Tuesday 27 August 2019

No 12715, Tuesday 27 Aug 2019, xChequer

7   International tender needs them in the same place (6) IBIDEM {I}{BID}{EM}
8   Hot wind is back and low season's back (6) SIMOON {IS<=}{MOO}{s...oN}
10 Sit tight allowing international bank rate to regress in these spirals (8) STROBILI {LIBOR<=} in {SIT}* Had to cheat for this
11 Resistance for Democrat in team discussion creating difficulty (6) HURDLE HU(-d+r)RDLE
12 Has to break promises (5) OATHS*
14 Auditor's negative remark about medical body's technique (4-3) KNOW HOW (~no){KNOW} over {WHO}
15 Good change made, team snatch decisive victory (4,3,3,5) GAME SET AND MATCH {G}{MADE+TEAM+SNATCH}*
18 Sole crop in field for horses (7) PADDOCK {PAD}{DOCK}
19 Too bad about line in plant (5) SALAL {ALAS<=}{L}
20 Arose when police officer called (6) SPRANG {SP}{RANG}
21 Past issue boomerangs eventually (4,4) OVER TIME {OVER}{EMIT<=}
23 Level sides to toss in competitions (6) EVENTS {EVEN}{TosS}
24 Interpret a tongue (6) GLOSSA {GLOSS}{A}

1   Respectable but not socially acceptable amateur becoming female star (8) VIRTUOSA {VIRTUOuS}{A}
2   Ceiling over public bathing area (4) LIDO {LID}{O}
 Is consistent with being born without privileges? On the contrary (6) BEFITS BEneFITS
4   Prominent notice displayed by men reflecting moral approach (4,4) HIGH ROAD {HIGH}{AD} over {OR<=}
5   Worth a full toss leaving open boundary in play (6,4) FOURTH WALL*
6   Brief particulars with banks basis for ledger entry (6) INFLOW {INF}{LOW} (Addendum - {INFO}{W} over {Le...r} - See comments)
9   Act tense out in the middle to kick off game (4-4-3) TICK-TACK-TOE {ACT+TensE+TO+KICK}*
13 Time study to dilute move to stay afloat (5,5) TREAD WATER  {T}{READ}{WATER}
16 Thrill to keep working against gravity's pull a little longer (8) ELONGATE {EL{ON}{G}ATE}
17 Regular newspaper feature right under article – like a post (8) COLUMNAR {COLUMN}{A}{R}
18 Go for every season with this (6) PEPPER {PEP}{PER}
19 Energy and dash in furtive meet (6) SEEMLY {S{E}{EM}LY}
22 Hard to soak up nonsense (4) TOSH {H}{SOT}<=

Reference List
International = I, Them = 'EM, Low = MOO, Resistance = R, Democrat = D, Good = G, Line = L, Socially acceptable = U, Amateur = A, Over = O, Born = NE, Notice = AD, Men = OR, Time = T, Gravity = G, Working = ON, Right = R, Energy = E, Dash = EM, Hard = H



  1. Quiet day today. Some nice clues. I thought 22D was very succinct.

    Following doubts.

    How’s dash = EM ?

    That’s a rather unusual way to spell TIC TAC TOE. Not sure if I’ve seen it spelled with a K.

    1. Em/an dash are punctuation marks www.thepunctuationguide.com/em).


    2. Em is space in printing represented by dash

    3. A very quiet day indeed especially for a very good puzzle.

