Friday, 31 May 2024

No 14189, Friday 31 May 2024, Gussalufz

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Assorted wet clothes — nothing left dry (5) TOWEL {T{O}WE*}{L}  
4   Place where we get hot, spicy momosright around tea (5,4) STEAM ROOM {MOMOS+R}* over {TEA}
9   Very high old meter readjusted (7) EXTREME {EX}{METER*}  
10 FieMust cut smoking dramatically (7) FUMIEST
11 Bloody awful chap (3,3) OLD BOY
12 Air conditioner rebate scrapped — this is to irritate (8) ACERBATE {AC}{REBATE*} 
14 In Honolulu, a unique Hawaiian feast (4) LUAU [T] 
15 Swami, greaclub! A great retreat, regularly featuring evergreen trees (10) ARAUCARIAS {SwAmI+gReAt+ClUb+A+gReAt}<= 
18 Zero degrees temperature interrupts music group's arrangements (10) BANDOBASTS {BAND{O}{BAS}{T}S} 
19 With just a little winding, this G.IJoe dances (4) JIGS [T<=] 
22 Russian bodyguard on vacation has massages (8) RUBDOWNS {RU}{Bo...rD}{OWNS} 
24 Time after time, a very personal artistic statement (6) TATTOO {T}<=>{T}{A} and {TOO} 
26 Vent angrily irestaurant, haggling over lousy eggless starters (7) AIRHOLE Acrostic 
27 Wins over objective auditors (7) ENDEARS {END}{EARS} 
28 Ann cheers free boosters (9) ENHANCERS*
29 Sing on the counter while Doyle pens (5) YODEL [T<=]

1   Targeflotilla frequently carrying medic, perhaps (7) TREFOIL {TaRgEt+FlOtIlLa}
2   Shy wife and husband limit sex (early morning, around close to four) (9) WITHDRAWN {W}{H} over {IT} and {D{fouR}AWN} 
3   Storming? OiWe'll hide (3,3) LIE LOW
4   Ask for a kind of kebab that puts off hotel (4) SEEK SEEKh 
5   Bring feet on fire over broken faucet (10) EFFECTUATE {FEET}* over {FAUCET}* 
6   Setter's right about setter's statue? (8) MEMORIAL {ME}{MOR{I}AL} 
7   Regressive segment of media reported something dramatic (5) OPERA [T<=] 
8   Insect queen's parents (7) MOTHERS {MOTH}{ER'S} 
13 Relative is weirdly energetic after drinking the last of soda (5-5) GREAT-NIECE {ENERGETIC}* over {sodA} 
16 TV show prompt in broadcasting doc with A.Idirt (5,4) IDIOT CARD {DOC+AI+DIRT}*  
17 Make merry with Dorothy' pal, in formal attire (2,2,4) GO TO TOWN {GO{TOTO}WN} 
18 Many shots in pub frenzy (7) BARRAGE {BAR}{RAGE} 
20 Matrimonial: "Baby with one leaving for America?" (7) SPOUSAL {SPO(-i+usa)USAL}
21 Man, a royal dynasty frequently chosen? We're in trouble (6) MAYDAY {M}{A}{roYal+DynAstY} 
23 Announced dock arrival (5) BIRTH (~berth) 
25 Checks out of five star around half past twelve, finally (4) VETS {V}{STar<=} over {t...vE} 

Reference List
Left = L, Right = R, Old = EX, Degrees = BA's, Temperature = T, Russian = RU, Time = T, Very = TOO, Wife = W, Husband = H, Sex = IT, Hotel = H, Queen's = ER'S, Man = M

Thursday, 30 May 2024

No 14188, Thursday 30 May 2024, Hypatia

Solution to 16D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Starts to tackle unusually cold, bad weather around sporting event (3-2-3) TUG-OF-WAR {Ta...e}{Un...y} and {RAW}{FOG}<=  
5   Ducks kept in a small space (6) AVOIDS {A}{VOID}{S} 
10 Cry at last in movie's rousing climax (7) EXCLAIM {m..iE}{CLIMAX}* 
11 Doctor Hardy's books and pipe (7) HYDRANT {HYDRA}*{NT} 
12 Implements that optimize outcomes, leveraging strengths basically (5) TOOLS Acrostic 
13 Result of withdrawal (9) DEDUCTION [DD] 
14 Sis went to one who's dishonest (5,7)  FALSE WITNESS {SIS+WENT}* [RA]
18 What you will wear with length to cover feet (7-5) TWELFTH-NIGHT {WITH+LENGTH}* over {FT} 
21 Food in resort near slum - mostly at Mumbai’s periphery (9) SPAGHETTI {SPA}{GHETTo}{m...aI} 
23 Short dresses, retro skirts making a comeback (5) TERSE [T<=] 
24 Separate lives, putting nothing behind (7) ISOLATE {IS}{O}{LATE} 
25 Circus act that sets the bar high? (7) TRAPEZE [CD] 
26 Large figures in endowments for royal institute (6) GIANTS G(-r+i)IANTS 
27 Essentially intolerable with others before he gets into fights (8) WRESTLER  {i..oLERa..e}<=>{W}{REST}

