Thursday 19 July 2018

No 12373, Thursday 19 Jul 2018, Arden

1   Go with nurse, he will operate (7,7) PLASTIC SURGEON {GO+NURSE}* [RA]
10 Here in Paris, even beer is much colder (5) ICIER {ICI}{bEeR}
11 Engineer wires this to a dish (5,4) IRISH STEW*
12 Main round, it has no shell (3,4) SEA SLUG {SEA} {SLUG}
13 Originate from sea cow's tail, going to its head (7) EMANATE (+e)EMANATE(-e)
14 Breast, caught by hand (5) CLIMB {C}{LIMB}
16 Sign of nervousness between armies, refusing a truce (9) ARMISTICE {ARMIS{TIC}E*}
19 He is out of jail, so checks into a lodge (9) FREEMASON {FREE MA{SO}N}
20 Reject, reject as someone who is untouchable (5) LEPER <=
22 A minister got right on top and bowed (7) ARCUATE {A}{(+r)RCU(-r)ATE}
25 Soldier's code — a pity (7) REMORSE {RE}{MORSE}
27 Earth shattering win for Madhya Pradesh perhaps (9) HEARTLAND {EARTH*}{LAND}
28 He gets one quarter of the state (5) MAINE {MA{I}N}{E}
29 Set free — hundred on conservative list on board (9,5) REFECTORY TABLE {FREE*}{C}{TORY} {TABLE}

2   Ladies in distress got help, saved (4,5) LAID ASIDE {L{AID}ASIDE*}
3   God resurrected, left a buck (5) SOREL {EROS<=}{L}
4   I croon over girl making jelly (9) ISINGLASS {I}{SING}{LASS}
5   Mocking a player in the team (5) SNIDE {S{N}IDE}
6   Actual dresses — picks up on dry run (9) REHEARSAL {RE{HEARS}AL}
7   Additional summary, court rejected (5) EXTRA EXTRAct
8   Present in this place? Not so (7) NOWHERE {NOW}{HERE}
9   Bearing a cross, initially as a breather (3,3) AIR SAC {AIRS}{A}{Cr..s}
15 Huge flop, wine's cold (9) BOMBASTIC {BOMB}{ASTI}{C}
17 Find Mary with a reformed fellow like Jeeves (3,6) MAN FRIDAY {FIND+MARY+A}*
18 Just average — breaking a limit, perhaps (9) IMPARTIAL {PAR} in {A+LIMIT}*
19 Achievement by girl — it goes on her cap (7) FEATHER {FEAT}{HER}
21 Soldiers free to remove jacket (6) REEFER {RE}{FREE*}
23 Roast corn husk (5) CHAFF [DD]
24 A muse and writer, at once allowed in (5) ERATO [T]
26 Uncle in Chennai caught black snake (5) MAMBA {MAM{B}A}



  1. 17D it should be {FIND + MARY+A}*

    1. Mama is uncle not only in Chennai but all over India. Madhya Pradesh Chief minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan is popularly called Mama. So two references to a State where I live :-)

  2. Thanks Col for the link to sorel. Didnt find the word in free dict.

    1. its a britt specific. just google gave me. reconfirmed by arden's earlier usage. it was antelope then.

  3. Quite a few new words encountered today: sorel, isinglass, sea slug, arcuate, refectory table

    1. And Manatee the fodder for 13A

    2. Manatee has appeared earlier

    3. Appeared as late as on 30 Mar 18 in an Arden Crossword

    4. Only 4 months earlier!One tends to forget words if one doesnt come across them frequently. Now I am sure I will remember this word. Though not sure about the other words.

  4. Nice crossie from Arden
    Doubt about 4DN:
    Isinglass is a kind of gelatin obtained from fish for making jellies. It is not jelly by itself.
    So, the def may become "MAKING JELLY"

    1. jell:any soft, slightly wet substance that shakes slightly when it is moved.

      "isinglass is almost all of gelatine." google the chemist volume 1. nice titbit on how isinglass is prepared.

  5. 1 across: PLASTIC is the anagram indicator for GO WITH NURSE? If so, where is the parsing for PARSING itself? Is it doubling up ?

    23 down: CHAFF-= Roast? Corn= C +haff ? or again , like the previous clue does roast serve as a double indicator?
    CHAFE also can mean to abrade or to rub or to ROAST? BOWED

    ARCUATE not arcuated ?= curved= BOWED

    ARDEN takes cryptic clues to a higher level !

    1. Raju:1A: As given by Col. it is a reverse anagram. The solution should have an anagram indicator, plastic in this case. Plastic Surgeon= (Go+Nurse)*

  6. Replies
    1. May we know your real identity?

    2. Ajeesh here. This account is created for a fb group!

    3. Kidu: we all thought what not..khoda pahad nikli chuyiya ( we made a mountain out of a mole hill)

  7. Arden is not that hard these days, though we see a quite a few new words- Isinglass to name one. Had seen manatee in Florida during one of my earlier visits (of course, I had not heard about the word earlier)
    Where is CGB?

    1. Proceeding to SV Temple Pittsburgh and Niagara. Will be back on Monday.

    2. We will be in Pittsburg on Saturday & Sunday!

    3. Fancy you two meeting in Pittsburg!

    4. CGB Sir on a secret mission to meet Paddy !!!
