Sunday 29 November 2020

The Sunday Crossword No 3126, Sunday 29 Nov 2020

1   'Horribly boring Belarus': that'll get the citizenry worked up (6,7) RABBLE ROUSING*
8   Knocked back, it's a wine from Piedmont (4) ASTI [T<=] Semi&lit
9   Instagram entry displaying demon: about right to get 'like' (Jeff Koons' work) (4-6) POST-MODERN {POST}{MODE{R}N*}
10 Mark a git's been given, being contrary – disgrace (6) STIGMA {M} in {A+GITS}*
11 Senselessness involving stupidity, to start with! (8) INSANITY {IN{St...s}ANITY} &lit
12 Dutch award initially rejected by German author, being big beast (9) DOBERMANN {D}{OBE}{Re...d}{MANN}
14 Letters from Greece – audible expressions of yearning (4) PSIS (~sighs)
15 Part of actualité? (4) FACT [T] &lit
16 Game hand makes you freak out (2,7) GO BANANAS {GO}{BANANAS}
20 Traditional halibut prepared with aïoli starter (8) HABITUAL {HALIBUT+Aioli}*
21 What Everyman's pen creates: like some Shakespearean verses (6) IAMBIC {I'AM}{BIC}
23 In review: small bit of land where O Canada's sung, principally, alongside river! (4,6) NOVA SCOTIA {AIT}{O}{Ca...a}{Sung}{AVON}<= &lit
24 Even so, the writer's a beast (4) YETI {YET}{I}
25 Interpret corner key, incorrectly, as aid in calculation (5,8) READY RECKONER {READ}{CORNER+KEY}*

1   Oddly rejected Fruit Shoots; took rice dish (7) RISOTTO {fRuItS}{ShOoTs}{ToOk}
2   Half-cut, putting together tacky jewellery (5) BLING assemBLING
3   Bishop's left one part of hand covered in salve (3,4) LIP BALM {L}{1}{P{{B}ALM}
4   Aristotle unsure about act of stupid bravado (7,8) RUSSIAN ROULETTE*
5   2nd of August: Farah's entered racing event, making maximum effort (6) UTMOST {aUg..t}{T{MO'S}T}
6   Here, one's surrounded by Asian land ... or water!? (9) INDONESIA {IND{ONES}IA} Semi&lit
7   Vacuous gadfly speeds, goes for a spin (7) GYRATES {Ga..lY}{RATES}
13 Each lad in resort gets Mexican food (9) ENCHILADA*
15 Prefer to include tip of liquorice, for taste (7) FLAVOUR {F{Li...e}AVOUR}
17 Leaders from Antigua & Barbuda irritate king with trapped wind; this will be tricky (1,3,3) A BIG ASK {An...a}{Ba...s}{Ir...e}{GAS}{King}
18 Heading off, navigator defying gravity? (7) AVIATOR nAVIgATOR &lit
19 Hoo-hah about cryogenic extract (6) OUTCRY [T]
22 Primarily, Mesoamerican / ancient Yucatan, architecturally notable? (5) MAYAN Acrostic &lit

Reference List
Hand = Cluster of bananas, Right = R, Mark = M, Dutch = D, Bishop = B, Left = L, Gravity = G


  1. The variance between IA and print version continues!

  2. 16A: game = go? Hand = bananas? How? Someone please explain. Thanks

    1. Sriku,
      Over the word 'Game' and 'Hand' (in the clue above) there are embedded links, click on those links and you will get the answers to your questions. Hand has also been explained in the Reference List.

    2. Thanks.. had no idea about these (secondary) meanings for these words. Also did not know about embedded links in the solutions. Very good ready reference. Much appreciated.
