Sunday 8 July 2018

The Sunday Crossword No 3003, Sunday 08 Jul 2018

1   About hundred in expanded team at airport (6,4) GROUND CREW {G{ROUND}{C}REW}
6   Speaker's manner, one entitled to succeed (4) HEIR (~air)
9   In solitaire get nice round number (7) INTEGER [T<=]
10 Curving in a circle around church (7) ARCHING {A}{R{CH}ING}
12 Introductory remarks from peer, similar in broadcast (13) PRELIMINARIES {PEER+SIMILAR+IN}*
14 Reconfigured base conserving energy (5) RESET {RES{E}T}
15 Question about husband with name in claim (9) CHALLENGE {C}{H}{ALLE{N}GE}
16 Release inspector's accusation (9) DISCHARGE {DI'S}{CHARGE}
18 Tent torn initially by sword (5) TEPEE {Torn}{EPEE}
20 King in end has got son prepared? What a relief (5,8) THANK GOODNESS {K} in {END+HAS+GOT+SON}*
23 Prohibition as it affected coffee shop worker (7) BARISTA {BAR}{AS+IT}*
24 Assist in scripting ceremony after scare (2-5) CO-WRITE {COW}{RITE}
25 Aims for extremities (4) ENDS [DD]
26 Trauma? Pay attention to temperature and rest (10) HEARTBREAK {HEAR}{T}{BREAK}

1   Once more missing a profit (4) GAIN aGAIN
2   Company up above leading American ink producer (7) OCTOPUS {CO<=}{TOP}{US}
3   Giant with terrible hate asks after knight? Not very good (2,5,6) NO GREAT SHAKES {N}{OGRE}{HATE+ASKS}*
4   Dog appearing to be otherwise in animated graphics? (5) CORGI {OR} in {CGI}
5   Destroy order, losing time after time (9) ERADICATE {ERA}{DICtATE}
7   Incitement to riot? No small issue (7) EDITION sEDITION
8   Indicated substance on middle of fern, cutting plant (10) REGISTERED {RE{GIST}{fERn}ED}
11 Quantity in map on distribution of bees around west in children's book (10,3) CHARLOTTES WEB {CHAR{LOT}T}{ES{W}EB*}
13 Revolutionary appeal in line deserving praise (10) CREDITABLE {C{RED}{IT}ABLE}
15 Shared nothing expert raised in case (9) CORPORATE {O}{PRO}<= in {CRATE}
17 Played leading role and looked about right (7) STARRED {STA{R}RED}
19 Father with odd items required for hobby (7) PASTIME {PA}{ITEMS*}
21 Expression of surprise, following tips for divine colour scheme (5) DECOR {Di..nE}{COR}
22 Guard, rising, giving sly look (4) PEEK<=