Monday 5 August 2019

No 12696, Monday 05 Aug 2019, Gridman

1   As danger develops, half of them go back to the French officer (8) GENDARME {DANGER*}{thEM<=}
6   Blackleg in second taxi (4) SCAB {S}{CAB}
9   Upset, I'm leaving the other woman in tension (6) STRESS miSTRESS
10 French city's capacity to bond (7) VALENCE [DD]
13 Smart Ali's driving away scaremongers (9) ALARMISTS*
14 Approaches new listeners (5) NEARS {N}{EARS}
15 Vision mentioned browser's destination (4) SITE (~sight)
16 Research panel that must come to a point (5,5) FOCUS GROUP [C&DD]
19 A man's felt a need to squelch criminal (10) MALFEASANT*
21 Powder in metal container (4) TALC [T]
24 Author Carl backing Assamese natives (5) NAGAS<=
25 Flexible, holies met freely (9) LITHESOME*
26 Work's big problem for marsupial (7) OPOSSUM {OP}{OS}{SUM}
27 Correct about clamp (6) REVISE {RE}{VISE}
28 It's Gridman conforming (4) SAME {SA}{ME}
29 One whose relation will be revealing (8) TELLTALE [CD]

2   One in a race went without complaint (7) ENTRANT {wENT}{RANT}
3   Cheerless? Not right! Mother's given to reverie (6) DREAMY DREA(-r+m)MY
4   Parts of circuits get rupees cast around crazy stories (9) RESISTORS {R{STORIES*}S}
5   Roof features women mentioned (5) EAVES (~eves)
7   US coin and a very old coin from Cuba (7) CENTAVO {CENT}{A}{V}{O}
8   Where a gentleman keeps something close to his heart (6,6) BREAST POCKET [CD]
11 Correspondent's payment – nothing coming up for a long period! (6) LINAGE {NIL<=}{AGE}
12 Mean Indian sect member one day gets debt notices (12) PARSIMONIOUS {PARSI}{MON}{IOUS}
17 Contrived U-turn Lana pulled off (9) UNNATURAL*
18 Reportedly anticipates head count (6) CENSUS (~senses)
20 The French tend to get extra space (7) LEGROOM {LE}{GROOM}
22 Awakening from a never-ending spin around the States (7) AROUSAL {A}{RO{USA}Ll}
23 Smooth winnings to a gambler (6) VELVET [DD]
25 Keep down maid oddly in Paris bed (5) LIMIT {LI{MaId}T}

Reference List
Second = S, New = N, Work = OP, Big = OS, About = RE, It = SA(Sex Appeal), With = W, Right = R, Mother = M, Rupees = RS, Very = V, Old = O, Paris Bed = LIT


  1. Gridman on Monday morning is Felix impramatur.

  2. Nice and easy - Good start to the week. Liked 12D and 29A

  3. Smooth and enjoyable, as Gridman's puzzles always are! Just one query: in 28A, how do you get SA?

  4. Smooth puzzle, very Gridman like!

  5. Enjoyable solve on the eve of departure. Thank you Gridman.
    Leaving tonight and back in India from 7th.
