Friday, 31 January 2020

No 12846, Friday 31 Jan 2020, Dr. X


All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only

The regular blog will replace the clues at 4 PM.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Hurried to get rid of small, terribly basic cycle rickshaws (8) PEDICABS {sPED}{BASIC*}
5   Reprimand about rubbish copy (6) PARROT {RAP<=}{ROT}
10 Fall of Man essentially in ‘Paradise Lost’ causes anguish (7) DESPAIR PARaDISE*
11 Fool, possibly mad, interrupts legendary clarinetist (7) GOODMAN {GOO{MAD*}N}

12 Reviewing mission to enter United Kingdom in Eskimo boat (5) UMIAK {U{AIM<=}K}
13 Hardened criminal needs to control temper (9) STIFFENED {S{TIFF}ENED*}
14 In spite of vow, changes beliefs (6,2,4) POINTS OF VIEW*
18 What a boatman might do to give an opinion without being asked? (3,4,3,2) PUT ONES OAR IN [DD]
21 Demand to install new President after second unofficial ballot (5,4) STRAW POLL {T{RAW}{P}OLL} after {S}
23 Keep consuming ecstasy and throw up (5) HEAVE {H{E}AVE}
24 Distribute party drug smuggled by hooligan (4,3) DOLE OUT {DO}{L{E}OUT}
25 Contemptuous expert penning essentially vicious article (7) DEFIANT {DEF{vicIous}{AN}T}
26 Realizes husband’s overwhelmed by disputes (6) CASHES {CAS{H}ES}
27 One composing sacred songs in square, captured by friend on film (8) PSALMIST {P{S}AL}{MIST}

1   Stand by president facing dishonour (6) PODIUM {P}{ODIUM}
2   Draw out and criticize revolting drunk (6) DISTIL {DIS}{LIT<=}
3   Bully about to torment many with new repressive measures (9) CRACKDOWN {C{RACK}{D}OW}{N}
4   Makes an irreversible commitment and never rows again? (5,4,5) BURNS ONES BOATS [DD]
6   Amateur on dope turns unresponsive (5) ALOOF {A}{FOOL<=}
7   Idealistic fellow in riot around college (8) ROMANTIC {RO{MAN}TI*}{C}
8   Moderate individual, a little distressed in city (4,4) TONE DOWN {T{ONE}{Di...d}OWN}
9   Once more defers drinking rum, despite being very likely to fail (7,3,4) AGAINST ALL ODDS {AGAIN}{STALL{ODD}S}
15 Face of fanatic, just revolting (9) FRIGHTFUL {F}{RIGHTFUL}
16 Disjointed narrative about one rogue (8) EPISODIC {EP{1}{SOD}IC}
17 Unsettles celebrity brushing aside media’s latest reports (8) STARTLES {STAR}{TaLES}
19 Islam perhaps barring a sandwich meat (6) SALAMI {SAL{A}MI*}
20 Decay in atom! Leave quickly (4,2) BEAT IT {B{EAT}IT}
22 Complete mess, I hear (5) WHOLE (~hole)

Reference List
Small = S, President = P, Second = S. Ecstasy = E, Party = DO, Drug = E, Husband = H, Square = S, Many = D, New = N, College = C

Thursday, 30 January 2020

No 12845, Thursday 30 Jan 2020, Dr. X

1   Extremely popular garden tools (2,6) IN SPADES {IN}{SPADES}
5   Institution is close to infirmary in a ghetto (6) ASYLUM {A}{S{i...rY}LUM}
10 Hospital in Middle Eastern city dismisses old director (5) CHAIR {C{H}AIRo}
11 Consuming cocaine in excess? Grass is better (9) RECOVERED {RE{C}{OVER}ED}
12 Drive into compact shopping center in America (5,4) STRIP MALL {S{TRIP}MALL}
13 Return container with most spicy tortilla chip (5) NACHO {CAN<=}{HOt}
14 Ruses to avoid ultimately arduous fitness exercises (6) FEINTS FITNESs*
15 Model scoring ecstasy in sorrow shivers (7) TREMORS {T}{REMORSe}
18 Takes boxes filled with cocaine and heroin (7) FILCHES {FIL{C}{H}ES}
20 Escort outside dive going backless to entice (6) SEDUCE {SE{DUCt}E} (Correction - SE{DUCk}E} }
22 Speak briefly with weird revolutionary; he’s pathetic (5) SADDO {SAy}{ODD<=}
24 Eager fellow knocking back peg gets a strong desire to travel (5,4) ITCHY FEET  {ITCHY}{F}{TEE<=}
25 Where spectacles might be exactly (2,3,4) ON THE NOSE [DD]
26 One town torn asunder (2,3) IN TWO {1}{TOWN*}
27 Stressful time for Conservative in tears (6) TRYING (-c+t)TRYING
28 Trouble with maiden worried eating companion in army (8) MESSMATE {MESS}{M}{ATE}

