Thursday 26 July 2018

No 12379, Thursday 26 Jul 2018, Lightning

 Ill spies could be (8) ELLIPSIS*
5   … released by peacekeepers and brought together (6) UNTIED {UN}{TIED}
9   Rejected second act breaking a process (8) CASTAWAY {S+ACT}*{A}{WAY}
10 Thwart sham perfectly concealed (6) HAMPER [T]
12 Doctor coloured liquid to get beer say (5) DRINK {DR}{INK}
13 Annoyed and unsettled I tried art (9) IRRITATED*
14 Blunder right away disassembling package (6) BUNDLE BLUNDEr*
16 Support along with press (7) ANDIRON {AND}{IRON}
19 Rather maltreated clothing, it could keep you warm (7) THERMAL [T]
21 On the way back, I viewed sailor tucking into spicy sauce (6) WASABI {I}{SAW}<= over {AB}
23 One entering factory provided force for one with a case (9) PLAINTIFF {PLA{1}NT}{IF}{F}
25 Regularly excels getting a ton of praise (5) ECLAT {ExCeLs}{A}{T}
26 Fuss about lapse by handsome young man (6) ADONIS {ADO}{SIN<=}
27 Philanthropist with a liberal belief saving institute (8) ALTRUIST {A}{L}{TRU{I}ST}
28 Measure spirit with European instrument (6) ENGINE {EN}{GIN}{E}
29 Alienate sloppy sergeant (8) ESTRANGE*

1   Firm breaking last electronic cipher (6) ENCODE {EN{CO}D}{E}
2   Lack of enthusiasm from girl with appeal — guy loses head (9) LASSITUDE {LASS}{IT}{dUDE}
3   Trick in page order (5) PRANK {P}{RANK}
4   Fancy independent accessory for gun emptied (7) IMAGINE {I}{MAGazINE}
6   Idea spent reviewing moderate changes in water levels (4,5) NEAP TIDES*
7   At home impose advice (5) INPUT {IN}{PUT}
8   Reign did turn out to be insulting (8) DERIDING*
11 Major constellation? (4) URSA [CD]
15 Low intensity commotion — upset about new feature (9) DIMENSION {DIM}{NOIS{N}E<=}
17 Uprising about inventor turned leader (9) REBELLION {RE}{BELL}{NO1<=}
18 Strike containers returned by attendant (8) STOPPAGE {POTS<=}{PAGE}
20 Foreign currency sent back to hideout (4) LAIR<=
21 Dwells on breakfast items (7) WAFFLES [DD]
22 Sculpture standing without resistance (6) STATUE STATUrE
24 In the midst of a snake fighter partly (5) AMONG {A}{MONGoose}
25 Panic after losing opener to mistake (5) ERROR tERROR

Bhargav's Talepiece

The bouncer and the dancer - Part 95

The proposed REBELLION was cancelled after Smith's long cherished dream was to soon become a reality

On the appointed day SS WAS A BIT excited. Felt like ADONIS and was expecting Venus.

The clock was ticking and SS staring at the STATUE of Aphrodite in the corner of the room was beginning to get IRRITATED as he lay in the LAIR expecting the BUNDLE of pleasure...

How could he IMAGINE the PRANK? 

STOPPAGE of a heart beat for SS as Kayal and Rita with whips enter the room with ECLAT!! SS had just finished his eighth DRINK....

Rita gets her negligee UNTIED by SS and Kayal thereafter ties up the hands and feet of SS who is thinking of a new DIMENSION...

In one quick move Kayal throws the whip and takes out a knife. AND IRON soon is dripping red. The stoppage of the heart is permanent and OPERATION URSA HUG is over.

What happened next?


  1. 21A) typo {ISAW<=} over AB; reversal indicator= on the way back

  2. Thanks. For a slow coach like me, it was Lightning this morning.

  3. 9a breaking as a regular anind!!!

  4. 1A was nicely done. With ellipsis as definition indicated by the three dots and actually the two clues linked together by the definition.

  5. Could you please elaborate 25D?

    1. Panic = terror (synonym)
      After losing opener = terror - t
      To = connector
      Mistake (def.) = ERROR