1   Score reached over time with end of tourney (6) TWENTY {WENT}<=>{T} and {t...eY} 
2   Primarily green elegant creatures, keenly observing surroundings! (6) GECKOS Acrostic &lit 
3   Rod moves fast covering trail with fine couple (9) FLAGSTAFF {F{LAG}STA*}{FF} 
4   American star ashamed at broadcast that's completely crazy (2,3,2,1,6) AS MAD AS A HATTER  {A}{STAR+ASHAMED+AT}*
6   Some have dictionaries of ancient Hindu texts (5) VEDIC [T] 
7   Fancied maiden struggling to woo soldier (8) IMAGINED {IMA{GI}NED*} 
8   Saints excitedly embracing a man worshipping God - just the opposite (8) SATANISM {SAINTS}* over {A} then {M} 
9   In assembly, Modi 's answer hit opposition's representative (6,8) SHADOW MINISTER
15 It is a new hat made for islanders (9) TAHITIANS {IT+IS+A+N+HAT}* 
16 Shoot in scene, nearly hiding (8) ?T?S?I?G (Addendum - STASHING {STA{SHIN}Ge} - See comments)   
17 A lemon cocktail taken by mother for skin problem (8) MELANOMA {A+LEMON}*{MA} 
19 Regularly appears in court, due early for trial (6) ORDEAL {cOuRt+DuE+eArLy}  
20 Hypatia tore apart rock star? (6) METEOR {ME}{TORE}* 
22 Cycling ground in the middle (5) HEART (+h)HEART(-h) 

Reference List
Small = S, Books = NT, Feet = FT, Royal = R, Institute = I, With = W, Time = T, Fine = F, American = A, Man = M, New = N

Wednesday, 29 May 2024

No 14187, Wednesday 29 May 2024, Hypatia

Solution to 12A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

7   Leave, hide and cry - that's disgusting (8) FURLOUGH {FUR}{LO}{UGH} 
9   Stoppage of work in Bihar taluk (6) HARTAL [T] 
10 Extremely unyielding lady's discontented and nasty (4) UGLY {Un...nG}{LadY} 
11 Soldiers unable to switch position before junction in barracks (10) CANTONMENT {MEN}{CAN'T}<=>{ON} and {T} 
12 Jerks in movies (6) ?L?C?S  (Addendum - FLICKS [DD] - See comments)
14 Destroy data if in revolt (8) INTIFADA
15 Senior support staff? (7,6) WALKING STICKS [CD] 
18 Extremely healthy female always has an allergic reaction (3-5) HAY-FEVER {{He...hY}{F}{EVER} over {A} 
20 Determine appropriate commission to lie for Spooner (3,3) SEE FIT (~fee sit to see fit) 
21 Dropping a Tesla, carelessly top up later with representative in filling station (6,4) PETROL PUMP {TOP+UP+LatER}{MP} 
22 Cross a smuggler (4) MULE [DD]  
23 Long snake concerned about biting first person (6) ASPIRE {ASP}{RE} over {I}  
24 Revolutionary design in Wordle's somewhat overwhelming (8) DROWNING [T<=]  

1   Roll with girl at old woman's house (8) BUNGALOW {BUN}{GAL}{O}{W}  
2   Dodge love for acting in drama (4) PLOY PL(-a+o)OY  
3   Doctors question boy left by sponsors (6) QUACKS {QU}{bACKS} 
4   Electrical instrument tripping hot toaster (8) RHEOSTAT {H+TOASTER}* 
5   Particular about one's afternoon dress, at first sight (5,5) PRIMA FACIE {PRIM}{A}{FAC{1}E} 
6   Fellow appeared to leave leader flattered (6) FAWNED {F}{dAWNED} 
8   Thin gun for a spot of shooting? (7,6) HUNTING GROUND {THIN+GUN}* [RA] 
13 State of wind in a frolic close to sea (10) CALIFORNIA {IN+A+FROLIC}*{seA}
16 At home, veterans basically loved building complex (8) INVOLVED {IN}{Ve...s}{LOVED*} 
17 Air surrounding mountain in capital city (8) SHILLONG {S{HILL}ONG} 
19 One discriminating argued in site from time to time (6) AGEIST {ArGuEd+In+SiTe}
20 Is this device producing hypnosis (6) SYPHON {SYPHON+IS}*={HYPNOSIS} [CA]
22 Mendicant or noble Karmapa, basically! (4) MONK Acrostic &lit 

