Satyen Nabar's Sun Spl analysed
Wednesday, 30 June 2021
No 13287, Wednesday 30 Jun 2021, Gussalufz
Tuesday, 29 June 2021
No 13286, Tuesday 29 Jun 2021, Avtaar
Monday, 28 June 2021
No 13285, Monday 28 Jun 2021,
Sunday, 27 June 2021
Special, Sunday 27 Jun 2021, Saral
Exolve v1.61 February 22, 2025 Report-Bug Exolve-on-GitHub Community
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Title | Setter | Preamble |
Explanations | Copyright | Questions |
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The QR code (rendered to the right) will be printed to the . QR code size: . |
- Ctrl-/ takes you to the current clue's notes (or overall notes) and back (if already there).
- Ctrl-* adds a * prefix to the current clue's notes.
- Hovering over a clue's notes shows the clue as a tooltip.
Jotting pad: (click here to shuffle)
Down & Up
1 | Openings of grand arenas,locals attend celebration (4) |
4 | Sailor and oracle going around at a distance (8) |
9 | I am back to eat cooked acorn, salad pasta (8) |
10 | Accuse everyone,say finally charge (6) |
11 | Maybe red hair yet is in the family (10) |
12 | Amphibians left somewhere inside (4) |
13 | Overheard arguments for short trousers (8) |
14 | Student not starting profitable job (6) |
16 | Branch office to have first registered eatery (6) |
18 | Change soaps, get some coloured pigments (3,5) |
20 | Hurt minister before king departs (4) |
22 | Blast, oppose engineers aboard jet cargo (3,7) |
23 | Our neighbour from Northern Ireland sheltering English friend (6) |
24 | Summon when witness traps doctor with pounds (8) |
25 | Panic about thousand dollars fashionable cosmetic treatment (8) |
26 | Magnificent display of fire god (4) |
2 | Lower estimation of a cellar (9) |
3 | Prohibit a book by European after commencement (7) |
4 | Wind all through the flight? (6,9) |
5 | Study article on the Spanish uprising. Yes jittery (7) |
6 | Alternately Malcolm used this ? (1,4) |
7 | The high note Lee composed for last round, perhaps (10,4) |
8 | Receive unlimited card,mail with name, verify, decline offer for now (4,1,4,5) |
15 | Again communicate with worker for mechanic (9) |
17 | Instrument from old group of stars (7) |
19 | Regret rejecting a south island,key landmass (7) |
21 | Stranger sources of aluminum,iron, nickle, tin from France (5) |
The Sunday Crossword No 3156, Sunday 27 Jun 2021
The Hindu Cryptic on Sunday #43, Sunday 27 Jun 2021, Bruno
Saturday, 26 June 2021
No 13284, Saturday 26 Jun 2021, Hypatia
9 Somehow Europe must not be flatter (6,7,2) BUTTER SOMEONE UP {EUROPE+MUST+NOT+BE*}10 Fix tariff charges basically for trade (7) TRAFFIC {TARIFF+C
11 Escort again joins one going back East (7) RETINUE {RE}{UNIT<=}{E}
12 Upset policemen per Reverend in bakeries (4,5) CAKE SHOPS {(-sh+C)AKE (-c+SH)OPS}
14 Some regularly fell back for tests (5) EXAMS {S
17 Rig Veda embracing old Indian source of doctrines shunned (7) AVOIDED {VEDA*} around {O}{I}{D
19 A “Hole-in-the-wall” diner? (7) TERMITE (CD)
21 Show tip of nose and powder over (5) ECLAT {
23 At home Hypatia’s keeping loose change for carrot (9) INCENTIVE {IN}{CENT}{I 'VE}
25 Dad taking delayed turn in table (7) PLATEAU {P{LATE}A}{U}
27 Wind enters home and erodes (7) MEANDER (T)
30 Guilty // Holi players maybe discovered this way? (6,3-6) CAUGHT RED-HANDED (DD)
1 Encourage neighbour to take English for university (4) ABET {AB(-u+E)2 Volatile Italian party Neta? (4) ETNA {NETA*}
3 Looked over drinks in fine spread (8) PERFUSED {PER{F}USED}
4 Manic killer, hacks when cycling outside yard (6) PSYCHO {(+PS){Y}{CHO(-ps)}
5 High class trams (5,3) SMART SET {TRAMS*} Reverse Anagram
6 Roughly jolt someone, initially start to elbow (6) JOSTLE {JOLT+S
7 A boring novel picked up in break (4) WEAN {NEW<=} around {A}
8 Beginners in all primary schools enjoy recess (4) APSE (Acrostic)
12 Obsession of bird turning North to sleep soundly (5) CRAZE {CRA(-n+Z)E}
15 An excuse often picked early in bail (5) ALIBI
16 Blockade in school that’s from behind, say (5) SIEGE {S}{IE}{EG<=}
18 Iraqi, driving under influence starts to spill drink (8) DAIQUIRI {IRAQI+D

20 Tourist vehicle crashes near track that’s incomplete (4-1-3) RENT-A-CAR {NEAR+TRAC
22 What babies do — bit by bit? (6) TEETHE (CD)
24 Funny play of shy author at drive-in (6) COMEDY {CO{ME}{D}Y}
25 Ready to accommodate Cuba’s deal (4) PACT {PA{C}T}
26 Disney movie doesn’t end up in compound (4) ALUM {MULA
28 Perform act for an old bird (4) DODO {DO}{DO}
29 Broadcast regretted being impolite (4) RUDE {~RUED}
Reference List
English=E, University=U, Fine=F, Yard=Y, North=N, School=S, That's=I.E, Say=Eg, Author=Me, Drive=D, Cuba=C
Friday, 25 June 2021
No 13283, Friday 25 Jun 2021, Anon
Thursday, 24 June 2021
No 13282, Thursday 24 Jun 2021, Dr. X
24 Outcry about securing victory by bit of audacious trickery (7) EVASION {E{V}{A