1   Cut defective menisci to eliminate source of misery (6) INCISE mENISCI*
2   Wire malfunctioning in enclosure where flight is located (9) STAIRWELL {STA{WIRE*}ALL}
3   It’s unimportant but life vests are provided on airplanes in case of this? (1,4,2,3,5) A DROP IN THE OCEAN [DD]
4   British noblemen holding most suitable parts of a winter cap (7) EARLAPS {EARL{APt}S}
6   Endless envy said to represent one of these? (5,6,4) SEVEN DEADLY SINS* &lit
7   Characters in hauntingly rich musical (5) LYRIC [T]
8   Rodent had run wild inside causing bedlam (8) MADHOUSE {M{HAD*}OUSE}
9   Form special religious group to grab power (6) SCULPT {S}{CUL{P}T}
16 Im quitting choirmaster’s new band (9) ORCHESTRA CHOiRmASTER*
17 Kills husband! Extremely revolting development (8) OFFSHOOT {OFFS}{H}{TOO<=}
19 Drunkard about to guzzle a peg (6) SPIGOT {S{PIG}OT}
20 Bury most of collection on Greek island (7) SECRETE {SEt}{CRETE}
21 Battled in action to secure victory for king (6) STROVE STRO(-k+v)VE
23 Director casting wife in humorous song (5) DITTY {D}{wITTY}

Reference List
Hospital = H, Old = O, Cocaine = C, Model = T, Ecstasy = E, Heroin = H, Fellow = F, Peg = TEE, Conservative = C, Time = T, Maiden = M, Special = S, Power = P, Husband = H, Victory = V, King = K, Wife = W

Wednesday, 29 January 2020

No 12844, Wednesday 29 Jan 2020, Dr. X

1   Bit dangerous perhaps to become less vigilant (4,4,5)  DROP ONES GUARD {DROP}{DANGEROUS}*
8   Gizmo we refurbished includes device to cut grass (5) MOWER [T]
9   Nervous reaction resulting from insensitive wife breaking heart (4,5) COLD SWEAT {COLD}{S{W}EAT}
11 Contentment after a little sexy dance by model in erotic form of entertainment (10) STRIPTEASE {EASE} after {Sexy}{TRIP}{T}
12 Dismiss fellow with anger (4) FIRE {F}{IRE}
14 Father on stage receives posh collage (5-2) PASTE-UP {PA}{STE{U}P}
16 Weary revolutionary avoiding a precinct in African country (7) ERITREA {TIRE<=}{aREA}
17 Member eating oriental duck and aromatic herb (7) OREGANO {OR{E}GAN}{O}
19 Dreadful boy breaks new camera (7) MACABRE {MACA{B}RE*}
21 Reviewing some sightings of unnatural aerial phenomena (1,1,1,1) UFOS [T<=]
22 They replace European character involved in disputes (5,5) SPARE PARTS {SPAR{E}{PART}S}
25 One avoided disrupting term with on-line registration (9) ENROLMENT {TERM+ON+LiNE}*
26 Become frosty when India gets trophy, overwhelming England (3,2) ICE UP {I}{C{E}UP}
27 Slept with hot lesbian slyly? Tell all (5,3,5) SPILL THE BEANS {SLEPT+H+LESBIAN}*

2   Socialists gathering to fight for payments (7) REWARDS {RE{WAR}DS}
3   Unnecessary split with girl after a little exchange breaks mate (10) PERIPHERAL {P{Ex...e}{RIP}{HER}AL}
4   Mother-of-pearl caught in net, not small (5) NACRE {sNA{C}RE}
5   Marketing crew’s enthusiasm after consuming alcoholic beverages (5,4) SALES TEAM {S{ALES}TEAM}
6   Honours astronomers discovering a constellation (4) URSA [T]
7   More gluttonous? Avoid grease primarily to become thinner (7) REEDIER gREEDIER
8   Manufacture large quantities of fancy upper-class cars and mopeds (4-7) MASS-PRODUCE {U+CARS+MOPEDS}*
10 All is revealed as a result of beating? (3,4,2,2) THE GAME IS UP [DD]
13 Correct to criticize film’s revolting sequence (10) DISCIPLINE {DIS}{PIC<=}{LINE}
15 Troublesome person about to cavort with model is most eager (9) PROMPTEST {P{ROMP}{T}EST}
18 English leave and stumble in act of self-aggrandizement (3,4) EGO TRIP {E}{GO}{TRIP}
20 Bit of bacon, egg and mushroom (7) BURGEON {Ba..n}{URGE ON}
23 Not right to stop working! Join again (5) RETIE RETIrE
24 Start to enjoy brief peace in twelfth month of Jewish calendar (4) ELUL {En..y}{LULl}