Reference List
Cry = LO, Junction = T, Female = F, Tesla = T, Concernd = RE, Roll = BUN, Old = O, Woman = W, Acting = A, Question = QU, Boy = B, Hot = H, Fellow = F, At home = IN

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

No 14186, Tuesday 28 May 2024, Dr. X

Solution to 1A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Soft drink with essence of fruit flavour for masses (8) P?P?L?C? (Addendum - POPULACE {POP}{U}{LACE} - See comments)   
5   Check boy having intestinal colic at first, giving digestive remedy shortly (6) BICARB {B{In...l}{C...c}AR}{B}  
10 High on rum, cuddling single female in flat (7) UNIFORM {ON+RUM}* over {1}{F} 
11 Elderly person is retd, so worried about bills essentially (7) OLDSTER {RETD+SO}* over {biLls}  
12 Rushes with courage to save son (5) GUSTS {GU{S}TS}  
13 Doctor loves nurse? Not new for us, personally (9) OURSELVES {LOVES+nURSE}*  
14 Essentially managing company in a muddled manner (12) INCOHERENTLY {IN{CO}HERENTLY}  
18 Article about old bumpy secluded road (12) THOROUGHFARE {TH{O}{ROUGH}{FAR}E} 
21 Strange case of colic in enteric disorder (9) ECCENTRIC {ColiC} in {ENTERIC}* 
23 Metal girder in hotel yard discarded, may be defective (1-4) H-BEAM {H}{MAy+BE}* 
24 Canadian cop leapt on time to catch thugs at centre (7) MOUNTIE {ON+TIME}* over {thUgs
25 Nailed criminal smuggling cocaine to European country (7) ICELAND {I{C}ELAND*} 
26 Apply over back of knee joint (6) REEFER {RE{kneE}FER} 
27 Feel at home, getting century in session (8) INSTINCT {IN}{STIN{C}T} 

1   Hype about new electronic drive (6) PLUNGE {PLU{N}G}{E} 
2   Receiving religious instruction, troublesome person becomes man of God (6) PRIEST {P{RI}EST} 
3   Checks toilet close to studio having bad stink (5,4) LOOKS INTO {LOO}{STINK*}{s...iO} 
4   Anxious groom romanced nervously at first? That's usual (6,2,6) COMMON OR GARDEN {GROOM+ROMANCED+Ne...y}*
6   Saving a little cash, motivate to invest (5) INDUE INDUcE  
7   Move air-conditioned container secured by chain (8) ACTIVATE {AC}{TI{VAT}E} 
8   Panoramic train rides through pass (5-3) BIRDS EYE {B{RIDES*}YE}
9   Plan educational programme for stuntmen? (6,2,6) COURSE OF ACTION [DD] 
15 Most raunchy actress at premiere in tight tee shirt (9) EARTHIEST {Ac...s} in {TEE+SHIRT}* 
16 Flag in ship over river (8)  STREAMER {ST{R}EAMER} 
17 Infer fraud with evidence implicating director (8) CONCLUDE {CON}{CLU{D}E} 
19 Arrest Greek character involved in row (6) DETAIN {D{ETA}IN} 
20 In the middle of a haze after consuming a little dope (6) AMIDST {A}{M{Dope}IST} 
22 Reviewed sample of inert inorganic compound (5) NITRE [T<=] 

Reference List
Boy = B, Female = f, Son = S, New = N, Company = CO, Old = O, Hotel = H, Yard = Y, Cocaine = C, Hype = PLUG, Electronic = E, Religious instruction = RI, Toilet = LOO, Pass = BYE, River = R, Director = D

Monday, 27 May 2024

No 14185, Monday 27 May 2024, Dr. X

Solution to 3D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Protest as money-grabbing politician backs gangster (8) COMPLAIN {CO{MP}{AL<=}IN}
5   Pastel blue sheets (6) PLATES*
10 Polish or Greek character enthralled by knocking back draughts (5,2) SPIFF UP {PI} in {PUFFS<=} 
11 Old train crashed round province in North America (7) ONTARIO {O}{TRAIN*}{O} 
12 Anal disorder involving fistula at centre of the buttocks (5) NATAL {NA{fisTula}AL*} 
13 Finale conducted by trio in fantastic performance (9) RENDITION {END} in {TRIO+IN}* 
14 Point beyond which one can no longer survive - it's terminal! (3,2,3,4) END OF THE LINE [DD] 
18 Correct! Love is fantastic for happiness (12) SATISFACTION {O+IS+FANTASTIC}* 
21 Witticism with nice cracks about lady chasing husband in conclusion of joke (9) PUNCHLINE {PUN}{NICE*} over {L}{<=>{H} 
23 Most hostile states (5) AVERS AVERSe 
24 Passion ending in marriage proposal (7) EMOTION {m...gE}{MOTION} 
25 Buck up a friend drinking at home on retirement (7) ANIMATE {A}{IN<=}{MATE} 
26 Exhausted in conclusion, scoring cocaine and ecstasy (6) EFFETE {EFFEcT}{E} 
27 Turn to cuddle miss when it's dark (8) BLACKOUT {B{LACK}OUT} 

