Thursday 26 November 2020

No 13103, Thursday 26 Nov 2020, Arden

Solution to 4A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Tough going today!

1   It prevents dust from getting inthe fancy moustache? (6) MUCOSA {MUCOSA+THE}* = {MOUSTACHE} [CA]
4   Fear capital — restricted to a very short distance (8) ?N?S?R?M (Addendum - ANGSTROM {ANGST}{ROMe} - See comments)
9   One takes middle path, Siemens keep to themselves (6) LONERS {L}{ONE}{R}{S}
10 Order to include Channel Islands event (8) INCIDENT {IN{CI}DENT}
12 Cross over, Newton; trouble may be dead as they say (8) DOORNAIL {ROOD<=}{N}{AIL}
13 Gas inside the new bottle (6) ETHENE [T]
15 Heard Mao, say, was saw toothed, felt pity (12) COMMISERATED (~commie serrated)
18 Pushes to the peak, by decree it’s part of American breakfast (4,8) EGGS BENEDICT {EGGS}{BEN}{EDICT}
21 Love to take up slack, is it a flower? (6) OXALIS {O}{LAX<=}{IS}
22 Every other boathouse to make do with an instrument (8) OTOSCOPE {bOaThOuSe}{COPE}
24 Part of aircraft — standard practice ultimately over use (8) FUSELAGE {F{USE}LAG}{p...cE}
25 Dog to get us back in pristine condition (6) PURSUE {PUR{US<=}E}
26 Farthest spot among others (8) REMOTEST {RE{MOTE}ST}
27 On being pressed between metals, marked by extreme pain (6) AGONAL {AG}{ON}{AL}

1   Curse the fellow, he is half a tyrant (8) MALEDICT {MALE}{DICTator}
2   Study a flower, in a way it will be clear (8) CONSOMME {CON}{SOMME}
3   Settling down takes an hour, anyhow love it being very shy (9,6) SHRINKING VIOLET {S{HR}INKING}{LOVE+IT}*
5   Zero for an endless composition (4) NONE NONEt 
6   Simon’s perhaps getting food sent up from city (5,10) SAINT PETERSBURG {SAINT PETERS}{GRUB<=}
7   Smoke jacket (6) REEFER [DD]
8   I bank on trade (6) M?T?E? (Addendum - METIER {ME}{TIER} - See comments)
11 Almost accomplished, lines varied (7) DIVERSE {DId}{VERSE}
14 Look at title, not even the newspaper (7) GAZETTE {GAZE}{TiTlE}
16 What comes from this place in France is neat... (8) LIMOUSIN [C&DD]
17 ... some of the people there always look exquisite (8) ETHEREAL [T]
19 About to give the chest (6) COFFER {C}{OFFER}
20 Said to be a nice-looking coach (6) HANSOM (~handsome)
23 Times, Im not there in the pictures (4) AGES imAGES

Reference List
Siemens = S, Newton = N, About = C 


  1. 4A ANGSTROM =Very short distance( ANGST, fear + ROMe'capital not full)

    1. "Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance."

    Means ...very short distance unit

  3. 17D. I think 'look' need not be in bold.

  4. Well done Col on solving this. Feel intimidated by it even after looking at the answers!

    1. You said it....
      Indeed, this grid has been among the brain-teasing trickiest ones...

  5. Very Challenging puzzle that took more than an hour and some googling!

  6. Arden has truly compensated for yesterday"s walk-through. It was a real challenge. It took longer and no net connecyion until 11:15 and thus googling was disabled. More like a brain-teaser and hence more lovable. Thank you.

  7. Typo: net connection: t and y are dangerously close in the keypad.

  8. For the past three months I have been trying to grade my puzzles according to the difficulty

    level and send them for publication. The easiest first and the toughest one last. But sometimes, what I consider as tough, others find it easy and vice versa. Like I mentioned
    before I do not set out to make the clues harder, but at that point in time that particular clue is the best I can think off. I hope the solvers understand that.

  9. Thank you, Arden, for a set of very enjoyable brainteasers.
