Monday 26 August 2019

No 12714, Monday 26 Aug 2019, xChequer

7   Invokes son to be the ultimate in corrupt (6) EDUCES {(s)EDUCE(+s)S}
8   With say spring break around, men getting tense I'll be bound (6) CAVORT {VAC<=}{OR}{T}
10 First shot, a shot to ask: "Are you serious?" (2,4,2) IS THAT SO {1ST}{A+SHOT}*
11 Embarrassed fellow backing one in agreement (6) NODDER {RED}{DON}<=
12 Offer to hold exercise in Turkey for example (5) BIPED {BI{PE}D}
14 Greeting liberal wanting to experiment with bondage (7) HELOTRY {HElLO}{TRY}
15 Guilt that left alone disperses, be totally relaxed (3,2,3,4,3) LET IT ALL HANG OUT {GUILT+THAT+L+ALONE}*
18 Soon connected with hundred people (7) INHABIT{IN A BIT} over {H}
19 Fling with maiden backfiring over model's false notions (5) MYTHS {M}{SH{T}Y<=}
20 Madame kept by politician showing attachment to the hilt (6) POMMEL {PO{MME}L}
From Wikipedia. Original by Nathan Robinson of
21 Double faulted, preposterously as it happens, at the last moment before victory (4,4) EVIL TWIN {LIVE}*{m...nT}{WIN}
23 Uniform parts from genuine, certified agent (6) ENGINE GENuINE* [CA]
24 Comment on target (6) REMARK {RE}{MARK}

 Quite likely charges dropped, the Holy Book saving bishop (8) FEASIBLE (~fees){FEAS}{bIBLE}
2   Luxurious sponge (4) LUSH [DD]
3   G5 lot possibly dash off and touch down (6) PENTAD {PEN}{TAD}
4   Guide reversing world body's order round a volcano (5,3) MAUNA LOA {MA(NU<=)AL}{O}{A}
5   Stays put, this gold rush displaying high tension (5,5) HOLDS TIGHT {THIS+GOLD}* in {HT}
6   Hard stone gets slippery (6) STEELY {ST}{EELY}
9   Perfectly formed teeth rot without check (2,3,6) TO THE LETTER {TEETH+ROT} over{LET}
13 Attendant engaged to help at home endlessly saluted (4,6) PAID HOMAGE {P{AID}{HOMe}AGE}
16 Manual British Telecom distributed for mobile (8) AMBULANT {MANUAL+BT}*
17 Move away from bears trailing ahead (2,6) UP STICK {STICKS}<=>{UP}
18 Pressed journalist to support club (6) IRONED {IRON}{ED}
19 First people to secure help (6) MAIDEN {M{AID}EN}
22 Split up for ambush (4) TRAP<=

Referenec List
Son = S, Spring break = Vacation = VAC, Men = OR, Tense = T, Exercise = PE(Physical Education), Liberal = L, Left = L, Hundred = H, Maiden = M, Model = T, Madame = MME, Uniform = U, On = RE, Bishop = B, World body = UN, Order = O, High Tension = HT, Stone = ST, Journalist = ED



  1. Sorry to say and purely in a lighter vein: today's puzzle( to me only) is like offering spicy AAVAKAAYA to a foreigner....

    1. Don't worry too much on that score. It is like thtat to many of us here!

  2. I didn't understand a couple of clues. Could someone help please?
    1D. What is the indicator for fees to become feas?
    3D. What do we get pen from?
    9D. What do we get let from?

  3. 1d dropped is the hp indicator
    3d dash off=pen=to write quickly
    9d Check=let(something that hinders, to hinder)

  4. This meaning of Let (check) is used to call a tennis serve which touches the net (check/hindrance) Strange that let also means allow freely!

  5. Replies
    1. Preposterously is an anagram indicator

    2. I think it is used in the sense of "inverted" [reversal indicator]

  6. It could also be taken as reversal indicator and I think that is what Prasad means.

    1. Yes paddy. Exchequer in another debate (GI to IG, private preposterously) had stated that.

  7. Couldn't understand the parsing of 4D.
    What's the reference to Guide?
