Saturday, 18 January 2020

No 12835 , Saturday 18 Jan 2020, Lightning


1   Give wrong advice to lady missing second mentor (8) MISGUIDE {MISs}{GUIDE}
5   Afraid of religious chapter moving back (6) SCARED {S(+C)A(-c)RED}
9   Understood dealer is worried (8) REALISED {DEALER+IS*}
10 Grand diamonds replaced — mess up package (6) BUNDLE {BUN(-g+D)LE}
12 Compare love note (5) LIKEN {LIKE}{N}
13 Abbreviated tenders at first held out to be rewritten (9) SHORTENED {TENDERS+Held+Out*}
14 Not doing well, enter average stronghold (6) PILLAR {P{ILL}AR}
16 Dish with gold at a stable level (7) PLATEAU {PLATE}{AU}
19 Rule curtailed military unit (7) REGIMEN {REGIMENt}
21 Humble manner of saint (6) MODEST {MODE}{ST}
23 Conflict where unionist usurps one secret agreement (9) COLLUSION {COLL(+U-i)SION}
25 Primarily obese, survive on fruit (5) OLIVE {Obese}{LIVE}
26 Free a French isle captured by one that protects (6) UNPAID {UN}{PA{I}D}
27 Clear and well-organised timetable (8) CALENDAR {CLEAR+AND*}
28 European left regular cricket side (6) ELEVEN {E}{L}{EVEN}
29 Great one, he transformed a nation’s mark of history (8) HERITAGE {GREAT+I+HE*}

1   Man boxes royal black stone (6) MARBLE {MA{R}{B}LE}
2   Stop splitting cocktail having a fizz (9) SPARKLING {S{PARK}LING}
3   Peacekeepers return leader to league (5) UNION {UN}{NO 1<=}
4   Cadres seriously helping to make furniture (7) DRESSER (T)
6   Tennis arena with three feet of open space (9) COURTYARD {COURT}{YARD}
7   Communication device missing one new element (5) RADON {RADiO}{N}
8   Segment of accord read fully is scary (8) DREADFUL (T)
11 Upset with detailing of two door car (4) COUP {COUPe}
15 One rodent nearly breaking cable of luxury car (9) LIMOUSINE {L{I}{MOUSe}INE}
17 Company that set up a rule? (4,5) EAST INDIA (CD)
18 Rule out (caught) in the beginning (8) PRECLUDE {PRE{C}LUDE}
20 Nothing around a dead skin (4) NAIL {N{A}IL}
21 Order partner to accept non-disclosure agreement (7) MANDATE {MA{NDA}TE}
22 Ruling royal engineers followed last month (6) DECREE {DEC}{R}{EE}
24 Slip by line at vaulted recess (5) LAPSE {L}{APSE}
25 Daggers one bishop evidently left inside at first (5) OBELI (Acrostic)

Reference List

Second=S, Chapter=C, Grand=G, Diamonds=D, Note=N, Gold=Au, Saint=St, Unionists=U, One=I, A French=Un, Isle=I, European=E, Left=L
Royal=R, Black=B, Peacekeepers=UN, Leader=No 1, New=N, Caught=C, Non-Disclosure Agreement=NDA, Royal=R, Engineers=EE, Line=L

Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded linksTheme word Anagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous


  1. Is there a British Raj theme? EAST INDIA, REGIMEN, DECREE, MANDATE, COUP, COLLUSION, UNION and I am tempted to add, DREADFUL (especially as I have just finished reading An Era of Darkness by Sashi Tharoor)?

  2. Maybe,they will say unintended,but you have a point.
    Loved the clue for East India co.,anyway.
    Thank you Lightning & Ramesh for his ever so detailed blog.

  3. 13A annotation needs spelling (renders to tenders) correction. Thanks

  4. Nice puzzle. Liked the trade mark short, crisp clues. LOI was Unpaid. Thank you Lightning.

  5. I did not get it. 'french isle'- I read it together and was floundering around.

  6. Enjoyable as always! Thanks Lightning and Ramesh.

  7. Could you kindly parse 2dn? I got the answer. But how do u get sling? Park is stop, I guess.
