Tuesday, 21 January 2020

No 12837, Tuesday 21 Jan 2020, Vulcan

1   He’s in the classroom working (12) SCHOOLMASTER* &lit Semi&lit - See comments
10 Radical end (7) EXTREME [DD]
11 Public performance of the icon certain to captivate (7) CONCERT [T]
12 Good genre, pop, an Italian favourite (6) GRAPPA {G}{RAP}{PA}
13 Wrongly eliminate a missing sequence (8) TIMELINE ELIMINaTE*
15 Fantastic wheels frequently ferried away (9) ELSEWHERE {WHEELS*}{fErRiEd}
16 Insignificant match (5) LIGHT [DD]
17 Performer’s excuse for not appearing on radio at the start (5) G?V?R {G?V?}{Ra..o} (Addendum - GIVER - {forGIVE}{Ra..o} - See comments)
19 Impressed by the crowd following a direction (9) AWESTRUCK {RUCK} after {A}{WEST}
22 Dislike a variant (8) AVERSION {A}{VERSION}
24 New nude resorts around America (6) UNUSED {UN{US}ED*}
26 To imprison/penalise a criminal basically (7) CONFINE {FINE}<=>{CON}
27 To capture, he ran sneakily, held back (7) ENSNARE [T<=]
28 Review, in detail, some celebrities (7,5) MATINEE IDOLS*

2   Slashed young woman with sword (7) CUTLASS {CUT}{LASS}
3   Beat or we prove to be beaten (9) OVERPOWER*
4   Deposit of rent, say (4) LEES (~lease)
5   Greek cried with shame after defeat (10) ARCHIMEDES {CRIED+SHAME}*
6   Metal oddly grey in colour (5) TINGE {TIN}{GrEy}
7   Swimmer’s call to remain outside — feeling dizzy (7) REELING {R{EEL}ING}
8   Some agreed it’s a bit inadequate (6) MEAGRE [T]
9   A republican experiment kept inactive (2,4) AT REST {A}{T{R}EST}
14 Rush up to see a doctor before start of visiting time (3,1,4,2) GET A MOVE ON {GET}{A=} {MO}{Vi...g}{EON}
16 Translated details in to a different one (9)  LATINISED* Semi&lit
17 Strike with tip of big sharp weapon (6) GLANCE {biG}{LANCE}
18 Country’s neat all over, surrounded by liveliness (7) VIETNAM {VI{NEAT*}M}
20 First off, Alan runs around to straighten out (7) UNSNARL {aLAN+RUNS}*
21 Young one craving round meat (6) KIDNEY {KID}{YEN<=}
23 Key change (5) SHIFT [DD]
25 Only name revealed/displayed (4) MERE [T]

Reference List
Good = G, Pop = PA, Republican = R, Doctor = MO


  1. VULCAN, has made our task LIGHT by including some clues that can be UNSNARLed at a MERE GLANCE. Of course, some did ENSNARE the unwary to the EXTREME. There may have been LEES in the GRAPPA, but it still set the head REELING. After OVERPOWERing the setter's wits, like ARCHIMEDES, one would exclaim 'Eureka', which my SCHOOLMASTER had taught me was a LATINISED and later, angliecised VERSION of the GREEK heúrēka

  2. Col,
    I too left 17AC, the only possible answer will be GIVER with no proper justification to my mind.

  3. 17A The anno is (-for)give + r(-adio)
    How performer= giver as the defn however cannot be explained.

    1. Perform a service, give a service

    2. Chambers give: 4 to perform (an action, service, etc)

    3. Thanks Doc and Prasad! Solved well.

    4. Don't agree. We are not speaking of the verb Give and Perform. As the noun, the 2 meanings of Performer and Giver are not similar. 'Giver' primarily defines a donor/supporter and Performer defines an artist etc.

      And since we are referencing Chambers Dictionary, neither giver= performer nor performer=giver in Chambers.

