Sunday 1 May 2022

The Sunday Crossword No 3200, Sunday 01 May 2022

Artwork by Prasanna

1   Smooth move: child's play? (4,6) SAND CASTLE {SAND}{CASTLE} 
6   Hardly any, you say? What a relief (4) PHEW (~few)
9   Son, charmer, baked pastries (5,5) CREAM HORNS* I love these
10 Russian's a little vigorous (4) IGOR [T]
11 Messages about time-shifted treat: drink here? (6,6) COFFEE TABLES {C{(-t)OFFEE(+t)T}ABLES}
15 Given a warning, changed (slightly changed) (7) ALERTED AL(-t)ER(+t)TED
16 Bring-a-bottle party? Afraid not (2,3,2) NO CAN DO {NO CAN}{DO}
17 Frenchman known for mould in spread that's original (7) PASTEUR {PASTE}{UR}
19 In retrospect, Everyman has small problem, that's obvious (7) EVIDENT {I'VE<=}{DENT}
20 Primarily allegorical episodes (sometimes offering proverbial suggestions) following anthropomorphised beasts' learning experiences succinctly? (6,6) AESOPS FABLES Acrostic &lit
23 Suddenly change direction, getting knocked off (4) SLEW [DD]
24 Interpreters tear apart rulers, according to Spooner (3-7) LIP-READERS (~ rip leaders to lip readers)
25 NT book has an effect (4) ACTS [DD]
26 Indian moon waning now? (4,6) ANNO DOMINI*

1   Axe in bag (4) SACK [DD]
2   Miss that's born, daughter (4) NEED {NEE}{D}
3   Topshop came undone making a pile – that stinks (7,4) COMPOST HEAP*
4   Satirised pampered, absent son at last (7) SPOOFED {SPOOn FED}
5   Light in city initially niggled bird (7) LANTERN {LA}{Ni...d}{TERN}
7   Scotsman, tipsy, riding moon vehicle (10) HIGHLANDER {HIGH}{LANDER}
8   Argument overt merit in poet (10) WORDSWORTH {WORDS}{WORTH}
12 Hair gel a cop recovered in islands (11) ARCHIPELAGO*
13 Liquid Asian space? (7,3) CASPIAN SEA* &lit
14 According to relative, coverage is constant (10) PERSISTENT {PER}{SIS}{TENT}
18 Lout disrupted funfair (7) RUFFIAN*
19 'I need a hug' offered up – stop! (7) EMBARGO {O GRAB ME}<=
21 I ran up to see where salami is sold? (4) DELI {I}{LED}<=
22 Some fantastic wine (4) ASTI [T]

Reference List
Time = T, Party = DO, Born = NEE, Daughter = D


  1. Special at 10:30 by new setter Monte Cristo

  2. I am driving off to Chikmagalur so will not be able to monitor the special.

  3. noted col.sir. thanks for posting my drawing. will experience the gird by new setter.

    1. Again a good timely one,Prasanna.

    2. +1. It equally applies to crosswords too

    3. "Labor Omnia Vincit" (Labour always wins") was our college moto- College of Engineering,Guindy.