Reference List
Wife = W, Model = T, Fellow = F, Posh = U, Oriental = E, Boy = B, European = E, India = I, England = E, Hot = H, Caught = C, Small = S, Upper-class = U, Criticize = DIS, English = E, Right = R

Tuesday, 28 January 2020

No 12843, Tuesday 28 Jan 20, Dr. X

1   Sizzling tale by model involved in fling — it’s clandestine (8) STEALTHY {S{TALE*}{T}HY}
5   Taking wicket, speaks sharply back and provokes (6) SPAWNS {SPA{W}NS<=}
10 Insolent girl spent earnings causing concern (7) PERTAIN {PERT}{gAIN}
11 Orders to arrest old associate in historical Asian island (7) FORMOSA {FORM{O}S}{A}
12 Make a hash of examination at Centre for bachelor’s degree (5) NOTCH {(-b + e...iNa...n)NOTCH}
13 Fantastic coder cracking perfect system (9) PROCEDURE {P{CODER*}URE}
14 Ordering to speak softly, facing commotion in class (12) COORDINATING {COO}{R{DIN}ATING}
18 Where a film star might be fully informed (2,3,7) IN THE PICTURE [DD]
21 Good crowd in concert beginning to enjoy performance (9) PROGRAMME {PRO{G}{RAM}M}{En..y}
23 Blunder resulting from losing head in panic (5) ERROR tERROR
24 Trampled bag returned contains a little rare rum (7) TRODDEN {T{Rare}{ODD}EN<=}
25 Essentially immoral den near work offering many services (3-4) ONE-STOP {immOral}{NEST}{OP}
26 Leader of battalion fired craftier army camp supplier (6) SUTLER SUbTLER
27 Veil worn by informer following humiliating blunder (8) PRATFALL {P{RAT}{F}ALL}

1   Spineless charge to stifle press (6) SUPINE {SU{PIN}E}
 List of corrections given by scoundrel in time (6) ERRATA {ER{RAT}A}
3   Vile man leaving ditch caught by Holmes in disguise (9) LOATHSOME {L{mOAT}HSOME*}
4   No for President Trump again! Help to change unstable political scenario (4,10) HUNG PARLIAMENT {TRUM(-p+n)N+AGAIN+HELP}*
6   Money to wipe out hint of scandal for good (5) PURSE PUR(-g+s)SE
7   Devilish hound trapped by intellect in mystery novel (8) WHODUNIT {W{HOUND*}IT}
8   Wise man checking rate of progress is very modern (5-3) SPACE-AGE {S{PACE}AGE}
9   What a persistent salesperson aims to get? An opportunity to progress (1,4,2,3,4) A FOOT IN THE DOOR [DD]
15 Union workers interrupting a meet (9) AGREEMENT {A}{GREE{MEN}T}
16 Warring sides about to settle feuds (8) DISPUTES [DIS{PUT}ES*}
17 Stalwart taking nice girl out attracted attention (5,3) STOOD OUT {ST{gOOD}OUT}
19 Plant with edible seed about to decay (6) PROTEA {P{ROT}EA}
20 Line secured by mate leaving a launch (6) PROPEL {Pa{ROPE}L}
22 Manage to get hold of girl band (5) RIDGE {RID{G}E}

Reference List
Model = T, Wicket = W, Girl = G, Old = O, Associate = A, Bachelor = B, Good = G, Rum = ODD, Work = OP, Following = F, Man = M, No = N, President = P

Monday, 27 January 2020

No 12842, Monday 27 Jan 2020, Afterdark

1   Surely a fine company to join out of college actively (13) AFFIRMATIVELY {A}{F}{FIRM}{AcTIVELY}
10 In England, it’s good to have representative outside for union (9) AGREEMENT {AG{REEM}ENT} Anno for REEM not clear See comments
11 Clean road in South End junction (5) RINSE {R}{IN}{S}{End}
12 Qualification one gets on leaving dolphin school (1,4) D PHIL DoLPHIn*
13 Perhaps, sedatives for large bullies struggling to control headache (9) LULLABIES {L}{BULLIES}* over {Ache}
14 No, it’s not good; knife is a risk (6) DANGER DA(-g+n)NGER
16 Leaders exhorting vile intransigents? Likely to be bad (4) EVIL Acrostic
19 Branch of pound’s keeping a mongrel at gate (4) LIMB {LB} over {1}{Mo...l}
20 Leak on famous Pro getting married (6) INFORM {IN}{FOR}{M}
25 Best book when recollected, a line can be heart-warming (9) EMOTIONAL {NO1}{TOME}<={A}{L}
26 Popular official comes first once more (5) AGAIN {IN}<=>{AGA}
27 Seed capital? First get order, company can get acceleration (5) COCOA {Ca...l}{O}{CO}{A}
28 When side changes acting becomes likeable (9) APPEALING APPEA(-r+l)LING
29 Natives termed troubling in propaganda (13) ADVERTISEMENT*