1   Covering crime in lock-up endlessly (6) CASING {CA{SIN}Ge
2   Half-time over, fantastic end to tourney (6) MOIETY {TIME+O}*{t...eY} 
3   Brief programme about elegant rescue devices (9) L?F?L?N?S (Addendum - LIFELINES {LI{FELINE}St} - See comments) 
4   Parodies Spooner! Man, it is funny (14) IMPERSONATIONS*
6   Weapon concealed by rebel at hideout (5) LATHI [T] 
7   Huge blunder in revolutionary outbreak by current leader of China (8) TERRIFIC {T{ERR}IF<=}{I}{China
8   Pampered nationalist in caricature by journalist (8) SPOONFED {SPOO{N}F}{ED} 
9   Night we got high, drinking booze heartily with everyone collapsing (5,2,3,4) GOING TO THE WALL {NIGHT+WE+GOT}* over {boOze} and {ALL} 
15 Self-centred person, one involved in a con game perhaps (9) EGOMANIAC {1} in {A+CON+GAME}* 
16 Pioneers new chemical compound (8) ISOPRENE*  
17 Draw small brown shed (5-3) STAND-DOFF  {S}{TAN}{DOFF}
19 Lie back, proceed to eat ice cream (6) GELATO  {G{TALE<=}O} 
20 Help to accumulate runs and declare (6) ASSERT {ASSE{R}T} 
22 Jack Daniels heartily consumed by emcee (5) HOIST {HO{danIels}ST} 

Reference List
Gangster = AL(Capone), Old = O, Lady = L, Husband = H, Cocaine = C, Ecstasy = E, Over = O, Nationalist = N, Journalist = ED, Small = S, Runs = R

Sunday, 26 May 2024

Special, Sunday 26 May 2024, IIM (Mumbai) Open 2024 Prelim, KrisKross

TWO answers per commenter till 6 PM as this is a 13x13 Crossword (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  


IIM (Mumbai) Open Prelim

By KrisKross
Squares filled: 0/110
Exolve Print Notes Jotter Ⓒ KrisKross IIT(Mumbai)Open THCC

7Stupid broadcast about chemical compound (6)
8Fly in a vessel containing iodine drug (6)
9Say, Ramayana…nice picture in parts (4)
10Emotional hurt..heading off suppressing a cry of pain (8)
11Mature crowd goes back, accepting defeat (7)
13Rule of wife ably managed (2-3)
15Vehicle infested with insects (5)
17Not favouring work, sit down (7)
20City hospital in Ghana is redesigned (8)
21Drunk rapper hiding around play area (4)
23Drops pages (6)
24In direct conflict with that man - a gangster (4-2)

1Weak setter is breaking record (4)
2On the radio, talk about field event (6)
3Drawing case has nothing (7)
4Ruined place to the south of Karnataka (5)
5May you initially become powerful (6)
6Individual breaking leg in the distant past (5,3)
12Cheer, subsequently concealing expression of disgust (8)
14State authority is honest (7)
16Avenge wrong in European city (6)
18Husband wearing apron sloppily - he is careless! (6)
19Hard to cut tax - it involves strategic planning (5)
22Space to catch up (4)


The Sunday Crossword No 3308, Sunday 26 May 2024

1   Covers loosely with cropped top and trouserstrousers (8) BESTREWS {BESt}{TREWS}
5   Printed – and hightailed it (3,3) RAN OFF [DD]
9   Musical aces exhibiting supreme talent regarding instrumentation, primarily? (7) MAESTRI Acrostic &lit
10 Round child tucked in to cheese roll (7) BRIOCHE {BRI{O}{CH}E}
11 Decipher crossword’s clues? Only about five (5) SOLVE {SOL{V}E}
12 Attracted by quirky demeanour (9) ENAMOURED*
13 Ken sends urn toppling in debauchery (11) DRUNKENNESS*
17 Everyman has room for improvement, reader: honestly! (1,7,3) I PROMISE YOU {I}{PROMISE}{YOU}
20 Central character in Dungeons & Dragons? (9) AMPERSAND Definition by example
22 Manages nuts and loaves (5) HEADS {MD] 
23 Desserts with flirts (7) TRIFLES [DD]
24 Land – ground – earthier – not hard (7) ERITREA EARThIER*
25 Vacantly idling in vehicles: they’ll produce smoke (6) CIGARS {C{Id..nG}ARS}
26 Some priest ran Georgia, leading to disunite (8) ESTRANGE [T]

