Tuesday 20 March 2018

No 12269, Tuesday 20 Mar 2018, Aspartame

Answer and anno for 18D left for a first-time commenter till 10 AM.

1   Female boatmen are wielding flimsy newspaper as weapons (13) FLAMETHROWERS {F}{LAME}{TH}{ROWERS}
8   Started off job making dye (4) TINT sTINT
9   A Rolls Royce rolls out of military set-up with coach causing a scene (10) BACKGROUND {BarrACK}{GROUND}
10 Chopper has lice right inside (6) SLICER [T]
11 Being like a dog maybe? (3-5) NON-HUMAN [CD]
12 Korean singer is eating oriental noodles with man that could be Aspartame (9) PSEUDONYM {PS{E}{UDON}Y}{M}
14 Unites extremely white dames (4) WEDS {WhitE}{DameS}
15 Question steamy scientist verbally (4) WHAT (~watt)
16 Food from Odisha Tina cooked for dog (9) DALMATIAN {DALMA}{TINA*}
20 Engineer bribes a class leader to get more marks (8) SCABBIER {BRIBES+A+Class}*
21 Allocates market instruments (6) SHARES [DD]
23 Starting point for British novel: chapter fifty-one (10) BIRTHPLACE {B}{CHAPTER+LI}*
24 Go down, go down, ultimately go out (4) DROP DRoOP
25 Lower very big optical device said to be placed above the rest (3,10) PAR EXCELLENCE {PAR} {EXCELLENCE}(~xl lens) Par/Lower? (Addendum - {PARE}{XCELLENCE}(~xl lens) -  See comments)

1   Enemies hire one oddball to reveal eccentricities (7) FOIBLES {FO{1}{BaLl}ES}
2   A Pole discusses wood trick (5) ANTIC {A}{N}{TIC}(~ teak)
3   Setter about to win round rare ring at bar (7) EMBARGO {ME<=}{BA{R}G}{O}
4   Good grey chicken are getting transported by car (7,8) HACKNEY CARRIAGE Seems to be an error in the anagram fodder! Gray seems to have been misspelt as Grey. Good is superfluous unless it is to be taken as an A.
5   Music producers planned to detonate bomb (6) ORGANS ORGANiSed
6   Revenue coming from England's top memorial making nation's leader extremely successful (9) EMOLUMENT {En...d}{MO(-n+l)LUMENT}
7   Boy goes back in without footwear (7) SANDALS {SAN{LAD<=}S}
13 O, natural arrangement around big city (4,5) ULAN BATOR {O+NATURAL}* over {B}
15 House made using primarily wrought iron collapses killing Indian under portico (7) WICKIUP Acrostic

Apache Wickiup, Edward Curtis, 1903.jpg

Public Domain, Link
17 Give wrong card to ladiesman, by mistake (7) MISDEAL {LADIES+M}*
18 Extraordinary sea women ultimately quelled riots (7) A?E?O?E (Addendum - AWESOME {SEA+WOMAn}* - See comments)
19 Erase short message containing address of president (6) TIPPEX {T{IP}{P}EXt}
22 Some lad donates preservative (3-2) ADD-ON [T]



  1. Regarding Vulcan yesterday. He has not missed the last three rounds. His CWs appeared on 09 Dec, 08 Jan and 17 Feb. Is due tomorrow as he is the only one left for this round.

  2. 25a
    xl lens:xcellence
    my understaning

  3. 4d. grey/gray brit vs american spelling. good in the sense of ACE/Able. (post facto reasoning).

    1. Grey and Gray are variant spellings, not necessarily Brit/US. However it cannot be used in that context here, it should have been shown as GRAY. Good/Ace -> A is okay

    2. Good = A that's stretching to the extreme. Ace = A is fine.

    3. There are 15 letters with 3'a's in the solution; my take is one 'a' comes from good, second 'a' from 'gray; and third from 'are'.
      Guess grey should have been gray in the clue

  4. Col.
    A small correction in 15D- W to be coloured pink (first letter)
    I missed the 'first letters' part. Saw it only here.

  5. Extraordinary=AWESOME
    Anagram of SOME & WOMEN (- N = ultimately quelled)

  6. 18D AWESOME = extraordinary ( sea woman - n )* . Ultimately quelled = looses last letter, Riots -anagram indicator.

  7. 2 A Pole discusses wood trick (5) ANTIC {A}{N}{TIC}(~ teak)

    tic (tĭk) and teak (tēk) and an·tic (ăn′tĭk). I think the HP is incorrect.

    1. No it can't. Trick is the definition

    2. my point was can wood refer to (wood) tick. https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/wood_tick

    3. Prasad tries every possible combination ;-)

  8. Liked Flamethrowers, Pseudonym and Parexcellence among other clues. Thanks Aspartame

  9. 20A has a POS issue? SCABBIER should mean "having more marks", not "more marks" or "to get more marks"
    5D: How does "detonate bomb" translate to removing I-ED?
    FLAMETHROWERS, PSEUDONYM, AWESOME were very nice clues. WICKIUP and TIPPEX were new for me.
    Thanks Aspartame!

    1. 5d detonate:discharge/let off ied-bomb

    2. I saw it like this.
      When you 'get more marks' you become 'scabbier'

