Wednesday 28 August 2019

No 12716, Wednesday 28 Aug 2019, Dr. X

1   Makes a whistling sound to attract female aboard steamer (8) SWOOSHES {S{WOO}{SHE}S}
5   Intimidated by a fellow with rifle (6) AFRAID {A}{F}{RAID}
10 Plan journey to cover historical French province (5) ANJOU [T]
11 Malfunction resulting from energy commission accepting faulty way (2,7) GO HAYWIRE {GO}{H{WAY*}IRE}
12 Performer exposed chasing female? Exclude from consideration (6,3) FACTOR OUT {ACTOR}{OUT} after {F}
13 Enemy capturing Nazi corps in ditch (5) FOSSE {FO{SS}E}
14 Opening bowler trapping Kohli at last abuses heartily (6) HIATUS {H{k..lI}AT}{abUSes}
15 The rogue interrupting head is a source of annoyance (3,4) PET HATE {P{THE*}ATE}
18 Allege darling's concealing a little romp and break off (7) PRETEND {P{Romp}ET}{END}
20 Liaisons with president in fancy suite (3-3) TIE-UPS {P} in {SUITE}*
22 Relationship with a model in South American city (5) RATIO {R{A}{T}IO}
24 What a trekker might do to get lost? (4,1,4) TAKE A HIKE [DD]
25 Hunts and burns one escaping around tunnel (9) SCAVENGES {Si{CAVE}NGES}
26 Caution socialist about welcoming alien (5) DETER {D{ET}ER<=}
27 Scenes featuring hot actresses essentially in films (6) SHEETS {S{H}{a..rEs..s}ETS}
28 Foul demand to conceal heartless crime (8) INDECENT {INDE{CrimE}NT}

1   Strong fellow in store knocks out hard crooks (6) STAFFS {STA{F}{F}Sh}
2   Poor job by England, conceding a vital goal (9) OBJECTIVE {JOB*}{E}{aCTIVE}
3   Mexico's borders walled by Trumphe's often terribly impulsive (4-2-3-6) SPUR-OF-THE-MOMENT {Me..cO} in {TRUMP+HES+OFTEN}*
4   Ghastly snores around middle of night capture attention (7) ENGROSS {EN{niGht}ROSS*}
6   What a witch might do to become very angry? (3,3,3,6) FLY OFF THE HANDLE [DD]
7   Also called a retired captain (5) ALIAS {A}{SAIL<=}
8   Became worse in fact after consuming ecstasy near stall (8) DEEPENED {DE{E}{PEN}ED}
9   Keep mum in shack enthralled by drink (4,2) SHUT UP {S{HUT}UP}
16 One chosen for job, primate secures position close to Pope (9) APPOINTEE {AP{POINT}E}{popE}
17 Warns father about to force son (8) APPRISES {PA<=}{PRISE}{S}
19 Spot a girl beginning to experience decline of mental faculties (6) DOTAGE {DOT}{A}{G}{Ex...e}
20 Fools losing dollar in bet misbehave (5,2) TAKES IN {sTAKE}{SIN}
21 Live alongside one gutter in Mediterranean city (6) BEIRUT {BE}{1}{RUT}
23 Time to soothe kid (5) TEASE {T}{EASE}

Reference List
Female = F, Steamer = SS, Fellow = F, Nazi Corps = SS, President = P, Model = T, Alien = ET, Hot = H, Strong = F, Hard = H, England = E, Ecstasy = E, Son = S, Girl = G, Time = T



  1. Nice grid Doc!
    In 3D, I think "terribly" is the anagram ind and "impulsive" the def

    1. Thanks Ramki :) Yes, that's correct.

    2. We may do certain things on the spur of the moment. Sometimes we may take spur-of-the-moment actions. The def 'impulsive' is adj, so the enu has those hyphens as the word as adj has the hyphens. We have to observe these niceties in crossword construction.

    3. Thank you. I did not know the niceties.

    4. Right. CV .I noticed the hyphens when solving

  2. 8d Can in fact substitute for indeed in the clue? In my view NO

    1. It is not substituting 'indeed'. Fact is a syn of Deed. Chambers below.

      1 action, act, activity, achievement, performance, accomplishment, undertaking, exploit, feat, fact, truth, reality
      2 document, contract, agreement, record, title, transaction formal indenture

    2. Thanks Satyan. I did not know this meaning of the word fact

    3. You are most welcome Suresh! Thanks for solving the crossword.

  3. Thanks for the entertainment Doc!
    3D def is a giveaway that helped cracking other clues

  4. Yes,I filled it in at the spur of the moment!

  5. Very entertaining puzzle. Decided to do the puzzle during tea break at work.
    Thanks Dr. X

    1. Thanks Vasant :) hope you are enjoying new career in Thailand.

    2. Pretty much enjoying Doc.
      Lots of things to enjoy. Warm and friendly people. Beaches. Plant too.

    3. Thank you Paddy and KKR.

  6. Enjoyed this puzzle all the way through! Liked 3D for its topicality. Several answers were contemporary colloquial phrases (11A, 12A, 24A, 6D, 20D); I like the variety they add to standard words (if you know what I mean). Thank you, Dr X.

    1. Very gratifying to know you enjoyed! Thanks Amita :)

  7. Hi Doc, Posting this late night,; hope you see this., as I was tackling the 1 Across Gridfest. You have Ecstatically excepted the wife and husband team.? Had an eerie sense of deja vu while doing both!.

    Your ubiquitous long phrases are delectable in their wordplay. Thanks with a bouquet of flowers.
