Sunday 27 June 2021

The Sunday Crossword No 3156, Sunday 27 Jun 2021

1   Credit's bad? Switch to these! (5,5) DEBIT CARDS* Semi&lit
6   Conceited runner? Not half! (4) SMUG SMUGgler
9   After Disruption, find Free Church deviation (10) DIFFERENCE {FIND+FREE}*{CE}
10 A little misty-eyed ... because of this? (4) STYE [T] &lit
12 Dog's fine, in Ghana mobile hospital, dressing removed from wounds (6,5) AFGHAN HOUND {A{F}GHAN*}{H}{wOUNDs}
15 Offered response when director quit (having undergone censorship) (7) REACTED REdACTED
16 Hold about: dull way of learning subject in food science (7) PROTEIN {P{ROTE}IN}
17 Five gold cases aunt misappropriated somewhere in South Pacific (7) VANUATU {V}{A{AUNT*}U}
19 Qualifying match entered, reserve gets roasted again? (7) REHEATS {RE{HEAT}S}
20 After training, Perth girl is more nimble (11) SPRIGHTLIER*
23 Treats ... treats injury (4) ICES [DD]
24 In Tianjin, Tim ate lychees with a certain warmth (10) INTIMATELY [T]
25 Rod's called out in hellish water (4) STYX (~sticks)
26 Cash in kind of roll from S African politicians (5,5) SWISS FRANC {SWISS} {FR}{ANC}

1   Commercial retrospective repeatedly displaying nihilistic art (4) DADA {AD<=}{AD<=}
2   Polish expert (4) BUFF [DD]
 Ultimate success, stealth deployed by the French: I don't like it (3,4,5) THE LAST LAUGH {STEALTH}*{LA}{UGH}
4   Got back engraved bust right away (7) AVENGED ENGrAVED*
5   Displaying un chose, his art mimicked plumbing, primarily! (7) DUCHAMP Acrostic Semi&lit
7   Everyman 'so robust': on the contrary, he reached age of 969! (10) METHUSELAH {ME}{THUS}{HALE<=}
8   German quality of woodwinds: always wanting more (10) GREEDINESS {G}{REEDINESS}
11 Loft and hearth he renovated for spouse (3,5,4) THE OTHER HALF {LOFT+HEARTH+HE}*
13 Apologies and attempts to hide a piece of underwear (10) TRAVESTIES {TR{A}{VEST}IES}
14 At last, Danny Dyer runs a reform school, of sorts (3,7) DAY NURSERY {d..nY+DYER+RUNS+A}*
18 Before today, author Sinclair seen with pained expression (2,2,3) UP TO NOW {UPTON}{OW}
19 Ingredient of madeira is ... insidiously ... some old grapes (7) RAISINS [T]
21 Fantastic, seeing a jewel mounted (4) MEGA {A}{GEM}<=
22 We're told to set kind of update (4) SYNC (~sink)

Reference List
Church = CE, Fine = F, Hospital = H, Director = D, From = FR, Commercial = AD, The in French = LA, Right = R, German = G