Friday, 16 November 2012

No. 10620, Friday 16 Nov 12, Mover

Quite a nice puzzle from Mover with deft DDs and nicely camouflaged anagrams. Unless I'm mistaken, there seems to be a problem with the 20A and 21D crossings.

1 Refuse to change your plans or forcefully wear stilettos? (3,4,5,2) DIG, ONES, HEELS, IN (DD)

10 Island reached by grain abandoning sign (5) CAPRI (CAPRIcorn)
11 Legal maxim played an awful role (4,2,3) RULE,OF,LAW (AWFUL ROLE)*
12 Deadly overweight friend (7) FATALLY (FAT + ALLY)
13 Annoyed, hurt but one doesn't feel the pain when it is working (7) ANODYNE (ANNOYED)*
14 Is this a fast acting drug? (5) SPEED (CD)
16 Difficult position for dill, maybe (2,1,6) IN,A,PICKLE (CD)
19 Cloned toy could produce a seed leaf (9) COTYLEDON (CLONED TOY)*
20 Small change comes back as recurring fluctuations (5) TIDES (S + EDIT)<= or TIDDY meaning small?
22 Gives idiot mixed gins (7) ASSIGNS (ASS + GINS*)
25 Disabled physically in the state cover (7) INVALID (IN + VA + LID)
27 Hothead swallowed by agitated magician in Thailand (6,3) CHIANG,MAI (H inside MAGICIAN*)
28 Coward nipping a little vodka; that is new (5) NOVEL (NOEL outside V)
29 Toast or presumably use a lorgnette? (5,4,5) RAISE,ONES,GLASS (DD)

2 Bridge player replaces Bond’s boss in restless hospital case (9) INPATIENT (IMPATIENT with N for M)
3 Flower necklace returned beside yellow window (5) ORIEL (LEI<= after OR)
4 Archaeopteryx could be a worm catcher (5,4) EARLY, BIRD (DD)
5 Henry meets mom for a game (5) HALMA (HAL + MA)
6 Incomes to offset financial adviser (9) ECONOMIST (INCOMES TO)*
7 Grouchy demeanour or carriage (5) SULKY (DD)
8 Presently at an insignificant place? (7) NOWHERE (NO WHERE)
9 Mocks self-contained kills (6) SCOFFS (SC + OFFS)
15 The stagecoach // industry (9) DILIGENCE (DD)
17 Insinuate crooked payments (9) ANNUITIES (INSINUATE)*
18 Gently handle with these, perhaps (3,6) KID, GLOVES (CD)
19 Author gives tea to University College queen (7) CHAUCER (CHA + U + C + ER)
21 Dodgy sly doe sings in a high pitch (6) YODELS (SLY DOE)*
23 Ted leaves deficits corrected for book type (3-2) SCI-FI (deFICItS)*
24 Disciple who must be followed? (5) SIMON (CD) 
26 Pole taking meat around for sale? (5) VENAL (N inside VEAL)


  1. Nice one again from Mover. Liked 14A,29A

    Did not get 20A ( or got 21d wrong). Came here to look for it. And the first thing I see is Bhavan stating that there may be a problem with the CW. Glad I din't break my head over it.

  2. ABCDE : what ABCDE will be for a few more days

    Erratic assembly of King's air pistol taken back inside (9) (I.........)

  3. I am not sure if I am right- I put in 'Teddy' for 20A.'Eddy' for fluctuations. Teddy could be small ( for Theodore)But T?

    1. Actually only TIDES seems to make sense here. But, with the crossings being what they are, I am reminded of old days when we used to take this as a normal error.

    2. And Yodels can't be wrong, so Bhavan's diagnosis seems spot on

  4. 8 Presently at an insignificant place? (7) NOWHERE (NO WHERE)
    I took anno as NOW HERE

    1. +1 insignificant place as definition

    2. +2 pls ignore my late lateef 5:38

  5. Filled 21D first and hence was not sure of 20A, so left it at that. Good puzzle from Mover.

  6. Parsing of 8D should be NOW HERE?

    Didn't know Sulky was a carriage, live and learn