2   Worker has fine limbs (8) FARMHAND {F}{ARM}{HAND}
3   Romantic proposal by novice (5) IDEAL {IDEA}{L}
4   Somehow use mother-in-law to make breakfast, say (6) MUESLI {USE+MIL}*
5   At the end, trust held by old, demanding journalist is damaged beyond repair (8) TOTALLED {t..sT}{O}{TALL}{ED}
6   Difference against one leaving middle class in budget (9) VARIATION {V}{clAss}{R{1}ATION}
7   Pulse is fast, close to 150 (6) LENTIL {LENT}{1}{L}
8   Simple. Two consecutive letters are without one in between (6) CANDID {C AND D} over {1}
9   Rent large facility... (5) LEASE {L}{EASE}
15 ...within Erode outskirts, one in Tamil Nadu to begin with, demolish and put away (9) ELIMINATE {ErodE} over {1} in {TAMIL+Nadu}*
17 A bank worker is rich (8) ABUNDANT {A}{BUND}{ANT}
18 Spot corps being removed from battle at Indian border, perhaps (8) LOCATION {LOC}{AcTION} C/Corps? See comments
21 Control husband’s time (6) MANAGE {MAN}{AGE}
22 Train on time to reach right away (5) TEACH {T}{rEACH}
23 Pro-conservative English duke is insincere (6) FORCED {FOR}{C}{E}{D}
24 Pitches for topless, topless dancing (6) SLOPES tOPLESS*
26 Leaders of Andhra lack any rationale; maybe a distress signal? (5) ALARM Acrostic

Reference List
Fine = F, College = C, Road = R, Large = L, No = N, Good = G, Pound = LB, Married = M, Line = L, Order = O, Acceleration = A, Novice = L, Old =O, Journalist = ED, Against = V, 50 = L, Large = L, Corps = C?, Time = T, Right = R, Conservative = C, Emglish = E, Duke = D

Sunday, 26 January 2020

Special, Sunday 26 Jan 2020, Novice

Welcome to our new setter Novice. Brickbats and bouquets welcome.

Three answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory)
Please submit all your answers in one comment.

1   Occasion for one off diving? Ask thin gay jumping! (12,3)
8   End with nothing these multiples. (2,3)
9   The fleeting moment he faced me turned paler going around. (9)
11 Shriller voices the French understood incompletely and mixed up. (5,5)
12 International body carried in kilos. (1,1,1)
13 Berlin doll has sub continental origin. (4)
14 Shooting off hip rob cash for cardinal. (10)
15 A duplicate one taken over tooth care was not intended. (10)
19 Pig’s shuffle is a measure of pressure. (4)
22 Financial authority recheck bar. (1,1,1)
23 Humiliates to go wrong taking in management degree by the fools. (11)
24 Very agile cobra dances in a spasm. (9)
25 Vagrant man held in bait. (5)
27 Paper documented as feeling over the hill and scripted when first therein. (11,4)

1   Take over one startup also. (3)
2   Last round missing starts! Shock. (7)
3   Shelter accommodated by heartbroken Nelson. (6)
4   Bigger target missing end takes right direction to move. (7)
5   Freezes records without hesitation. (5)
6   Hazy Diana’s going around old ship with husband. (7)
7   Shout over gap returning in arrears from classified listing. (6,5)
10 Strong muscular follower expels chap. (5)
11 With help in-law had change of heart and paid homage. (4,1,6)
16 Disappointment from church? Get over with a smile. (7)
17 Gambler’s way of passing! (2,3)
18 A month without end on bed bears fruit. (7)
20 Indian garment draped over fool from Italian province. (7)
21 Case from ring lost in funny movie. (5)
23 The Spanish weapon is part of the arm. (5)
26 Dear friend takes round in reverse. (3)

Across Lite version can be accessed at NOVICE 1

Which clue describes the setter’s feeling about the date this is published?
(Write the solution please)


The Sunday Crossword No 3084, Sunday 26 Jan 2020


1   Refined charisma, a thing of the past (8) ARCHAISM*
5   With weapon? Not I packing heat (6) WARMTH {Wi{ARM}TH}
10 Composer with practically modest, humble dwelling (7) PURCELL {PURe}{CELL}
11 Rejecting queen, marquess turns philosopher (7) ERASMUS MARqUESS*
12 Ad-libs entrance, getting around playwright (5) IBSEN [T]
13 Section of cathedral undergoing renovation for a long time (5,4)  ORGAN LOFT {FOR+A+LONG+T}*
Organ loft at The Cathedral Notre Dame in Montreal
14 Australia hadn't thrown Test; England missing bowler – perhaps? End of story! (3,5,4) AND THATS THAT {A}{HADNT}*{TeST}{HAT}
18 ... but a stem cell could become salad ingredient (5,7) LAMBS LETTUCE*
21 Take advantage of past boyfriend when something goes bad (3-2,4) USE-BY DATE {USE}{BY}{DATE}
23 Get rid of quiet, accommodating Republican (5) ERASE {E{R}ASE}
24 Belittle English in German leaflet (7) DETRACT {D}{E}{TRACT}
25 Horny male wanting introduction, wearing come-hither look: withdraw! (4,3) PULL OUT {bULL} in {POUT}
26 Enjoy a condiment (6) RELISH [DD]
27 Pants with pockets (8) TROUSERS [DD]