1   Live around flightless birds in muddle (6) BEMUSE {B{EMUS}E}
2   Nicks from old swords caught (6) STEALS (~steels)
3   Scoundrel and lunatic brought up in N Sea port (9) ROTTERDAM {ROTTER}{MAD<=}
4   Alcoholic drinks, assuredly not some 1917 reds (5,8) WHITE RUSSIANS [DD]
6   Old soldier and mother heading up to see friend in Seville (5) AMIGO {O}{GI}{MA}<=
7   Took place in company, rising, better – about right? (8) OCCURRED {CO<=}{CUR{R}ED}
8   Tricky; finished struggling (8) FIENDISH*
10 Pleased bycake’ that’s reconstituted pulses (5-4,4) BLACK-EYED PEAS
14 Less well behaved; more like Fanny Adams? (9) NAUGHTIER (~noughtier)
15 Performed with a cold jerk that’s preachy (8) DIDACTIC {DID}{A}{C}{TIC}
16 On LSD, that’s staggering (8) TRIPPING [DD]
18 President’s computer working to suppress resistance (6) MACRON {MAC}{R}{ON}
19 Avoid dunces cap, excelling (though only somewhat) (6) ESCAPE [T]
21 Governor that’s needed by draughtsman (5) RULER [DD]

Reference List
Child = CH, Hard = H, Old = O, Right = R, Fanny Adams = NOUGHT, Cold = C, Resistance = R

Saturday, 25 May 2024

No 14184, Saturday 25 May 2024, Dr. X

1   Class century with absolute self-confidence in test (8) CATEGORY {C}{A}{T{EGO}RY}
5   Roast meat made on vacation with starter of ravioli (6) HAMMER {HAM}{MadE}{Ra...i}
10 Picture of beau at rave, cuddling lady (7) TABLEAU {BEAU+AT}* over {L}
11 Nymphs in lingerie outside entrance to nightclub (7) UNDINES {UNDI{Ni...b}ES}
12 One seen in bathroom with female, drunk (5) FLUSH  {F}{LUSH}
13 Let's honour hospital staff  - too fantastic (4,3,2) HATS OFF TO {H}{STAFF+TOO}*
14 Day-to-day expenses of training for marathons? (7,5) RUNNING COSTS [DD]
18 Partly separated from terrible cheat, crushed by revolting misdeed (12) SEMIDETACHED {CHEAT}* in {MISDEED}
21 Girl abandons inhibitions finally in secluded retreat - getting rubber (9) ELASTOMER {LASs} in {REMOTE<=}
23 Thousand on road in America for race (5) KURDS {K}{U{RD}S} 
24 Altogether fascinated by short story (2,5) IN TOTAL {INTO}{TALe
25 European commission ignoring England's latest issue (7) EMANATE {E}{MANdATE} 
26 Restrain director probing alien contraption (6) GADGET {GA{D}G}{ET}
27 Sad and tense about getting sanctioned (8) ASSENTED

1   Cold and cough essentially, aristocrat's isolated (3,3) CUT OFF {C}{coUgh}{TOFF} 
2   Trip over a boy's small drum (6) TABOUR  {T{A}{B}OUR}
3   Younger daughter, excited to eat hot dog (9) GREYHOUND {YOUNGER+D} over {H}
4   Blunder to hug a male, drunk and disorderly (5-3-6) ROUGH AND TUMBLE {BLUNDER+TO+HUG+A+M}* 
6   Increase in commotion about heartless despot (3,2) ADD TO {AD{De..oT}O} 
7   Guy provided fancy set for show (8) MANIFEST {MAN}{IF}{SET*} 
8   Wrong! Press one for answer (8) RESPONSE
9   What podiatrist might be doing without hesitation for economising (7,7) CUTTING CORNERS {CUTTING CORNS} over {ER} 
15 Defeat in start of contest? Hell, team's terrible (9) CHECKMATE  {Co...t}{HECK}{TEAM*}
16 Escorting woman in posh club (8) USHERING {SHE} in {U}{RING} 
17 Gave gift hamper, mainly clothes (8) IMPARTED {IMP{ART}EDe
19 Student bunking school, throwing tantrum endlessly (6) TRUANT {TANTRUm}* 
20 Take off clothes finally in naughty dance (6) ASCEND {c...eS} in {DANCE}* 
22 Invest, it helps to save tax (5) TITHE [T] 