    5. I took performer=renderer; and render=give
      I think it is ok

    6. You cannot pick up any arbitrary synonym of the verb and extrapolate it to the nounal form as it's equivalent. Let me elaborate.
      In Chambers, for instance,

      2 'Give news' has the synonyms has 'transmit' and 'tell', so would transmitter and teller be equivalent to Giver?

      4 'Give trouble' has synonym 'create'/ and 'do' so would Creator and Doer be same as Giver?

      10 'give a party' has synonym 'organize' so would Organizer be same as Giver?


    7. I agree Doc,
      But I think the setter has the liberty to choose such words as long as they are not alien and out of context.
      I referred Chambers and noticed that transmitter and teller are defined in the same way as giving news.
      We all know that one who throws/gives a party is a party-giver, right?
      Of course, you have a point with regard to "Give trouble".

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.


    9. Was busy the whole day. Hence the late response. You are missing the point. As nouns, the interpretation of the words in regular usage is much more specific. 

      One giving money (implied) is a Giver. I give medicines...that does not make me a Giver. 

      One performs stage shows...that makes one a performer.. I perform operations...that does not make me a performer. 

    10. Thanks Doc. Just came back home to see here.
      As I said, I was trying to find justification [as we always do with our setters]. For an otherwise well-written clue.
      I always believe that the setters take utmost care in drafting the clues and might be having their own interpretation. I satisfied myself by being liberal in interpretation so that due credit is given to such clues.
      It is not the first time that we are coming across clues which create doubts. We live with them.
      I am sure Vulcan is also watching this correspondence and expect him to give his views.

    11. Just seeing this conversation. TBH, didn’t put too much thought into this particular word association. However when I come to think of it now, in certain sexual contexts, giver and performer can be used interchaeay. Like “the giver of ......” = “the performer of .......”

  4. A performeris a giver of, say, a recital.See Free dictionary, meaning No.11a for 'give'

  5. I filled in Giver only from the checkers. Interesting to read. Don't agree Performer is equivelent to giver.

  6. Filled in 'Convict' for 26A and could not get a move on.
    On the whole,however, a satisfactory solve and I was able to get almost all (except the 2 above) without any help.

  7. Good start by Dr.RKE. Started looking forward to it (We used to call it Tale Piece) as much as the CW & blog.

  8. Isn't 1A semi & Lit as"He's" has no part in word play?

    1. The whole clue reads as the definition but if all words are part of WP, it is an & Lit, if a few are not it is a semi & Lit.

    2. Remeber this clue by Vulcan which appeared in THC 11583,
      That which manages dirty clothes at home (7,7)
      Washing Machines: In inside (Which manages)*

    3. I like this clue, Vasant. Probably Vulcan specialises in them.

    4. He probably does and it is a fine art and quite difficult to write. The only problem is that solvers tend to solve them as an easy clue without using the WP.
      This beautiful clue by Ramki is an example,
      His dance was close to Parvathi's heart (5)

  9. 5 Greek cried with shame after defeat (10) ARCHIMEDES {CRIED+SHAME}*

    What is the anind please? Role of defeat?

    1. It is all Greek (and Latin), so I am unable to throw light. Or does it suggest it's a medley that can't be deciphered?

    2. Defeat is the anind.. Can't justify.. Perhaps rout?

    3. Anagram indicator is “after defeat.” It’s like, after defeat, the fodder is beaten.

  10. Request CV's opinion on 17A. As per his earlier advice, we should also look into usage rather than just dictionary meaning. If looked at that way, I think performer/ actor looks okay. Don't we call drama actors as stage performers?

  11. Since I am asked to give an opinion, I will.
    I do not like 'giver' as a def for 'performer' even if it is in any list of synonyms.
    A giver just gives. He may give one rupee to a beggar or give a performance
    Synonyms for 'performer' are many: acrobat
    One might argue that one who performs a dance is one who, gives a dance, so what's wrong with giver = performer.
    It's all a matter of preferences depending upon our perceptions.
    Take it - or leave it!