1   A posh couple’s help (2,4) AU PAIR {A}{U}{PAIR}
2   Short, extremely seemly gesture (6) CURTSY {CURT}{Se..lY}
 A mountain range, a mountain range (9) APENNINES {A}{PEN}{NINES}
4   Decent type with soft heart, health for the most part failing (4,2,3,5) SALT OF THE EARTH {SOFT+HEART+HEALTh}*
6   Old-fashioned stove favoured once more (5) AGAIN {AGA}{IN}
7   Mania on vacation: '1,000 insects! Enormous creatures!' (8) MAMMOTHS {ManiA}{M}{MOTHS}
8   Think twice about abandoning cultivated aesthetic (8) HESITATE AESTHETIc*
9   Fabulous officer in range set out to discharge gunshot (8,6) SERGEANT PEPPER {RANGE+SET}*{PEPPER}
15 Scare about European Union suppressing retrograde imperial weight: blimey (5,4) SACRE BLEU {SCARE}*{LB<=}{EU}
16 Awkwardly struggle with fish (8) FLOUNDER [DD]
17 Take case from Edam before getting crackers and cheese (8) EMMENTAL {EdaM}{MENTAL}
19 Asian city where movie villain returns to get minerals (6) LAHORE {HAL<=}{ORE}
20 Tory PM’s barren lands (6) HEATHS [DD]
22 Stay up to let in eastern poet (5) YEATS {STA{E}Y<=}

Reference List
Queen = Q, Time = T, England = E, Republican = R, German = D, Posh = U, 1000 = M, About = C, Eastern = E

Saturday, 25 January 2020

No 12841 , Saturday 25 Jan 2020, Afterdark

Apologies as I started late, so lots of holes for folks to fill up
1   Payroll IDs of employees finally got corrected a day post FY end (5,5,3) APRIL FOOLS DAY {A}{PAYROLL+ID+OF+employeeS*}
10 Endless road? Timeless record is fitting (9) ACCESSORY {ACCESs}{StORY}
11 Subject of story has good engagement, to begin with (5) LIEGE {LIE}{G}{Engagement}
12 Road network in city... (5) MILAN {MI}{LAN}
13 ...usually messes city layout to include parking lots (9) TYPICALLY {CITY+LAY+PL*} ?
14 Fight in bar to prevent refund of money at close (6) NEARBY {BAR*}in {YEN<=}
16 Murderer overwhelms boy in room (5) CABIN {CA{B}IN}
19 Coach tweets often on group of eight (5) OCTET {cOaCh TwEeTs}
20 To eliminate lad in adrenalin rush is more stupid (6) INANER {adRENAlIN*}
25 Confession through a direct message is, is retracted often heartlessly (9) ADMISSION {A}{DM}{IS}{SI<=}{OfteN}
26 Man drowned in liquor has watery discharge from eyes (5) RHEUM {R{HE}UM}
27 Roshanara iterated about holding crown (5) TIARA (T<=)
28 Uncovered ring; leading protest en masse, nationalists/fascists outmanoeuvred (4-5) OPEN-FACED {O}{Protest}{Enmasse}{Nationalists}{Fascists}{ACED}
29 A sober man’s morning begins energetically; totally a miracle, lifeless however (2,3,4,4) AT THE SAME TIME {A}{T T}{HE S}{AM}{Energetically} {Totally}[I}{MiraclE}

2   Special exercise given to copper to catch perjurer (8) PECULIAR {PE}{CU}{LIAR}
3   A book, with extreme suspense written by new playwright (5) IBSEN {I}{B}{SuspensE}{N}
4   Exhibits on parade showing fast food, perhaps is hiding a line (6) FLOATS {F}{L}{OATS}
5   Say, Leander Paes is against alimony, with Pillai beginning to fight (8) OLYMPIAN {ALIMONY+Pillai*}
6   Choice in polls comes after collecting freebies ultimately (9) SELECTION {freebieS}{ELECTION}
7   Ancient lodge in ruins at the gateway to Athens (3-3) AGE-OLD {Athens}{LODGE*}
8   Cocktail experts in pub, at closing are mingling with men from the borders (6) BARMEN {puB}{ARE+MeN*}
9   Royals often go after billions, primarily extracting mineral (5) BERYL {B}{Extraxting}{RoYaLs}
15 Support cut symbolically? (9) BACKSLASH {BACK}{SLASH}
17 Perhaps, an NRI, on tours starts late, becomes anxious (8) DESIROUS {DESI}{tOURS*}
18 It’s not crime to mingle and have communication within office, perhaps (8) INTERCOM {NOT+CRIME*}
21 Thin? Getting married could cure (6) REMEDY {RE{M}EDY}
22 Cake for father given by middle-eastern tenant at the end of birthday (5) PATTY {PA}{easTern}{T}{birthdaY}
23 Mark served ultimatum to leave MIT (6) UMLAUT {ULtimATUM*}
24 Italian monk’s seminal work lacking substance (6) ANSELM {SEMiNAL*}
26 Creep flirts often. Fix (5) REFIT {cReEp FlIrTs}