Reference List
Century = C, Absolute = A, Lady = L, Female = F, Hospital = H, Thousand = K, Road = RD, European = E, Director = D, Alien = ET,  Cold = C, Aristocrat = TOFF, Boy = B, Daughter = D, Hot = H, Male = M, Commotion = ADO, Hesitation = ER, Posh = U

Friday, 24 May 2024

No 14183, Friday 24 May 2024, Dr. X

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Naughty sailor had a pic arousing sexual desire (13) APHRODISIACAL*
8   Model poses for assignments (5) TASKS {T}{ASKS}
9   Get tar that is primarily carcinogenic compound in this? (9)  CIGARETTE {GET+TAR+IE+Ca...c}* Semi&lit
11 Excellence of flatfish with a nice salad (10) BRILLIANCE {BRILL}{A+NICE}*
12 Worry after husband gets fever (4) HEAT {EAT}<=>{H}
14 Grand diner across river is better (7) GREATER {G}{R}{EATER}
16 Thief at centre cut cop, injured the back of the head (7) OCCIPUT {thIef+CUT+COP}*
17 Son enters shed after working, turns and falls asleep (4,3) NODS OFF {D{S}OFF}<=>{ON<=}
19 Uneasiness resulting from small ulcer developing over right side of lip (7) SCRUPLE {S}{ULCER}* over {liP}
21 Lecturer crushed by wife going astray, becoming lethargic (4) IDLE {wID{L}E}
22 Caution one getting joint and cocaine in show (10) PROVIDENCE {PROV{1}{DEN}{C}E}
25 Criticising overacting without hesitation (9) HAMMERING {HAMM{ER}ING}
26 Spot senorita in trendy clothes (5) TAINT [T]
27 Reveal what to do to prevent pot boiling over (4,3,3,3) TAKE THE LID OFF [DD]

2   Team is buckling under pressure in game (7) PASTIME {TEAM+IS}*<=>{P}
3   Analysis of urine and stool provides answer (10) RESOLUTION*
4   Orders tart on reflection after drinking a little tea (5) DICTA {A{Tea}CID<=}
5   Smart blue gown at inauguration for lady (9) SAGACIOUS SA(-l+g)GACIOUS
6   Exposes in topless nightclubs around island (4) AIRS {bA{I}RS}
7   A silly person touring north European city (7) ANTWERP {A}{N}{TWERP}
8   Bow tie night planned initially (2,5,4) TO BEGIN WITH*
10 Right habitat to conserve national bird (11) ENTITLEMENT {E{N}{TIT}LEMENT}
13 Recognised deceitcard's fake (10) ACCREDITED*
15 Renovate finally after uncontrolled bushfire (9) REFURBISH {a..eR}{BUSHFIRE*}
18 Revolutionary cover girl's predicament (7) DILEMMA {LID<=}{EMMA}
20 High priest is quiet about dispute (7) PONTIFF {P}{ON}{TIFF}
23 Most despicable, stealing soldier's watch (5) VIGIL {VI{GI}Le}
24 Charge to catch first show of traditional gala (4) FETE {FE{Tr...l}E}

Reference List
Model = T, Husband = H, Grand = G, River = R, Son = S, Small = S, Lecturer = L, Wife = W, Cocaine = C, Hesitation = ER, Pressure = P, Lady = L, Island = I, North = N, National = N, Quiet = P

Thursday, 23 May 2024

No 14182, Thursday 23 May 2024, Afterdark

Solution to 21A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Booked prime table in beach, say (3-5) SET-ASIDE {SE{Ta..e}ASIDE}
5   Arrange commercial fair (6) ADJUST {AD}{JUST}
10 Work on nurse's appearance outdoors (4-3) OPEN-AIR {OP}{EN}{AIR}
11 Flap of the airplane wings with hole in the middle of passage at rear gate (7) AILERON {AIsLE}{NOR<=}
12 Game of chance many get tips from tout and organiser (5) LOTTO {LOT}{Tout}{Or...r}
13 Trees and tubers as rendered primarily useful inside (9) ARBUTUSES {TUBERS+AS}* over {Us...l}
14 Congress no saints in case, working to get bail, perhaps (12) RECOGNISANCE {CONGREss+IN+CASE}*
18 Mostly mood gets altered with an opiate, only leading to formation of buzz, perhaps (12) ONOMATOPOEIA {MOOd+AN+OPIATE+Only}*
21 One news from the front covering order at last, makes perception unknown (9) I?C?G?I?O (Addendum - INCOGNITO - Error in clue wording. See comments}
23 Harry Kane dived in the front to manipulate (5) KNEAD {KANE*}{Di..d}
24 The Spanish, say hire worker that is smart (7) ELEGANT {EL}{EG}{ANT}
25 Record with an agent finally, to collect instalments, clean essentially (7) ITEMISE {1}{a..nT}{EMIS}{clEan}
26 Say, richest man confronts stranger with gun (6) MUSKET {MUSK}{ET}
27 French police is good to close issue with English (8) GENDARME {G}{END}{ARM}{E}

