Satyen Nabar's Sun Spl analysed
Monday, 30 November 2020
No 13106, Monday 30 Nov 2020, Lightning
Sunday, 29 November 2020
Special, Sunday 29 Nov 2020, Veeyares
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Title | Setter | Preamble |
Explanations | Copyright | Questions |
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Jotting pad: (click here to shuffle)
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1 | Ledger entry bound to be reversed to include some bills (5) |
4 | Loud cry Queen turned out for repetition (9) |
9 | Outright victory for upset sides to vindicate ? (7) |
10 | Shine light essentially here, it is said (7) |
11 | Banker initially tough on trader without introduction (6) |
12 | Distressed setter in concern (8) |
14 | Student rescued from conflict getting money (4) |
15 | Arm Lewis is dismantling is a weapon (3,7) |
18 | One quiet about following men shows adaptability (10) |
19 | Afterthought when inside gorge? (4) |
22 | Son sat over empty talk about Work From Home Aids (8) |
24 | Display side at the end of consignment for shipment (6) |
26 | One joins in singing, one gets drink (7) |
27 | Memoir of Judge removing shirt on trip; no one to arrest (7) |
28 | Editor returning to rest, embraced by needy bank customer (9) |
29 | Apprentice leaving studies, wins (5) |
1 | Sleuths return to surround star, worried and desperate (7) |
2 | Initially, boat’s battered sail not initiating dangers for these creatures (9) |
3 | Harrow students in line? (6) |
4 | Beginnings of frustrated response exhibiting tantrums show anguish (4) |
5 | Study of wealth distribution gets chapter removed for extremes of reasoning creating new study (10) |
6 | Creation of World Body tentatively revised without conclusion (8) |
7 | Almost entire compound used in gun powder (5) |
8 | Gnat flying among unknowns ending in strange flower (7) |
13 | Label a spot to spell out (4,1,5) |
16 | Caught Nero, rain playing havoc, got trapped (2,1,6) |
17 | Sing afresh after instrument is cut short in channels (8) |
18 | Antelope chewing cud going back leaner (7) |
20 | Lets out place in front, confirms (7) |
21 | Reason old flame’s expletive not right (6) |
23 | Miss hugging man to pinch? (5) |
25 | Unlatched Indian King’s head falls down (4) |
The Sunday Crossword No 3126, Sunday 29 Nov 2020
1 'Horribly boring Belarus': that'll get the citizenry worked up (6,7) RABBLE ROUSING*
8 Knocked back, it's a wine from Piedmont (4) ASTI [T<=] Semi&lit
9 Instagram entry displaying demon: about right to get 'like' (Jeff Koons' work) (4-6) POST-MODERN {POST}{MODE{R}N*}
10 Mark a git's been given, being contrary – disgrace (6) STIGMA {M} in {A+GITS}*
11 Senselessness involving stupidity, to start with! (8) INSANITY {IN{S
12 Dutch award initially rejected by German author, being big beast (9) DOBERMANN {D}{OBE}{R
14 Letters from Greece – audible expressions of yearning (4) PSIS (~sighs)
15 Part of actualité? (4) FACT [T] &lit
16 Game hand makes you freak out (2,7) GO BANANAS {GO}{BANANAS}
20 Traditional halibut prepared with aïoli starter (8) HABITUAL {HALIBUT+A
21 What Everyman's pen creates: like some Shakespearean verses (6) IAMBIC {I'AM}{BIC}
23 In review: small bit of land where O Canada's sung, principally, alongside river! (4,6) NOVA SCOTIA {AIT}{O}{C
24 Even so, the writer's a beast (4) YETI {YET}{I}
25 Interpret corner key, incorrectly, as aid in calculation (5,8) READY RECKONER {READ}{CORNER+KEY}*
1 Oddly rejected Fruit Shoots; took rice dish (7) RISOTTO {
2 Half-cut, putting together tacky jewellery (5) BLING
3 Bishop's left one part of hand covered in salve (3,4) LIP BALM {L}{1}{P{{B}ALM}
4 Aristotle unsure about act of stupid bravado (7,8) RUSSIAN ROULETTE*
5 2nd of August: Farah's entered racing event, making maximum effort (6) UTMOST {
6 Here, one's surrounded by Asian land ... or water!? (9) INDONESIA {IND{ONES}IA} Semi&lit
7 Vacuous gadfly speeds, goes for a spin (7) GYRATES {G
13 Each lad in resort gets Mexican food (9) ENCHILADA*
15 Prefer to include tip of liquorice, for taste (7) FLAVOUR {F{L
17 Leaders from Antigua & Barbuda irritate king with trapped wind; this will be tricky (1,3,3) A BIG ASK {A
18 Heading off, navigator defying gravity? (7) AVIATOR
19 Hoo-hah about cryogenic extract (6) OUTCRY [T]
22 Primarily, Mesoamerican / ancient Yucatan, architecturally notable? (5) MAYAN Acrostic &lit
Reference List
Hand = Cluster of bananas, Right = R, Mark = M, Dutch = D, Bishop = B, Left = L, Gravity = G
The Hindu Cryptic on Sunday # 13, Sunday 29 Nov 2020, Incognito
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