Thursday 23 January 2020

No 12839, Thursday 23 Jan 2020, Sunnet

Sunnet's menagerie

1   Check half of that lump (6) THWART {THat}{WART}
4   Mammoth footballer is back with Chinese shirt (8) ELEPHANT {PELE<=}{HAN}{T}
10 Make some silicon structures (9) CONSTRUCT [T]
11 Once more secure engineer’s commitment (5) RETIE {RE}{TIE}
12 Row over grand beast (5) TIGER {TI{G}ER}
13 Strangled needlefish decayed (9) GARROTTED {GAR}{ROTTED}
14 Congresswoman’s insurer has a copy (7) REPLICA {REP}{LIC}{A}
16 Cat joins in recital (4) LYNX (~links)
19 Quickly eat roasted fowl (4) WOLF*
21 Tempo of break-dance in modern era (7) CADENCE {C{DANCE*}E}
24 Vile, disorderly males hoot (9) LOATHSOME*
25 Estimate of plagues spread (5) GUESS [T]
26 Game that is used to keep the fire going (5) POKER [DD]
27 Moons about star sign in public places (2,7) NO SMOKING {MOONS*}{KING}
28 Swiped page to get to file hacked by communist (8) PILFERED {P}{FILE*}{RED}
29 Final letter to England supports inhabitants of Africa (6) ZEBRAS {Z}{E}{BRAS}

1   Dumb animal is around one corner (8) TACITURN {CAT<=}{1}{TURN}
2   Snake holes in dry valleys (4,4) WIND GAPS {WIND}{GAPS}
3   One spins and remains the same after it is taken back (5) ROTOR <=> [CD]
5   Next to criminal’s side (7) LATERAL {LATER}{AL}
6   Stole knit in the reverse and tied without the crown (9) PURLOINED {PURL}{jOINED}
7   Clever statue is sculpted (6) ASTUTE*
8   Latest attempt to circumvent the limit (6) TRENDY {TR{END}Y}
9   As horse goes to meet a long-lost animal (6) QUAGGA {QUA}{GG}{A}
15 Press charger of engine (4,5) IRON HORSE {IRON}{HORSE}
17 Central port in Bury (8) INTERIOR {INTE{RIO}R}
18 Notices chaos before a long time (8) MESSAGES {MESS}{AGES}
20 Storm spot near Florida (7) FLOUNCE {FL}{OUNCE}
21 Seam in suit is visible outside again (6) CREASE {C{RE}ASE}
22 Mistake to add sauce to drink (4,2) SLIP UP {S{LIP}UP}
23 Knave? A little lecherous villain (6) JACKAL {JACK}{A}{Le...s}
25 Almost crawl to wood (5) GROVE GROVEl

Reference List
Chinese = HAN, Shirt = T, Engineer = RE, Grand = G, Modern era = CE, Page = P, England = E, Support = BRA, Criminal = AL (capone), As = QUA, Horse = GG, Again = RE, Sauce = LIP


  1. Went wild over the ZOO-PANGRAM from SUNNET. I could count 2 HORSEs (QUAGGA, ZEBRAS), 2 canines (WOLF, JACKAL), 3 CATs (TIGER, LYNX and an OUNCE from FLorida!) , 2 pachyderms (ELEPHANT, MAMMOTH), a fish (GAR / NEEDLEFISH), a SNAKE and a FOWL in the INTERIOR of the solutions and clues. The MESSAGE is "don't SLIP UP, don't remain TACITURN, THWART all attempts by LOATHSOME poachers who have PILFERED and PURLOINED from the ANIMALs in their protected habitats". Would have been TRENDY if this crossword had been published on 3rd March, the World Wildlife Day.

  2. WoW!!
    This is as much for the themed pangram as for the superb Talepiece.
    Had a great time. Thank you.
    Think of what we have missed for a few months!

  3. Gave up 6DN.
    Thanks Col. It was difficult for me to knit!

  4. Enjoyably varied puzzle today after a number of easy ones. Thank you, Sunnet.