1   To begin with piling lubricant in ship pollutes (6) SPOILS {S{Pi...g}{OIL}S}
2   Agreement to vacate territory filled with soldiers, volunteers to retreat (6) TREATY {Te...rY} over {RE}{TA<=}
3   Thus a father took time for a drama (4,5) SOAP OPERA {SO}{A}{POP}{ERA}
4   Store admits log was manipulated by doctors (14) DERMATOLOGISTS*
6   Earthenware depot vacated to house troll (5) DELFT {Dep{ELF}oT}
7   Out of bed, teacher about to take on a new government in a coup (8) UPRISING {UP}{SIR<=}{1}{N}{G}
8   Design sten gun with a bit of titanium and another element (8) TUNGSTEN {STEN+GUN+Ti...m}*
9   Is cobalt a gas? (6,8) CARBON MONOXIDE (co)
15 Tip of DNA signifies death (6,3) STICKY END [C&DD]
16 Amphitheatre for playing music entertaining noble often across Spain (8) COLISEUM {MUSIC}* over {nObLe} and {E}
17 Rebel found in wastelands with beggars (8) MOOCHERS {MOO{CHE}RS}
19 Say flat-earther's study that is right (6) DENIER {DEN}{IE}{R}
20 A man in the care of medico gets online support (6) ADHERE {A}{D{HE}R}{E}
22 Ate fruit, became great ape (5) GRAPE [CA] {GRAPE+ATE}* = {GREAT APE}

Reference List
Commercial = AD, Nurse = EN(Enrolled Nurse), Gate = NOR, Saint = S, The in Spanish = EL, Stranger = ET, Good = G, English = E, Ship = SS, Soldiers = RE(Royal Engineers), Volunteers = TA(Territorial Army), New = N, Government = G, Spain = E, Right = R, Online = E

Wednesday, 22 May 2024

No 14181, Wednesday 22 May 2024, Afterdark

Solution to 30A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Weak police officer catches knave at the beginning, luckily at the borders (6) SICKLY {SI}{Ca...s}{Kn..e}{Lu...lY}
4   Want radish? Cook in high pressure (8) HARDSHIP {H}{RADISH*}{P}
9   Washed with chlorine, jeans gets torn off in the edges (5) CLEAN {CL}{jEANs} POS error See comments
10 Explain in Tamil first, Peter will translate after adding some Russian (9) INTERPRET {IN}{Ta..l}{PETER*} over {Ru...n}
11 Skin is peeled off at the end, on top of knee at the place used for skating (4) RINK {RINd}{Knee}
12 When pressure is absorbed first, growth will be excellent (4) PLUM (+p)PLUM(-p)
13 Man's locked inside empty closet for a case (5) CHEST {Clo{HE'S}seT}
15 Let nuns run in passages (7) TUNNELS*
16 Outing is a mistake (4) TRIP [DD]
19 Endlessly frighten Mark (4) SCAR SCARe
20 Criminal to join at compound (7) CONFUSE {CON}{FUSE}
23 Basically all cops in Delhi seize chemical agents (5) ACIDS Acrostic
24 Report on famous archer (4) TELL [DD]
25 Rod is a European (4) POLE [DD]
27 Last vote absent? Retire involved Conservative from field (9) TERRITORY {RETIRe}*{TORY}
28 Districts are autonomous? Spill the guts (5) AREAS {ARE{Au...uS}
29 Between day and night, a hungry rook feasts regularly on blackout (8) DARKNESS {D}{A}{RooK}{N}{fEaStS}
30 Understood, losing heart is preferred (6) ?E?N?D (Addendum - LEANED LEArNED - See comments)

