal right (7) SALIENT {S{A}{LIEN}T}

1   Mixing a veg with brie for waffle (8) VERBIAGE {A+VEG+BRIE}*
2   Grand master with international club, hugging ace kid (8) MAJESTIC {MA}{I}{C} over {JEST} (Correction - {M}{I}{C} over {A}{JEST} - See comments)
3   Dust around knob (4) STUD*
4   Presentation of mostly standard model (6) FORMAT {FORMAl}{T}
5   Like an article on originally, simple yoga postures (6) ASANAS {AS}{AN}{A}{Si...e}
6   Curt reel created for academic (8) LECTURER*
7   Gradually destroy bar in eastern Spain (5) E?O?E (Addendum - ERODE {E}{ROD}{E} - See comments)
12 We're ordering small pitchers (5) EWERS {WERE}*{S}
15 Hangovers of disheartened men with tears sadly gulping last drop of gin (8) REMNANTS {MeN+TEARS}* over {giN}
17 Falcons, beautiful, rising up circling half of street (8) KESTRELS {SLEEK<=} over {STReet}
18 Indian lady with daughter following agent from south collapsed (8) PERISHED {I}{SHE}{D}<=>{REP<=}
20 Writer cries out holding book (6) SCRIBE {SCRI{B}E*}
21 Exclude some Hindi spelling (6) DISPEL [T]
22 Dark underpass near lodge is terrifying for starters (5) UNLIT Acrostic
24 Deftness in arranging saree right away (4) EASE SArEE*

Reference List
Hard = H, Whiskey = W, European = E, Master  = M, Ace = A, International = I, Club = C, Model = T, Eastern = E, Spain = E, Small = S, Indian = I, Daughter = D, Book = B, Right = R

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

No 14346, Tuesday 03 Dec 2024, Karaoke

Solution to 5D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

8   A rogue takes primary education to get hold over the world of scholars (8) ACADEMIA {A}{CAD}{Ed...n}{AIM<=}
9   Very strong emotion on final wide ball (6) SOIREE {SO}{IRE}{widE}
11 Lady enters into crook's compound (5) BLEND {B{L}END}
12 Yield to split in certain party at Centre (9) SURRENDER {SUR{REND}E}{paRty}
13 What a setter would say when he couldn't set a grid? (5,4,2) WORDS FAIL ME [CD]
18 Doesn't rely on public utilities. Stops solving crosswords? (5,3,3,4) LIVES OFF THE GRID [DD]
20 Playing tennis with niece lacking consciousness (11) INSENTIENCE*
24 Most of energy goes into regular events in French cafĂ© (9) ESTAMINET {Ev{STAMINa}EnTs}
27 Original Inuits can get gas in this house (5) IGLOO {In...s}{LOO} over {G}
28 Number one and the same (6) ELEVEN (1and 1)
29 Home loans arranged without second mortgage for places that lead to sewers (8) MANHOLES {HOME+LoANS}*

1   Why you shout on poor baby fish? (5) YABBY {(~why)Y}{BABY*}
2   Sensational setter indulging in pleasure-seeking (5) GAMEY {GA{ME}Y}
3   Maybe old news about model's betrayals (3-5) LET-DOWNS {OLD+NEWS}* over {T}
4   Primarily business institutions appoint sons in jobs for boys (4) BIAS Acrostic Semi&lit
5   Wine shop buying empty bottles around drug party in retreat by academy (6) ?O?E?A (Addendum - BODEGA {Bu..nG} over {E}{DO<=} by {A} - See comments)
6   Multiplied money, say (4) BRED (~bread)
7   Gets to know of fire spreading in corners (9) BEFRIENDS {B{FIRE*}ENDS}
10 Heavy weight hot women avoided tight short gowns (5,3) GROSS TON {ShORT+GOwNS}*
14 Bully-boys get furious mainly with unfair treatment by society (8) RUFFIANS {Fu...s+UNFAIR}*{S}
15 Lie in wait, conceal uniform for a bird (4) LARK L(-u+a)ARK
16 It measures heights in real time? Terrific! (9) ALTIMETER [T]
17 "Reject divorce, right away", ladies say (4) EVES {SEVEr<=}
19 View affirmative position for the audience (8) EYESIGHT (~aye site)
21 Maybe Anaesthetist's song (6) NUMBER [DD]
22 Silly play regularly in a deceitful manner (5) SLYLY {SiLlY+pLaY}
23 Actors winning Oscar for taxi (5) COAST {C{O}AST}
25 Loudly make fun of those which support balls (4) TEES (~tease)
26 Drink in honour of an event missing essential taste in every detail (2,1,1) TO A T {TOAsT}

Reference List
Lady = L, Can = LOO, Gas = G, Model = T, Drug = E, Party = DO, Hot = H, Women = W, Uniform = U, Right = R, Oscar = O

