Wednesday 25 November 2020

No 13102, Wednesday 25 Nov 2020, Arden

Solution to 29A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Plant letting gents in shifts (8,6) STINGING NETTLE*
10 Maybe Russian returns to Texas city half-heartedly (5) SALAD DALlAS<=
11 Seafood — with shelled clam, tongues wag (9) LANGOUSTE {cLAm}{TOMGUES*}
12 Study covers abode in the sky, time for disagreement (7) DISSENT {D{ISS}EN}{T}
13 Crack up during watch, making things damp (7) SEEPAGE {SE{GAPE<}E}
14 Steal bowl in two pieces (5) PROWL Anno pending (Addendum - {PROW}{L} bow=prow - See comments)
16 Trouble between animal and insect, one will attack (9) ASSAILANT {ASS}{AIL}{ANT}
19 Break seal, try to bury the dead (3,2,4) LAY TO REST*
20 Assume a spot without pressure (5) ADOPT {A}{DO{P}T}
22 Dealt with danger, only whined (7) GROANED {DANGER+O}*
25 Inclination and skill required for defence (7) RAMPART {RAMP}{ART}
27 Daily covers match, shortly one faces rough music (9) CHARIVARI {CHA{RIVAl}R}{1}
28 Expression could be sans forced admission (5) IDIOM {IDIOM+SANS}*={ADMISSION} [CA]
29 Organising colonisers, half of them initially (5,9) L?R?E ?N?E?T?N?  (Addendum LARGE INTESTINE Organising COLONisers - See comments)

2   Party divided over shifting stall, can’t believe it! (4,5) TALL STORY {T{STALL*}ORY}
3   Butt exposed around midnight (5) NUDGE {NUD{niGht}E}
4   One and all — pick up rag if nervous (3,2,4) ILL AT EASE {ALL}{1}<={TEASE}
5   Sun, for example rises, that’s class (5) GENUS {SUN}{EG}<=
6   Secrets of raising those missing high plants (9) ESOTERICA {ThOSE<=}{ERICA}
7   Inventor from South, heard in falsetto (5) TESLA [T<=]
8   Others following the first lady to the top (7) EVEREST {REST}<=>{EVE}
9   Usurped heartlessly, maybe there’s nothing left (4,2) USED UP USUrPED*
15 Could be online, say, from a French city (9) LYONNAISE*
17 Grumpy, like to go up and hit the sack by twelve latest (9) SATURNINE {AS<=}{TURN IN}{t...vE}
18 Love one to work for their share (9) ADORATION {A}{DO}{RATION}
19 Natural for soldier to enter bar (7) LOGICAL {LO{GI}CAL}
21 Shabby clothes Parisian friend spread on the floor (6) TATAMI {TAT}{AMI}
23 If exposed, won’t rain, try broadcasting (2,3) ON AIR {wONt}{rAIn}{tRy}
24 Removed and spent (5) DRAWN [DD]
26 Largest one in the middle is wet (5) MOIST {MO{1}ST}

Reference List
Time = T, Pressure = P, Only =O, Soldier = GI


  1. Arden,for a change has made it a walk-through.29a bears Arden stamp. Yet, had a nice time.

  2. 20A how does P come inside DOT?.. the clue says without pressure. Ideally P should go out from something. Can someone please clarify?

    1. Without must be read as circling from oyrsie. A dot gows round outside(without) p

    2. Please read outside for oyrsie.
      Outside is one of the synonyms of without.

    3. Got it.. thanks for clarifying :)

  3. 29A. LARGE INTESTINE. Which means the first half of ORGANising COLONisers.

  4. Re 29a Arden is becoming more and more inventive. Solvers revel in his ways.

    1. Making life difficult for me - due to my shortcomings.

  5. Suggest a name for the clue-type used in 29a.

    1. I don't think we will be able to give it a single name

    2. A novelty type clue! It cannot be called a Rebus as there is a definition.

    3. When I am writing a clue for a word or a phrase, there is no set pattern. I mentally
      try out all possible wordplays that come to my mind and the anagrams. Over a
      Period of time as you set and solve more number of puzzles, your choices get progressively
      limited, as you’ve already used up those options or somebody else has. So, you need to
      try something new, without breaking the rules, of course. Sometimes it works, but many a times it
      doesn’t and it can be frustrating.

    4. This clue I call 50-50 charade.

    5. Thank you Arden Sir for the setter's perspective and working. Most of the times your inventive clues work and is a aha moment for the solvers.

  6. The difficult clues for me are those with the informal English tat for shoddy clothes..

  7. Arden to me is Hard (en).Thomphil

  8. 10a is bad clue. No indicator of a food item.

    1. Russian salad is quite common.

  9. I must add 29a is al brilliant

  10. In spite of being a medico and dealing with large intestine day in and day out ,I missed the clue.

  11. 10a- for Russian salad.
    One more innovation here is half heartedly here for removal of one of Pc's (heart is LL) It dawned on me very late.
