Tuesday 26 January 2021

No 13154, Tuesday 26 Jan 2021, Arden


Solution to 9D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Doubts are back, ideas follow (6,8) SECOND THOUGHTS {SECOND}{THOUGHTS}
10 Runs away with the last tender (5) NURSE {RUNS*}{thE}
11 Thousands on the run to get highest bid (5,4) GRAND SLAM {GRANDS}{LAM}
12 Fancy tusker losing heart to girl (7) ELEGANT ELE(-ph+g)GANT
13 Relationship after half an hour with a Shakespearean character (7) HORATIO {RATIO}<=>{HOur}
14 Compound featured in a cowboy movie essentially (5) ESTER wESTERn
16 With less American money invested, you get strength (9) LUSTINESS {L{US}{TIN}ESS}
19 Poetry she used some magical words (3,6) HEY PRESTO*
20 Laud for participating in the next Olympics (5) EXTOL [T]
22 Accommodation by the meadow is extremely sparse (7) LEANEST {LEA}{NEST}
25 Correspondent, he follows directions (7) NEWSMAN {N}{E}{W}{S}{MAN}
27 One following Mira Shah perhaps is a sage (9) MAHARISHI {MIRA+SHAH}*{1}
28 Meal hasn’t started, it’s confidential (5) INNER dINNER
29 Breaking news! Writing in other words is a natural phenomenon! (8,6) NORTHERN LIGHTS {N{O{R}THER}N}{LIGHTS}

2   Zealously created ten layers (9) EARNESTLY*
3   Work time entertainment (5) OPERA {OP}{ERA}
4   One may be also known by another name, not a drug (9) DIGITALIS {DIGIT}{ALIaS} 
5   Warm husband is a moor (5) HEATH {HEAT}{H}
6   Endure abuse, protect tree when attacked (5,4) UNDER FIRE {UNDER{FIR}E*}
7   Fancy hotel for a serf (5) HELOT*
8   Tally day’s order (7) SUMMONS {SUM}{MON'S}
9   Girl hugging her old flame, is it appropriate? (6) ?N?E?E (Addendum - ANNEXE {ANN{EX}E} - See comments)
15 Some elements are in the back with Thorium (4,5) RARE EARTH {R{ARE}EAR}{TH}
17 Bounty will reveal the Reverend’s bird (9) SPOONBILL (~boon spill to spoonbill)
18 It serves ten items with a flourish (9) ESTAMINET {TEN+ITEMS+A}*
19 Layer over 50% of the sporting event — they have a large following (7) HOLYMEN {H{OLYMpics}EN}
21 Ships engine parts (6) LINERS [DD]
23 Hate a scientist? (5) ABHOR {A}{BHOR} The scientist is spelt as BOHR
24 American among others picked up — a stunner (5) TASER {RES{A}T<=}
26 Squeeze, essentially arm in arm (5) WRING {W{aRm}ING}

Reference List
Thousand = GRAND, Girl = G, Money = TIN, News = N, Writing = R, Words = LIGHTS, Work = OP, Husband = H, American = A, Old flame = EX


  1. Salutes to the nation on the Republic Day!!!

  2. Most of it flowed freely but I was stuck for 1A. Waited till 8.30,opened the blog. Aha! then I could fill in the rest.
    A doubt about Northern lights (though I was able to fill in)-
    Lights from words (as in CW lights)?
    I take it R from Writing.

    1. Letters would be more apt than words.

    2. Chambers defines "LIGHT"inter alia as:
      In a crossword, the word (or sometimes an individual letter in the word) on the diagram that is the answer to a clue.

    3. Got it. Thank you. First time for me.

  3. Replies
    1. Does the question mark at the end is for the liberty of misspelling?

    2. Question mark is there in the print edition. But Col. has not put it here. Is it not there in the on line edition?

  4. Ortho Paul

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Deleted as you have not mentioned your name nor have you given the annotation

  6. Registrations are now open for the "ACAD-Seniors" contest (A Clue A Day, exclusively for cruciverbalists over 60), conducted by Extra-C. Participants have to cold solve one cryptic clue a day, starting from Feb 1st 2021.
    Here the link to the contest page (registration link is in the left pane


