Sunday 20 June 2021

The Sunday Crossword No 3155, Sunday 20 Jun 2021

6   Pastry's sour: bit of tarragon the French included (7) TARTLET {TAR{Ta...n}{LE}T}
7   Tea room sent back plaited loaf (7) CHALLAH {CHA}{HALL<=}
9   The origin of Emmaus, Liebesahnung, Gloria, Arthur and Rosemary! (5) ELGAR Acrostic &lit
10 Tried to listen with attention, like a judge (9) EARWIGGED {EAR}{WIGGED}
11 Cuthbert, less bold, quivering somewhere in Low Countries (7) UTRECHT CUTHbERT*
13 Some boycott a warmonger: capital! (6) OTTAWA [T]
15 Completes, romantically what icers do, showing enormous flair (10,5) CONSUMMATE SKILL {CONSUMMATES}{KILL}
17 Numbers intended to be heard by more; words intended to be heard by fewer (1-5) A-SIDES {ASIDES}
18 Stretchy base: perhaps Tupperware loses lid (7) ELASTIC {E}{pLASTIC}
21 Honouring monarch around end of day (9) KNIGHTING {K{NIGHT}ING}
22 A pooch rolled over, having eaten last of bleu cheese (5) GOUDA {A}{D{bleU}OG}<=
24 Unexpectedly encounter ram (3,4) RUN INTO [DD]
25 Health Secretary who reluctantly gave blood? (7) HANCOCK [DD]

1   Dress up and show off (4) BRAG<=
2   'Uncle Ricky': deep down inside, a father (6) CLERIC [T]
3   Everyman's with drunken 'best mate'; I've no idea why (2,5,2) IT BEATS ME {I}{BEST+MATE}*
4   Sir, a tab's arranged for those at the drinks counter (8) BARISTAS*
5   Topless beekeeper going round trail: his ideas aren't fresh! (10) PLAGIARIST {LAG} in {aPIARIST}
6   Brazil might prove resistant to this ballet? (3,10) THE NUTCRACKER [DD]
7   Announced roadside limit (4) CURB (~kerb)
8   Curly hid a playing card: that'll help in raising! (9,4) HYDRAULIC JACK {CURLY+HID+A}*{JACK}
12 Performances: when they're extraordinary, they're secret? (10) RENDITIONS [CD]
14 Set free knight who's regularly hidden assets (9) STRENGTHS {SeT+fReE+kNiGhTs+wHoS}
16 'It's used for plastic coating': what Macbeth wanted to hear? (8) URETHANE (~ you're a thane)
19 Once clothing removed, managing to treat disorder (6) ANGINA mANAGINg*
20 Artist seen in mailroom every now and then (4) MIRO MaIlRoOm
23 Company abandoned voucher: it's over! (4) UPON coUPON

Reference List
The in French = LE, Bold = B, Base = E, Company = CO

1 comment:

  1. Is there a Sunday special at 10.30 AM Colonel sir?