Friday, 24 January 2020

No 12840, Friday 24 Jan 2020, Sunnet


All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only

The regular blog will replace the clues at 4 PM.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

Sunnet's talking in radio code today.

1   Rob Lincoln, an old African President (6) MUGABE {MUG}{ABE}
4   Mostly not against burning coal this month (8) NOVEMBER {NOt}{V}{EMBER}
10 Small, perfect rings in iodine (9) MINIATURE {M{IN}{I}ATURE}
11 Dance beat with energy (5) TANGO {TAN}{GO}
12 City’s duck lover (5) ROMEO {ROME}{O}
13 Step in sepulchre to sit (9)  INTERPOSE {INTER}{POSE}
14 Beg short candidate to have a meal (7) ENTREAT {ENTRy}{EAT}
16 Beam of sun plotted in axes (1-3) X-RAY {RA} in {X}{Y}
19 Language of beautiful Uzbekistan is written from right to left (4) ZULU [T<=]
21 Because note is true (7) SINCERE {SINCE}{RE}
24 A big discount to help if car is wrecked (4-5) HALF-PRICE*
25 A small change to land at the mouth of the river (5) DELTA [DD]
26 Awkwardly bears sword (5) SABRE*
27 Guerrilla changed sides freely but remained the same (9) IRREGULAR GUERRIL(-l+r)RA* &lit
28 Noel’s duel with Yeti was choreographed (8) YULETIDE {DUEL+YETI}*
29 Claimed road had deteriorated at first (6) STATED {ST}{ATE}{De...d}

1   Things remembered by me about isomer (8) MEMORIES {ME}{ISOMER*}
2   Henry and Tim cozy up to arms dealer (8) GUNSMITH {H}{TIM}{SNUG}<=
3   A cheer for brother holding bible (5) BRAVO {BR{AV}O} A is superfluous
5   Clear cut strain (7) OVERTAX {OVERT}{AX}
6   Please get in line without resistance (9) ENTERTAIN {ENTER}{TrAIN}
7   Determined that inner room’s not raised (4,2) BENT ON {BEN}{NOT<=}
8   Settled and cheered (6) ROOTED [DD]
9   Project to capture story of tragic heroine (6) JULIET {JU{LIE}T}
15 Outfit organized meet up in and around Quebec (9) EQUIPMENT {MEET+UP+IN}* over {Q}
17 Cut quarters became ineffective (4,4) FELL FLAT {FELL}{FLAT}
18 Went and fixed (8) REPAIRED [DD]
20 Integrated one providing that is dead (7) UNIFIED {UN}{IF}{IE}{D}
21 A riser’s rough range (6) SIERRA*
22 Blender to add a little bit of yeast to get fermented liquor (6) WHISKY {WHISK}{Ye..t}
23 Catholic girl’s shy (6) GLOBAL {G{LOB}AL}
25 Perhaps 2 love it (5) DIGIT {DIG}{IT}

Reference List
Against = V, Sun = RA, Axes X,Y, Note = RE, Henry = H, Bible = AV(Authorised version), Resistance = R, Quebec = Q, One = UN

Thursday, 23 January 2020

No 12839, Thursday 23 Jan 2020, Sunnet

Sunnet's menagerie

1   Check half of that lump (6) THWART {THat}{WART}
4   Mammoth footballer is back with Chinese shirt (8) ELEPHANT {PELE<=}{HAN}{T}
10 Make some silicon structures (9) CONSTRUCT [T]
11 Once more secure engineer’s commitment (5) RETIE {RE}{TIE}
12 Row over grand beast (5) TIGER {TI{G}ER}
13 Strangled needlefish decayed (9) GARROTTED {GAR}{ROTTED}
14 Congresswoman’s insurer has a copy (7) REPLICA {REP}{LIC}{A}
16 Cat joins in recital (4) LYNX (~links)
19 Quickly eat roasted fowl (4) WOLF*
21 Tempo of break-dance in modern era (7) CADENCE {C{DANCE*}E}
24 Vile, disorderly males hoot (9) LOATHSOME*
25 Estimate of plagues spread (5) GUESS [T]
26 Game that is used to keep the fire going (5) POKER [DD]
27 Moons about star sign in public places (2,7) NO SMOKING {MOONS*}{KING}
28 Swiped page to get to file hacked by communist (8) PILFERED {P}{FILE*}{RED}
29 Final letter to England supports inhabitants of Africa (6) ZEBRAS {Z}{E}{BRAS}

