Tuesday 7 January 2020

No 12826, Tuesday 07 Jan 2020, Arden

6   Very smart to shun a drink (5) BRINY BRaINY
7   Sabre rattling sitar music? We are not involved (8) SCIMITAR {SITAR+MusIC}*
10 Disaster spread, India in gloom (7) DESPAIR {SPREAD+I}*
11 US president once got frantic, regularly lost his sheen (7) BURNISH {BUSH} over {fRaNtIc}
12 Keep complaining about old Gaff (7) HARPOON {HARP ON} over {O}
13 Duty over mineral sent back for taxing (7) ONEROUS {ON{ORE<=}US}
14 Uproar over prospect — no medium ground (11) PANDEMONIUM {PAN}{NO+MEDIUM}*
19 Fall is choice of weatherman (7) PLUMMET {PLUM}{MET}
21 Back last horse heading out (7) ENDORSE {END}{hORSE}
23 Starts in Mumbai before loading into the container (7) THIMBLE {In}{Mu...i}{Be...e}{Lo...g} in {THE}
25 Stop Bollywood actress going out of country (7) ALBANIA {BAN} in {ALIA}
26 Unresponsive as to redistribute income (8) COMATOSE {AS+TO}* in {COME}
27 Exposed in seasons, keep it underground (5) INTER wINTERs

1   Voices fall and take off from here (8) AIRSTRIP {AIRS}{TRIP}
2   Party allows many to come up — one needs to be energetic (6) DYNAMO {D{MANY<=}O}
3   One’s harsh and scathing (10) ASTRINGENT {A}{STRINGENT}
4   Hand goes up in the centre (4) LIMB cLIMBs
5   Columbian city cocaine, order material (6) CALICO {CALI}{C}{O}
6   A focus on dimensions lifted him towards enlightenment (6) BUDDHA {A}{HUB} over {DD}<= &lit
8   Subject of ones guarding King’s ascension (7) ISRAELI {1}{LEARS<=}{1}
9   Crack, drink and kinky sex (5) CHASM {CHA}{S}{M} (Addendum - {CHA}{SM} - See comments)
13 Only place for a film “It’s up in the sky” (5,5) OZONE LAYER {O}{ZONE}{LAYER}
15 Terrible abomination spilling onto a nation (7) NAMIBIA ABoMInAtIoN*
16 I take a train, maybe it’s steep (8) MARINATE {ME} over {A+TRAIN}*
17 Flood finally goes overhead (5) SPATE {goeS}{PATE}
18 Fix on 2, in other words (6) REPAIR {RE}{PAIR}
20 No wrongdoing, it’s accepted to rise as one (6) UNISON {NO}{SIN}{U}<=
22 Call online — restricted capital (6) DUBLIN {DUB}{LINe}
24 God gets flower from bottom to top (4) EROS (+e)EROS(-e)

Reference List
India = I, Old = O, Cocaine = C, Order = O, Dimension = D, Drink = CHA, Kinky = S, Sex = M, Sadomasochism = SM, Only = O, On = RE, Accepted = U


  1. Missed CALICO, BURNISH. I think the annotation for 9D is CHA (drink) SM (sadomasochism, kinky sex)

  2. Grand entertainment from Arden! He never disappoints.

    1. +1. Some unusual clues from Arden.DUBLIN & REPAIR, for example. OZONE LAYER is out of this world vlue . I loved it. Thanks ARDEN. Another Run of Daily Entertainment Next few days.

  3. Many will not ENDORSE the action which seems to bring a SPATE of problems not easy to REPAIR.

    Stocks have PLUMMETED. PANDEMONIUM in assemblies. Not only ISRAELIS but the whole world could be in DESPAIR.

    Time for us to mull over in UNISON what BUDDHA said: "Pain is certain. Suffering is optional".

  4. Glad to see CGB getting inspired again!

  5. Nice Puzzle! My COD CHASM( pithy and naughty WP)

  6. Too tough for unsmart foggy like me. Didn't like it one bit.

    1. Yup. after bhala, Arden moves right to the top of toughness.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Enjoyed this. One correction in 5D: the country is Colombia, not Columbia.

