Monday 2 November 2020

No 13082, Monday 02 Nov 2020, Incognito

Congratulations to Incognito on scoring his Double Century today.

Solution to 4D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

8   Signify average male has energy (4) MEAN {M{E}AN}
9   Canoe gets thrown about in large body of water (5) OCEAN*
10 Test old flame by morning (4) EXAM {EX}{AM}
11 Drilling platform found in soil, right? (3,3) OIL RIG [T]
12 Apes, for example, pirates swimming around bow of merchantman (8) PRIMATES {PRI{Me...n}ATES*}
13 Map book includes Northern Territory island — a landmass people have been looking for for a long time (8) ATLANTIS {ATLA{NT}{I}S}
15 Running hounds bay in Canada? (6) HUDSON*
17 Have teams of law-enforcers capturing last of the criminals (7) POSSESS {POSSES}{c...lS}
19 Mulish soldier follows a female animal with offspring (7) ADAMANT {ANT}<=>{A}{DAM}
22 Imagine losing head and dancing! It can be perplexing! (6) ENIGMA iMAGINE*
24 Sailor despatched by East European is the one who did not attend (8) ABSENTEE {AB}{SENT}{E}{E}
26 Unplanned occurrence when detectives are lodged in air-conditioned ward (8) ACCIDENT {AC}{CID}{ENT}
28 Skilfully Asians wriggled out of island safety arrangement (6) DEFTLY {isLsnD+saFETY}*
30 William’s invoice (4) BILL [DD]
31 Perhaps Alexander’s drink with Catholic king (5) ALECK {ALE}{C}{K}
32 Lane doesn’t have a bit of enmity for friend (4) ALLY ALLeY

1   Dice thrown for money (4) CEDI*
2   Pleads, “Tents are to be pitched” (8) ENTREATS*
3   Name tough to rewrite gets you nothing (6) NOUGHT {N}{TOUGH*}
4   Storm-trooper, who is a policeman, has energy during trial (7) ?E?P?S? (Addendum - TEMPEST - {TE{MP}{E}ST} - See comments)
5   Not desired his unwed arrangement (8) UNWISHED*
6   Respect witness (6) REGARD [DD]
7   American university’s party ending with drink (4) YALE {p..tY}{ALE}
14 Spike Norse god’s nectar at first (5) THORN {THOR}{Ne...r}
16 Make public: “Ann’s lost weight” (5) OUNCE annOUNCE
18 For example, BuzzSouthern fast bowler (8) SPACEMAN {S}{PACEMAN}
20 RAF woman designed armed sea-going vessel (3-2-3) MAN-OF-WAR*
21 Protection got from soldier and tense Lieutenant around base (7) MANTLET {MAN}{T}{L{E}T}
23 Girl is excited with the French window fixture (6) GRILLE {GIRL*}{LE}
25 Puzzle setting? Kudos to you (6) SUDOKU {KUDOS*}{U}
27 Ranchi coed is somewhat stylish (4) CHIC [T]
29 Terribly ill Yankee gets flower (4) LILY {ILL*}{Y}

Reference List
Energy = E, Northern Territory = NT, Island = I, Sailor = AB, East = E, European = E, Catholic = C, King = K, Name = N, Southern = S, Tense = T, Base = E, The in French = LE, Yankee = Y


  1. Replies
    1. Congrats! Keep them coming. We are ready and waiting.

    2. Congrrats - What a spectacular achievement - (This is even without counting all the grids “The Oracle” or “Balderdash” has done :) Nice NINA too..Looking forward to another century from you.

    3. Well spotted.Did not notice the Nina. Double century mentioned by him in his own style.

    4. Nina is soething written into the grid using the letters in the Grid. See the image in the main post where the letters formin the Nina is highlighted in yellow.

    5. Thank you. Just asking Are you and Col same ?

  2. 4D TEMPEST , {TE{MP}{E}ST}, trooper policeman is MP E Is energy, TEST is trial

  3. Easy but nicely clued. I liked 17ac, 28ac and 20dn.

    1. Yes. Took a while for 28A. Liked imagining Enigma.

  4. Is Aleck/Alex a homonym or a short name?
    19A- Is "with offspring" needed? I thought Dam is female animal by itself.

    1. As per Google, Alec(k) is short name of Alexander

    2. Dam:female parent of an animal, especially a domestic mammal.

    3. Was not sure if a nullipara female could be termed a dam

    4. Learned the word nullipara. Spellcheck underlines it.

    5. Kishore
      Go for a multipara woman.Issue solved.

    6. As per Collins, Alec and Aleck are both short forms for Alexander

    7. CV, how about multi-multipara women?

      The mind boggles.

    8. A certain MS.SEN should be a Nullipara DAM!

    9. Shush! Don't mention names... :-)

  5. Thanks everyone for your comments. This would not have been possible without the guidance of CV Sir and Col. Deepak Gopinath.

    1. Guidance from me of all people!! You flatter me :-)

    2. Highly debatable whether you are flatter than me ;-)

    3. Col, I don't think there is any exaggeration in Kishore's statement. You have been guiding us daily with the prompt attendance and lucid explanation to the clues.

    4. And add Sunday Specials. Almost all TH setters have graduated from here and newer setters try to find their niches.

  6. Thank you for the easily solvable grid after some tough ones.

  7. Purely by accident, ACCIDENT has two Cs in it ...

    1. But neither of them represent their true self! in there.

  8. Though the Col.'s illustration for Buzz is bang on, I had intended to refer to Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin

    1. I find that the Lighyear toy is named after Aldrin

    2. I thought of Edwin Buzz Aldrin of the famous Apollo 8 when I filled in. He was orbiting the moon in what was referred to as the mother ship and did not land on the moon like the other two.

  9. Congratulations, Incognito! Many thanks for brightening up the day with your puzzles.

  10. Thanks, folks. Good night and see you soon...