1   Dumb animal is around one corner (8) TACITURN {CAT<=}{1}{TURN}
2   Snake holes in dry valleys (4,4) WIND GAPS {WIND}{GAPS}
3   One spins and remains the same after it is taken back (5) ROTOR <=> [CD]
5   Next to criminal’s side (7) LATERAL {LATER}{AL}
6   Stole knit in the reverse and tied without the crown (9) PURLOINED {PURL}{jOINED}
7   Clever statue is sculpted (6) ASTUTE*
8   Latest attempt to circumvent the limit (6) TRENDY {TR{END}Y}
9   As horse goes to meet a long-lost animal (6) QUAGGA {QUA}{GG}{A}
15 Press charger of engine (4,5) IRON HORSE {IRON}{HORSE}
17 Central port in Bury (8) INTERIOR {INTE{RIO}R}
18 Notices chaos before a long time (8) MESSAGES {MESS}{AGES}
20 Storm spot near Florida (7) FLOUNCE {FL}{OUNCE}
21 Seam in suit is visible outside again (6) CREASE {C{RE}ASE}
22 Mistake to add sauce to drink (4,2) SLIP UP {S{LIP}UP}
23 Knave? A little lecherous villain (6) JACKAL {JACK}{A}{Le...s}
25 Almost crawl to wood (5) GROVE GROVEl

Reference List
Chinese = HAN, Shirt = T, Engineer = RE, Grand = G, Modern era = CE, Page = P, England = E, Support = BRA, Criminal = AL (capone), As = QUA, Horse = GG, Again = RE, Sauce = LIP

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

No 12838, Wednesday 22 Jan 2020, Skulldugger

1   Patience for American hard rock (9) SOLITAIRE [DD]
6   Image shared on the internet by two setters (4) MEME {ME}{ME}
8   Ruins buckets (8) SCUTTLES [DD]
9   Improve heartless children with therapy (6) ENRICH CHIldREN*
10 Explosive TV comic took a lot out of context (7,8) MOLOTOV COCKTAIL*
11 Exhausted priest dispatched boxes (5) SPENT {S{P}ENT}
13 Poems by Southern woman’s prefaced by scribble on the margins (8) S?S?I?A? (Addendum - SESTINAS {Sc...lE}{S}{TINA'S} - See comments)
15 Toothsome animal cooked, too damn tasteless in the end! (8) MASTODON {TOO+DAMN+t...eS}
18 Associates uncovered evidence of a fire (5) EMBER mEMBERs
20 On cloud nine? On the contrary! (5,3,7) UNDER THE WEATHER [CD]
23 After vacation, Malawi king has a party for old Japanese chief (6) MIKADO {Ma..wI}{K}{A}{DO}
24 Dandy’s flamboyance is showcased in headlights (8) FOGLAMPS {FO{GLAM}PS}
25 Murders posh folk with decapitation (4) OFFS tOFFS
26 Damask hem blotted out in silk-screen process for American mufflers (9) SILENCERS {SILk+SCREEN}*

1   Oddball so normal in retrospect (5) SICKO {SIC}{OK<=}
2   Enable depressing anticlimax (7) LETDOWN {LET}{DOWN}
3   Idea, for example, held by hotel concierge (5) TELCO [T]
4   Creatures surrounded by wings (7) INSECTS Anno pending (Addendum - {IN}{SECTS} - See comments)
5   Drill duty binds regent (8) EXERCISE {EX{ER}CISE}
6   Red Cross censored matriarch’s new language (7) MARATHI MATRIArcH*
7   The maniac’s deranged scheme (9) MACHINATE*
12 Party in a suit! (9) PLAINTIFF [CD]
14 Insurrection leader’s underlying issues! (8) EDITIONS (-s)EDITION(+s)S
16 So great tampering with despicable people (7) TOERAGS*
17 Necessary to be vigilant for hospital close to prison (7) NEEDFUL (-h+n)NEEDFUL
19 Made up the name for a gas (7) METHANE*
21 Urge to get radically snogged without restraint (3,2) EGG ON sNOGGEd*
22 Shows screened by multiplex possibly (5) EXPOS [T]

Reference List
Priest = P, King = K, Party = DO, Dandy = FOP, So = SIC, Regent = R, Red Cross = RC, Hospital = H

