Thursday 5 August 2021

No 13318, Thursday 05 Aug 2021, Incognito

 Solution to 10A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

7   Abundant among ostriches (4) RICH [T]
8   Walk in ship’s uniform, having sex appeal, displaying astronaut’s dress (9) SPACESUIT {S{PACE}S}{U}{IT}
10 Sleep with person after son goes away to get processed fish (6) ?I?P?R (Addendum - KIPPER {KIP}{PERson) - See comments)
11 Deficiency during boxing match leads to loss of consciousness (8) BLACKOUT {B{LACK}OUT}
12 Counting stone, perhaps, for differentiation and integration (8) CALCULUS [DD]
14/21 In capital, king is with girl having right tool (6,6) MONKEY WRENCH {MON{K}EY}{W{R}ENCH}
16 He believed that earth was at the centre of the universe! Let my Petty Officer work it out! (7) PTOLEMY {LET+MY+PO}*
18 Even numbers do not display this peculiarity (7) ODDNESS [CD]
21 See 14
23 I love mixed grease used in Mediterranean cooking (5,3) OLIVE OIL {I+LOVE}*{OIL} Semi&lit
25 Sneeze and you will get this benediction (5,3) BLESS YOU [GK]
27 Pretty young thing, honey, is a snake (6) PYTHON {PYT}{HON}
29 I can grind powder for eatery on wheels (6,3) DINING CAR*
30 Cut the devil (4) NICK [DD]

1   Alert six girls in Los Angeles netball team at first (8) VIGILANT {VI}{Gi..s}{In}{Los}{An...s}{Ne...l}{Team}
2   Microprocessor usually carried on one’s shoulder (4) CHIP [DD]
3   Last to circumambulate around god is ghostly (6) ASTRAL {AST{RA}L*}
4   Castigate in a Malayalam bastion (7) LAMBAST [T]
5   Horrible debacle includes leading motor-boat stilled by absence of wind (8) BECALMED {BECAL{Mo...t}ED*}
6   Avoid a bird, drop head suddenly and plunge into water (4) DUCK [MD]
9   Curate losing ace negotiated ceasefire (5) TRUCE CURaTE*
13 Part of alimentary canal: found near Panama canal! (5) COLON [DD]
15 No one has hundred for the time being (5) NONCE {NON{C}E}
17 Aha! Mayan propagated a form of Buddhism (8) MAHAYANA*
19 Mediterranean wind that blew in when doctor left Morocco for southern Cote d’Ivoire (8) SCIROCCO (-mo+sci}SCIROCCO
20 Leave Netherlander to bear one’s own costs (2,5) GO DUTCH {GO}{DUTCH}
22 Lured afresh and governed (5) RULED*
24 Goods brought in hidden in shrimp or turtle (6) IMPORT [T]
26 Go underwater for a washing place (4) SINK [DD]
28 There is no alternative, initially, to her (4) TINA Acrostic

Reference List
Ship = SS, Uniform = U, Sex appeal = IT, Sleep = KIP, King = K, Right = R, Petty Officer = PO, Pretty young thing = PYT, God = RA, Ace = A, Hundred = C, Doctor = MO, Southern = S, Cote d'Ivoire = CI


  1. 10A KIPPER = processed fish {KIP, sleep +PERson-son}

  2. Solving the grid was enjoyable. The greatest favourite was the clue for monkey wrench, colon was the next. The others are chip, scirocco and go Dutch. Thank you incognito.
    The settler's name is not given!

    1. The absence itself gives the setter's name, right?

    2. Nicely put!
      Print edition carries the name- in case anyone has a doubt.
      I just noticed Col. has given no credit yet to the setter.

    3. See the label at the bottom, Paddy!

    4. I meant setter not blogger

  3. Incognito is not Scirroco but a gentle lovable breeze in the morning. Thank you.
    Chip continues today but it is neither edible nor is carried in a computer but on one's shoulder!

    1. But this chip is "not" usually carried, no?
      Only on sp occasion or attitude!!!

    2. Certainly not while doing this CW.

  4. Space suit & Ptolemy were stand outs.

  5. Enjoyable clues as usual, Clue 14/21 most tricky!

    Good one Prasad.

  7. An interesting grid despite my futile attempts to solve these three DOWN clues - 5, 13 & 19.
    Did the rest of the clues. Thank you Incognito.

  8. As always, Incognito has given us a most enjoyable and satisfying CW.
    Big thanks! Another walk in the park. :-)

  9. The setter was kind enough to compose today's crossword with green solvers like me in mind. Danke Schön!!

  10. almost solved. MONKEY WRENCH , BLESS YOU & GO TOUCH , I took for a long time. Gird was nice and interestingly solved. thanks to incognito.

  11. Finished in 10 mins. Thanx incognito.
    But 6dn - plunge into water -DUNK & not DUCK? I thought.
    Also 30Ac - NICK - devil??
    I simply filled. But..

    1. Monkey wrench ,becalmed ere tough.. could solve the rest
