Saturday, 2 August 2014

No.11153, Saturday 2 Aug 2014, From the files of Sankalak

Like fine wine, with time Sankalak's offerings are becoming more delectable. Today's was as good as any especially with clues like OFTENER, SPINNER, CALLOUS and PANDA.

1 Cleansed, fried dish administered to one inside (8) PURIFIED [fried dish=PURI + administered=FED outside one=I]
5 Giant grass, once used in a Chinese curtain (6) BAMBOO [CD]
10 Marine food for some poor merrymakers (5) ORMER [T]

11 Protection for authors from duplicate title (9) COPYRIGHT [duplicate=COPY + title=RIGHT]
12 Exactitude needed in copiers spelt out (9) PRECISION [IN COPIERS]*
13 It gets a rubbing on the bower’s strings (5) ROSIN [CD]
14 Stiff with age, prisoner with privileges loses head (5) RUSTY [prisoner with privileges=tRUSTY]
16 Top cover for the chief with flaming rage (8) HEADGEAR [chief=HEAD + RAGE*]
18 Cheeky talk by footballer before tea time (8) BACKCHAT [footballer=BACK + tea=CHA + Time]
20 Relaxed, with disease diagnosed partially (5) EASED [T]
24 Twisted towel for a little hooter? (5) OWLET [TOWEL]*
25 It is added at the end to follow cessation of war, we hear (9) TAILPIECE [follow=TAIL + ~PEACE=cessation of war]
27 Soldiers’ steps, not quick, in a rather dull month (4,5) SLOW MARCH [rather dull=SLOW + month=MARCH]
28 For a Keralite, a currency in Africa (5) NAIRA [Keralite=NAIR + A]
29 Dislike extremes of enervation during relaxation (6) RESENT [EnervatioN inside relaxation=REST]
30 Artist, sent back, fumed about new kind of marriage (8) ARRANGED [artist=RA<- + fumed=RAGED outside New]

1 The first in school, in the right environment, would do well (7) PROSPER [School inside right=PROPER]
2 Kind of spectacles with no edge to them (7) RIMLESS [CD]
3 A grim reference turned up revealing the name of famous physicist (5) FERMI [T<-]
4 Father of geometry in a city in Ohio (6) EUCLID [DD]
6 Facility for fliers — ambience and game (3,6) AIR BRIDGE [ambience=AIR + game=BRIDGE]
7 By-product of sugar, vapour found in the root (7) BAGASSE [vapour=GAS inside root=BASE]

8 Laundering aid, without a hint of soap more frequently (7) OFTENER [laundering aid=sOFTENER]
9 He gets a turn, on or off (7) SPINNER [CD]
15 My hats can be adjusted for this sailor (9) YACHTSMAN [MY HATS CAN]*
17 It goes with assault in a threat of physical attack (7) BATTERY [CD]
18 Computer program that turns worse in Britain (7) BROWSER [WORSE* inside BRitain]

                                                                                              Cartoons by Rishi

19 Everyone in business (American) is unfeeling (7) CALLOUS [everyone=ALL inside business=CO + American=US]
21 Process that precedes reaping (7) SEEDING [CD]
22 Archconservative who may have a difficult end? (7) DIEHARD [CD]
23 Humour, that girl’s, could become stale (6) WITHER [humour=WIT + that girl's=HER]
26 Priest in India, as well in Pennsylvania (5) PANDA [as well=AND inside PennsylvaniA]


  1. DATE: 2.8.2014
    TIME: 07.42 a.m.
    Location: Guduvanchery, Kancheepuram Dt. Tamil Nadu

    TOP of the agenda is solving the day's crossword. Some clues might make my head SPIN.
    I TURNED around and sat on my easy chair. My grand son has already begun his day
    playing with his TOP. My grand-daughter, a studious type, was busy writing an essay
    on Gandhiji. "Dont forget to mention the CHAKRA", I quipped.

    My son-in-law was on the phone talking abour ERAPALLI.

    It was getting sultry. "Why don't you please switch on the FAN", I told, sorry requested
    my wife. My daughter was getting furious. " Why should the power fail when the washing
    machine is in the SPIN-dry mode?".


  2. Special at 10:30 tomorrow by new setter Bruno

    1. Bruno the bear and we will more than bear it!

  3. Our setter SPINNER also gets his turn on and off

  4. +1 for Bhavan's opening remarks. The puzzle, really tasted like Old Monk Rum! I thoroughly enjoyed it. I mean the CW. :-)))

    1. Yesterday it was XXX and today Old Monk.Time to visit the canteen?

    2. Now-a-days, we don't get Old Monk at Begumpet Canteen. He is out of reach!

  5. But Sankalak is old wine as Buzzer put it.

    1. Wine or Rum, Sankalak is intoxicatingly fine with me!! (Always!!!) :)

  6. Me!
    Is it 'Menon' or Me! 'non'?

  7. A high number of CDs today, seven in all. Could get five of them without much trouble. Took Net help for ROSIN and BATTERY.
    As for 22Dn clue I've a doubt. 22 Archconservative who may have a difficult end? (7) DIEHARD [CD]
    Could it be a Charade pl? Difficult=Hard, End=Die. A question mark at the end meaning something different, I think.

  8. MB, you're right! It is a charade in the sense the components are DIE HARD. But these are not given on a platter in the form of A + B, so the Col. too is right in marking it as CD.

    1. Thanks, CV Sir. Yes, it's not in the form of A+B. Hence CD.

    2. Apologies to readers for my wrong attribution.

  9. Pointed and razor-sharp clues.words used are a lot in currency alone. Even abeginner like could easily learn the techniques.That's characteristic of our veteran's work.

  10. Typo'beginner' as'beginner like me'

  11. Bhavan,
    Thank you for the link to Trusty. Did not know this meaning of it.

  12. Fine wine, aged Scotch, Old Monk - call it what you may - solving Sankalak's crosswords imparts the same pleasure!