1   Society of Engineers find old city buried in another with conviction (8) SECURITY {S}{E}{C{UR}ITY}
2   Bathing in gel can get clumsy (8) CLEANING*
3   Ring for couple (4) LINK [DD]
5   Claim TA, outlay is distributed routinely (13) AUTOMATICALLY*
6   Instructions at free counter has heading missing in parts (10) DIRECTIONS {RID<=}{sECTIONS}
7   More difficult for personnel to retain a primarily rebellious department engineer (6) HARDER {H{A}R}{D}{ER} What's the role of rebellious? (Correction - {H{A}{Re...s}{D}{E}R} - See comments)
8   Mostly oats getting cooked, getting placed behind a bowl of vegetable (6) POTATO {OATs}*<=>{POT}
10 Insults tailor severely for the embellishments (13) ILLUSTRATIONS*
14 Reverberation of supersonic sound (10) PERCUSSION
17 Regret about being frank, protecting a Frenchman perhaps (8) EUROPEAN {RUE<=}{OPE{A}N}
18 Severe jam in road, turned back (8) REVERSED {R{SEVERE*}D}
21 Needed a wicket in reverse swing, not dropping ball, held regularly (6) WANTED {A}{W}<={NoT}{hElD}
22 Show Mumbai Indians' run-rate? Zero by last over (6) MIRROR {MI}{RR}{O}{oveR}
26 Wife gets silver ear-rings first with allowance (4) WAGE {W}{AG}{Ea...s}

Reference List
High = H, Pressure = P, Day = D, Night = N, Society = S, Engineers = E, Old city = UR, Personnel = HR, Department = D, Road = RD, Wicket = W, Run-rate = RR, Wife = W

Tuesday, 21 May 2024

No 14180, Tuesday 21 May 2024, Afterdark

Solution to 28A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Part-time auditor at Southern University submits a bill ultimately... (6) CASUAL {CA}{S}{U}{A}{bilL}
4   ...working as stopgap (6) ACTING [DD]
9   Weight of the wrapper starts with ten and reduces exponentially (4) TARE Acrostic
10 Device used in the past vehicle with misgiving and hesitation (4,6) CARD READER {CAR}{DREAD}{ER}
11 Basically third son has material (6) TISSUE {Th..d}{ISSUE}
12 Abstain from tea as per advice? Perfect (8) TEETOTAL {(~tea)TEA}{TOTAL}
13 Hungry lady, out of work after constant stalking by people, church officials (9) CLERGYMEN {Lad{ERG}Y}<=>{C} and {MEN}
15 Discreet company in California at county border (5) CAGEY {CA}{GE}{c...rY}
16 Warns Cristiano and Ronaldo diving slyly in the front (5) CARDS Acrostic
18 These are used to log-in and take drastic measures to suppress news upfront (9) USERNAMES {MEASURES}* over {News}
22 These days, getting order one becomes blue (8) CERULEAN {CE}{RULE}{AN}
23 Infosys temporarily prevented usage (6) SYSTEM [T]
25 English dramatist takes chicken on Christmas (4,6) NOEL COWARD {COWARD}<=>{NOEL}
26 Ball gets bat's edge and drops basically (4) BEAD Acrostic
27 An alternative to her? Primarily it's terribly exciting in a bad way (6) EITHER {HER+Its+Te...y+Ex...g}*
28 Withdraw or lead, but not quietly (6) ?E?E?E (Addendum - RECEDE pRECEDE - See comments))

1   Type of cable, cord that is cut in half having 1111 etched on left (7) COAXIAL {COrd}{A}{XI}{A}{L}
2   Descriptions on glasses (5) SPECS [DD]
3   Pseudoscience my chapel disseminates without pressure (7) ALCHEMY {MY+CHApEL}*
5   My optician finally provides a drug in counter for part of the eye (6)  CORNEA {COR}{o...aN} and {A}{E}<=
6   Lover's in a marriage basically, or one troubled initially, acting (9) INAMORATA {IN}{A}{Ma...e}{OR}{A}{Tr...d}{A}
7   Explosive is unsophisticated, missing the core, made without cap (7) GRENADE {GReEN}{mADE}
8   Relatives get rest in brawl; Oh, they are relaxed (8-2-3) BROTHERS-IN-LAW {REST+IN+BRAWL+OH}*
14 Fish and wine, think about poetry essentially (3,6) RED MULLET {RED}{MULL}{poETry}
17 Marine polyps, one born around first working day of the week (7) ANEMONE {A}{NE{MON}E}
19 Rest in lodge across university (7) RESIDUE {RESID{U}E}
20 European general holding a container in lift (7) ELEVATE {E}{LE{VAT}E}
21 Sit behind editor, facing the other side and dismiss (6) DEPOSE {POSE}<=>{ED<=}
24 Fighter bashed grabbing from the back with a weapon (5) SABRE [T<=]

Reference List
Southern = S, University = U, Hesitation = ER, Constant = C, Company = GE, These days = CE, Christmas = NOEL, Quietly = P, Pressure = P, My = COR, Drug = E, Acting = A, Born = NEE, European = E, Editor = ED