Sunday 29 July 2018

The Sunday Crossword No 3006, Sunday 29 Jul 2018

1   Nervous about insect in hut (6) SHANTY {SH{ANT}Y}
4   Flowering plants reptile shortly consumes (8) CROCUSES {CROC}{USES}
10 Group of stars plus artist holding revolutionary protest (9) ANDROMEDA {AND}{R{DEMO<=}A}
11 Band's work after stardom devoid of odd pieces (5) TROOP {sTaRdOm}{OP}
12 Equipment in belt (7) CLOBBER [DD]
13 Restart of play using fine round racket (5-2) THROW-IN {TH{ROW}IN}
14 Backing instrument and others were distorted in mystery series (6,3,5) MURDER SHE WROTE {DRUM<=}{OTHERS+WERE}*
17 Application referring to good, absorbing time with craft in training period (14) APPRENTICESHIP {APP}{RE}{N{T}ICE}{SHIP}
21 State clear answer after fiasco with power off (7) FLORIDA {RID}{A} after {FLOp}
22 Composition featuring animal in a bed, turning (7) TOCCATA {CAT} in {A}{COT}<=
24 Point after last pair in tower, united, break out (5) ERUPT {PT} after {towER}{U}
25 One can rant wildly, energy personified (9) INCARNATE {1}{CAN+RANT}*{E}
26 Doctor, before losing heart, getting gloomier (8) DREARIER {DR}{EARlIER}
27 Not moving from theatre stalls (2,4) AT REST [T]

1   Variety of cashmere I don't know (6,2) SEARCH ME*
2   Sound area, artist's workroom, not street (5) AUDIO {A}{stUDIO}
3   Worry that's beginning with Russian currency (7) TROUBLE {Th..s}{ROUBLE}
 Hear editor, struggling with sensitivity, give severe warning (4,3,4,3) READ THE RIOT ACT {HEAR+EDITOR}*{TACT}
6   One providing refreshments in that place, not hot, in saloon? (7) CATERER {CA{ThERE}R}
7   Timing device showing best in sample (9)  STOPWATCH {S{TOP}WATCH}
8   Curls up in enclosure, partly docile (6) SUPINE [T]
9   Delegate, always up, receiving gift at start of investiture (14) REPRESENTATIVE {EVER<=} over {PRESENT}{AT}{In...e}
15 Imitate professional, in trim (9) REPRODUCE {RE{PRO}DUCE}
16 Obvious dismay, endlessly torn (8) APPARENT {APPAl}{RENT}
18 Revel in resistance, stirred to rise (7) ROISTER {R}{TO+RISE}*
19 Run into bar in passage (7) EXCERPT {EXCE{R}PT}
20 Away goal? Shock (6) OFFEND {OFF}{END}
23 Marble and silver put away (5) AGATE {AG}{ATE}


1 comment:

  1. Special today will be run by Doctors from 'Cryptic Clinic'