Monday, 2 December 2024

No 14345, Monday 02 Dec 2024, Bruno

Solution to 23A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Hat with bit of fur sticking in was abandoned (6) BEREFT {BERE{Fur}T}
4   Soy dish temperature's what again? (6) TEMPEH {TEMP}{EH}
8   Bachelor (American) can be seen following Sunday school's concert band member (4,3) BASS SAX {BA}{AX} over {SS'S}
9   Sadly, I have almost given up playing vibraphonic instrument (7) PIBCORN vIBRaPhONiC* 
11 Corrupt teen agreed to be rehabilitated (10) DEGENERATE*
12 Instrument of boozer often lost (4) OBOE {Of+BoOzEr}
13 Others following Prince that's brightly coloured (5) PETAL {ET AL}<=>{P}
14 Guy at party arrived following lady - one with strings attached (8) MANDOLIN {MAN}{DO} with {IN}<=>{L}
16 Loose and relaxed fun - reading out back (8) UNFASTEN {FUN*}{ASTErN} Loose or Loosen?
18 Woman taken in by bogus instrument (5) SHAWM {SHA{W}M}
20 Keen - starting to sound out instrument (4) HARP sHARP
21 If ever coat gets crumpled, yell (10) VOCIFERATE*
23 Hospital department's clipped roster holding small order for dispenser (7) ?E?O?O
24 University choir's lead hiding in cabin playing instrument (7) BUCCINA {U}{Ch..r} in {CABIN}*
25 Light extract from Byron on fatalism (6) NONFAT [T]
26 Break from tax after refinance got voided (6) RECESS {CESS}<=>{Re...cE}

1   Find fault with boring book at the beginning (5) BLAME{LAME}<=>{B}
2   Pressure European Community to join others with tact (7) RESPECT {RES{P}{EC}T}
3   Instrument's standard energy outlet? (9) FLAGEOLET {FLAG}{E}{O}{LET}
5   Throw out cloth - multiple times thrown out (5) EXILE tEXtILE
6   Instrument’s picture: clipped at the end (7) PICCOLO {PIC}{COLOn}
7   Music maker - softly yet surprisingly dismissed immunotherapy treatment (9) HARMONIUM IMMUNOtHeRApy
10 What gives depth to music - hard power and sonic modulation (9) HARMONICS {H}{ARM}{SONIC*}
13 Holding beer, gasp working with an instrument (9) PANTALEON {ALE} in {PANT}{ON}
15 Roman Catholic leaders banned playing fluorescent instrument (4,5) NOSE FLUTE FLUOrEScENT*
17 Mountain goat's weapon can be an instrument (7) ALPHORN {ALP}{HORN}
19 Gold leaf found in grain chamber (7) AURICLE {AU}{RIC{L}E}
21 Unpopular instrument - a musical instrument? (5) VIOLA {VIOL}{A}
22 Instrument to take humidity out of beachwear (5) TONGS ThONGS

Reference List
Bachelor = B, American = E, Sunday = S, School = S, Prince = P, Party = DO, Lady = L, Reading = R, Woman = W, University = U, Book = B, Pressure = P, Energy = E, Out = O, Time = T, Softly = P, Hard = H, Leaf = L, Humidity = H

Sunday, 1 December 2024

Special, Sunday 01 Dec 2024, Veeyares

Three answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory) 

Please submit all your answers in one comment.  



The Sunday Crossword No 3334, Sunday 01 Dec 2024

Snakes which may repel the rain, Hans tells us (6) VIPERS (~wipers}
4  Eldest archdeacon concealing primness (6) STARCH [T]
10 Old fellow amid leonine noise and activity showing boisterous amusement (5,2,8) ROARS OF LAUGHTER {ROAR}{O}{F}{SLAUGHTER}
11 Not good, working – ingenious! – assert rights collectively (8) UNIONISE INgENIOUS*
12 Announced 007’s means for seeing tiny oriental craft (6) BONSAI {~ bonds eye)
13 They’re doubly of interest to the sawmill’s bookkeeper (4) LOGS [C&DD]
14 Italian food:Victor, tell Inigo to take a portion (10) TORTELLINI [T]
18 Safari’s speed? (10) EXPEDITION [DD]
19 Counterpart of doe or hen (4) STAG [DD]
20 Like water on lake? £1 (6) LIQUID {L}{1 QUID}
22 Duck, ablaze: this bird’s brightly coloured (8) FLAMINGO {O}<=>{FLAMING}
25 In which squiffy or tight men fear retribution, finally? (3,7,5) THE MORNING AFTER {OR+TIGHT+MEAN+FEAR+r...oN}* Semi&lit
26 Runs over, sits back for Alpine dish (6) ROSTIS {R}{O}{SITS<=}
27 Less important songs lacking energy as well (1-5) B-SIDES {BeSIDES}

1   Preposterously arty, evil ritual in which other worlds are ‘seen’ (7,7) VIRTUAL REALITY*
2   Misbehaving act in animated film trousering £1,000 (7,2) PLAYING UP {PLAY}{IN}{UP} over v{G}
3   Sap about to stray (5) RESIN {RE}{SIN}
5   Snare’s component set up (4) TRAP<=
6   In fancy car, duke carries silver playthings (3,5) RAG DOLLS {ROLLS} over {D}<=>{AG}
7   Primarily: hideously detailed, titanic, verisimilous screens? (5) HDTVS Acrostic Semi&lit
8   With components reversed, run away to find branch (8) OFFSHOOT {SHOOT<=>OFF}
9   Leaving chief execs exhausted where knives are out? (8,6) DRAINING BOARD {DRAINING}{BOARDS}
15 Meandering topless, provoking reactions (8) TROLLING sTROLLING
16 National Trust supported by Everyman: donated, tipped, droned on (9) INTONATED {NT}<=>{I} and {dONATED}
17 Mentors giving Bill protection from sun (8) ADVISORS {AD}{VISORS}}
21 Unusual powerful chesspiece, itself taking its own knight (5) QUEER {QUEEn}{R}
23 Nasty and small, the wherewithal (5) MEANS {MEAN}{S}
24 Against – alternately, ‘gainstindependence (4) ANTI {gAiNsT}{I}

Reference List
Old = O, Fellow = F, Good = G, Lake = L, Runs = R, Over = O, Energy = E, About = RE, Duke = D, National Trust = NT, Bill = AD, Knight = R, Small = S, Independence = I