Thursday, 14 January 2021

No 13145, Thursday 14 Jan 2021, Gridman


Solution to 25D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Party leader takes along different characters for Tamil festival (6) PONGAL {Pa..y}{ALONG*}
4   Endlessly bound with short headman! Here are super sizes! (6) JUMBOS {JUMp}{BOSs}
9   Plate for 1ac maybe (4) DISH [DD]
10 Honest, it is not within reach of the directors (5,5) ABOVE BOARD {ABOVE}{BOARD}
11 Document stripped afterwards? Feel embarrassed (6) WRITHE {WRIT}{tHEn}
12 Fine. Is French competitor run out? Let’s have celebration! (8) FESTIVAL {F}{EST}{rIVAL}
13 Notice! He has, and I have some small gums (9) ADHESIVES {AD}{HE'S}{I'VE}{S}
16 Starts to have any indulgence in this Tamil month when 1ac comes (4) THAI Acrostic
20 Setter goes to ship’s dining area (4) MESS {ME}{SS}
21 Suguna sends woman away with esoteric tropical crop very evident during 1ac (9) SUGARCANE {SUGuna}{ARCANE}
23 Somehow trim and cure plant tied to 1ac vessel... (8) TURMERIC*
27 Bubbling — how any 1ac pot should be (2,4) IN BOIL [DD]
29 Tall Ajit with every other hunk participating in 1ac sport... (10) JALLIKATTU {TALL+AJIT+hUnK}*
30 ... in which run of learner drivers may end in a tumble (4) ROLL {R}{O}{LL}
31 Are yet to get around where 1ac is likely to be available (6) EATERY*
32 One taking part in 29ac conducting parley (6) PLAYER*

1   Former church official (5) PRIOR [DD]
2   Thorniest maybe, but ones unwilling to strike (2-7) NO-HITTERS*
3   A chartered accountant aimed to burst into the world of scholars (8) ACADEMIA {A}{CA}{AIMED*}
5   Any use showing discomfort? (6) UNEASY*
 Brother to grab everything with setter on the first day of 1ac (5) BHOGI {B}{HOG}{I}
7   The Sun’s rays falling about you (5) SURYA {S{U}RYA*}
8   Hang around to see a female (4) LOAF {LO}{A}{F}
14 Mother’s crazy rise (3) DAM<=
15 He must be hiding the bird (3) EMU [T]
17 Cut fruit tree (9) HACKBERRY {HACK}{BERRY}
18 Hotel reportedly modern (3) INN (~in)
19 Customary dress you finally presented to almost everybody (8) HABITUAL {HABIT}{yoU}{ALl}
22 Agent, having no money, beginning to rue (6) BROKER {BROKE}{Rue}
24 Ask EU to put forth an edict (5) UKASE*
25 Fine Greek character at top labour court (5) M?L?T (Addendum - MULCT {MU}{La...r}{CT} - See comments)
26 Mention report of what was seen (4) CITE (~sight)
28 Lazy fellow I had left with hesitation (5) IDLER {I'D}{L}{ER}

Reference List
Fine = F, Is in French = EST, Run = R, Notice = AD, Small = S, Ship =SS, Of = O, Brother = B, Female = F, Court = CT, Left = L


  1. Happy Pongal, Makar Sankrati, Uttarayan, Bihu, Lorhi to All.
    Thank you Gridman for a sumptuous Pongal treat.

  2. 25D MULCT = to fine (MU Greek letter, L, top Labour, CT court)

    Wish you all a very Happy Pongal

  3. 25d - MULCT meaning fine
    Greek character is MU
    top labour is L
    Court is CT

  4. As there is no paper tomorrow, I will post a special tomorrow at 7 AM which will be the first CW used during the Prelims of IXL-20 final

  5. Happy Pongal. From 1acrosd a festival treat

  6. Happy Pongal to all.
    Two other words may perhaps be marked in yellow. Let's see if any Commenter guesses at them

    1. Jumbos! Elephant pongal celebrated every year by madumalai tiger reserve

  7. Happy 1ACROSS.
    The festival started at the very beginning!

  8. Correct. I had indeed thought of them as such.
    Though when I wrote the above, I thought one or two others too may be given a twist to fit into the theme.

  9. Happy pongal to all my esteemed Setters and participants. Blessings and best wishes

  10. The moment I saw Gridman's name I knew it had to be a Special and 1A immediately confirmed.
    Mighty nice of Gridman for not only making a special but making it so easy allowing us enough and more time for celebrations. A Big Thank You.
    Happy Pongal everybody.

  11. I had always associated 'Writhe'with pain. Had to check for embarrassment. Last to fall.

  12. 30A- R of 'run' to be coloured. Rolls could also be part of the theme since it is part of Jallikkattu.

  13. Happy Pongal to all! Thank you Gridman for the Pongal special.we have it all. Pongal, Bhogi, Sugarcane, turmeric CTC. To top it all, surya and Jallikkattu. But Bhogi is there, no cow? Jallikkattu caters to bulls.

  14. Slightly difficult for a non Tamilan like me but very interesting and very informative. Thanks Gridman. Happy Pongal and Sankranti to all.

  15. Day after BHOGI!
    It is PONGAL FESTIVAL day!
    SURYA was LOAFING near the SUGARCANE fields.
    It wasthen that he saw the THAI THAI THAI...
    A few JUMBOS were making merry and a consequent MESS of the field. They were on a ROLL.
    Surya felt UNEASY.
    But then he thought 'Man demolishes so many trees...The elephants are in their natural HABITUAL surroundings...
    Why alert the village?
    Long live Surya. But can we appreciate his act?

    1. Making a mess of anything cannot be appreciated,CGB's story ONLY can be appreciated!

  16. Nice themed grid from Gridman

  17. Happy Pongal to all. Special thanks to Gridman for this encouraging crossword.

  18. Happy Pongal to one and All!!.Especially to you Gridman Sir for a festival treat!!

  19. Happy pongal to all our Blog members. Esp. today's grid was too nice on the eve of Pongal festival. thanks to Gridman for special. Esp. connected the puzzle 1a and 29.a

  20. Waiter! There is a pangolin in Pongal
    Must be the Party leader pulling along (thanks Gridman, in Hindu)

    Here a vegetarian version
    We call it mixed pal-nog

    A vegan version?

    Sure sir, it is apal-nog as in apolitical
    Some call it pongala

  21. CV Sir - Happy Pongal. That was nice & easy today. New words learnt - UKASE & MULCT. 😊

  22. Happy Pongal to one & all!!!

  23. Sumptuous Pongal feast. Very enjoyable grid. Best wishes to all on this auspicious occassion.