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

No 12837, Tuesday 21 Jan 2020, Vulcan

1   He’s in the classroom working (12) SCHOOLMASTER* &lit Semi&lit - See comments
10 Radical end (7) EXTREME [DD]
11 Public performance of the icon certain to captivate (7) CONCERT [T]
12 Good genre, pop, an Italian favourite (6) GRAPPA {G}{RAP}{PA}
13 Wrongly eliminate a missing sequence (8) TIMELINE ELIMINaTE*
15 Fantastic wheels frequently ferried away (9) ELSEWHERE {WHEELS*}{fErRiEd}
16 Insignificant match (5) LIGHT [DD]
17 Performer’s excuse for not appearing on radio at the start (5) G?V?R {G?V?}{Ra..o} (Addendum - GIVER - {forGIVE}{Ra..o} - See comments)
19 Impressed by the crowd following a direction (9) AWESTRUCK {RUCK} after {A}{WEST}
22 Dislike a variant (8) AVERSION {A}{VERSION}
24 New nude resorts around America (6) UNUSED {UN{US}ED*}
26 To imprison/penalise a criminal basically (7) CONFINE {FINE}<=>{CON}
27 To capture, he ran sneakily, held back (7) ENSNARE [T<=]
28 Review, in detail, some celebrities (7,5) MATINEE IDOLS*

2   Slashed young woman with sword (7) CUTLASS {CUT}{LASS}
3   Beat or we prove to be beaten (9) OVERPOWER*
4   Deposit of rent, say (4) LEES (~lease)
5   Greek cried with shame after defeat (10) ARCHIMEDES {CRIED+SHAME}*
6   Metal oddly grey in colour (5) TINGE {TIN}{GrEy}
7   Swimmer’s call to remain outside — feeling dizzy (7) REELING {R{EEL}ING}
8   Some agreed it’s a bit inadequate (6) MEAGRE [T]
9   A republican experiment kept inactive (2,4) AT REST {A}{T{R}EST}
14 Rush up to see a doctor before start of visiting time (3,1,4,2) GET A MOVE ON {GET}{A=} {MO}{Vi...g}{EON}
16 Translated details in to a different one (9)  LATINISED* Semi&lit
17 Strike with tip of big sharp weapon (6) GLANCE {biG}{LANCE}
18 Country’s neat all over, surrounded by liveliness (7) VIETNAM {VI{NEAT*}M}
20 First off, Alan runs around to straighten out (7) UNSNARL {aLAN+RUNS}*
21 Young one craving round meat (6) KIDNEY {KID}{YEN<=}
23 Key change (5) SHIFT [DD]
25 Only name revealed/displayed (4) MERE [T]

Reference List
Good = G, Pop = PA, Republican = R, Doctor = MO

Monday, 20 January 2020

No 12836, Monday 20 Jan 2020, Anon

1   Burn ruler, replace last born with legal head (6) SUNTAN SU(-l+n)NTAN Clue indicates L for N?
4   Dramas reproduced in South Indian city (6) MADRAS*
 Indian king open to return (4) RAJA<=
10 In excavation, bit of ruby found in rock soup (10) MINESTRONE {MINE}{ST{Ruby}ONE}
11 Street has shower drain (6) STRAIN {ST}{RAIN}
12 Flower destroyed in old ply (4,4) POND LILY*
13 Responders warn seers in a riot (9) ANSWERERS*
15 Speech starts on time (5) ORATE {On}{RATE}
16 Neckwear for racecourse in England? (5) ASCOT [DD]
18 I leave magistrate confused by tactic (9) STRATAGEM MAGiSTRATE*
22 With suggestion at tavern, you destroy love (8) INNUENDO {INN}{U}{END}{O}
23 Tugboats have pillars (6) TOWERS [DD]
25 Liberate from pita menace! (10) EMANCIPATE*
26 Thought confused aide (4) IDEA*
27 Return bronze particle to country (6) NATION {TAN<=}{ION}
28 Hill has a fragrance (6) ASCENT {A}{SCENT}

1   Austere painting in bridge (7) SPARTAN {SP{ART}AN}
2   Antelope from New York starts attending legislative assembly (5) NYALA Acrostic
 British medical official has nut almost with hesitation (7) ALMONER {ALMONd}{ER}
5   Sailor broadcast to the missing (6) ABSENT {AB}{SENT}
6   Rare aural broadcast in village, say (5,4) RURAL AREA*
7   Undergarment has one cross (7) SINGLET {SINGLE}{T}
8   Eccentric initial parson is sacred (13) INSPIRATIONAL*
14 Murder mystery novel wound thin (9) WHODUNNIT*
17 Elf leader sees adult leaving Indian islands (7) SANDMAN {Sees}{ANDaMAN} S/Sees? See comments
19 Worker trims hymns (7) ANTHEMS {ANT}{HEMS}
20 Keen to notice hideout (7) EARNEST {EAR}{NEST}
21 At home, cultivate love for dye (6) INDIGO {IN}{DIG}{O}
24 Give up on one trapped by current (5) WAIVE {WA{1}VE}

Reference List
Love = O, Sailor = AB, Cross = T, Adult = A