Sunday 4 August 2019

The Sunday Crossword No 3059, Sunday 04 Aug 2019

1   Flames from bonfires you'd vacantly started (10) BOYFRIENDS {BONFIRES+YouD}*
6   First of Carlings imbibed by drunk Caledonian (4) SCOT {S{Ca...s}OT}
9   Oh dear: in Asia, soy pod undergoing 'modification' (4-1-5)  OOPS-A-DAISY*
10 Pro bono lawyer's rate: that's about right (4) FREE {F{R}EE}
12 Football pundit's behind Yorkshire side: 'I don't like that, giving ground' (12) HILLSBOROUGH {HILL'S}{BOROUGH}(~boro) Anno pending See comments
15 Terrible dragon overcomes island, becoming object of worship (4,3) RAIN GOD {DRAGON}* over {I}
16 Nobody, after embracing Chinese philosophy, remains nobody (3,1,3) NOT A ONE {NO{TAO}NE} Shouldn't that be TAOISM?
17 Caught fish between banks of Tweed (7) TANGLED {Twee{ANGLE}D}
19 Less substantial (when describing noise, primarily)? (7) TINNIER {TIN{N}IER} &lit
20 Sticky secreting structures revealed as mud unclogs sloppily (6,6) MUCOUS GLANDS*
23 Sour spell (4) TURN [DD]
24 Show contempt as chicken amateur finally beats retreat (4,1,5) COCK A SNOOK {COCK}{A}{b..tS}{NOOK}
25 Apply layer of coolant, not evenly (4) COAT {CoOlAnT}
26 Misreading of Jude: priest is a joke! (3,7) JEU DESPRIT*

1   Personal problem? Fine to show reserve (4) BOOK {BO}{OK}
2   Remove organs from pet after rising, shrill sounds (4) YAPS <=
3   Wilde's prison reportedly permitted recitals (7,5) READING ALOUD {READING}{ALOUD}(~allowed)
4   Communicated something using mixed media about the French (7) EMAILED {EMAI{LE}D*}
5   Hullabaloo about stub put out in receptacle (7) DUSTBIN {D{STUB*}IN}
7   Wealth taken from doddery OAP? I concur (10) CORNUCOPIA*
8   Operatic act avoiding bum note? It's kids' stuff (3,5,2) THE THREE RS {THE THREE tenoRS}
11 They're seen in classrooms strewing kids around (7-5) WRITING-DESKS*
13 Calculating, cold: possibly I'm the replacement for Conservatives' leader (10) ARITHMETIC {im+the)* for (c) in ARCTIC
14 'Select' prison: more spacious, by the sound of it, with pleasant place for lunch (6,4) PICNIC AREA (~ pick nick airier}
18 Infernal, horrible poetry, 'When Half Becomes One' (7) DOGGONE DOGG(-erel+one)ONE
19 Acknowledged North Korea originally involved in suspicious death (7) THANKED {THA{N}{Ko..a}}ED*}
21 In favour of vociferously delivering a number (4) FOUR (~for)
22 Second outfit to offer little satirical observation (4) SKIT {S}{KIT}

Reference List
Right = R, Island = I, Amateur = A, Personal problem = Body Odour = BO, North = N, Second = S



  1. Special at 10:30 by new setter ScientistX

  2. 12a scarborough FC is referred boro. I don't like it:ugh.

  3. 21d Four and for are homonyms?!


    2. Years ago on a message board I had arguments with UK members on this subject. They insisted these two are indeed homophones. Pronunciations of words differ from region to region in the UK itself and often solvers are left unconvinced.More so where English is a second language.

  4. 19a tinny:"having a displeasingly thin, metallic sound"
