Tuesday 14 November 2023

No 14019, Tuesday 14 Nov 2023, Bruno

Solution to 9A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   They help make mobile calls to young ones (3-3) TOP-UPS {TO}{PUPS}
4   Politician in Indian atmosphere creates harm (6) IMPAIR {I}{MP}{AIR}
8   Extremely saggy ragged top was purchased by married man - is that a warning? (7) SYMPTOM {SaggY}{M}{TOP*}{M}
9   Extend help - turning it into fee (7) ?A?I?T? (Addendum - RADIATE {RA{AID<=}TE} - See comments)
11 Weary setter overcome by house payment withdrawal (10) RETIREMENT {RE{TIRE}{ME}NT}
12 Dula turned old in Glasgow (4) AULD*
13 Mediterranean herb - it's missing in distinctness (5) CLARY CLARitY
14 Major artist countering major problem - that could be spicy (8) MARJORAM {M}{RA<=}{MAJOR*}
16 Wash cruddy pants after removing middle part with rest (3,5) DRY CLEAN {CRudDY}*{LEAN}
18 Jet's operational without secondary fuel (5) SABLE uSABLE
20 1001 staff? (4) MACE {M}{ACE}
21 Sewer rats scurrying - starting to chew through salad greens (10) WATERCRESS {SEWER+RATS}* over {Chew}
23 Device in secret pad automatically rotates (7) ADAPTER [T<=]
24 Lad eating solitary sausage (7) BOLONEY {BO{LONE}Y}
25 Stream's passage originally changed by river (6) RUNNEL (-t+r)RUNNEL
26 Ruined sibling's toy (6) BROKEN {BRO}{KEN}

1   It can add flavour to your old marriage while on vacation (5) THYME {THY}{Ma...gE}
2   Father pocketed rupees one thousand for spice (7) PAPRIKA {PAP{R}{1}{K}A}
3   A new convert to polyester weaving (9) PROSELYTE*
5   Bad tempered tabloid's heading was intended (5) MEANT {MEAN}{Ta...d}
6   Musical style from the past - it's a tad tedious & boring (7) AGITATO {AG{IT}{A}{Te...s}O}
7   After some time reflecting, I had to pay someone back (9) RETALIATE {LATER<=}{I}{ATE}
10 Base of soft fur wrapped around a coat's bottom end (9) TERMINATE {sofT}{ERMIN{A}{coaT}E}
13 Herb or rice curry with stuffing (9) CORIANDER {OR+RICE}* over {AND}
15 One stores water from flowing rivers or streams, essentially (9) RESERVOIR {RIVERS+OR+strEams}* Semi&lit 
17 Good deal in screen's even lower (7) CHEAPEN  {HEAP} in {sCrEeN}*
19 Set fire shortly to land to get herb (7) BURDOCK {BURn}{DOCK}
21 In which place does wife lead husband before? (5) WHERE {W}{H}{ERE}
22 Starting to spend energy involved in family entanglement (5) SKEIN {Sp..d}{K{E}IN}

Reference List
Politician = MP, Indian = I, Married = M, Man = M, Major = M, 1000 = M, River = R, Rupees = R, Thousand = K, Wife = W, Husband = H, Energy = E


  1. 21D. While CW answer is obvious, in reality it is, IMHO, 'everywhere'-)

    1. May be she always wants to know husband’s “whereabouts” she is ‘everywhere’πŸ˜€

    2. Good one.
      Actually EVERYWHERE could be the answer if Arden were the setter!😁

  2. Today’s Bruno’s Herbs are more spicy.

  3. Yep. And i visited my gut doctor

  4. 9a. Extend is radiate. { Ra(dia) te}. Rate is fee. Aid in reverse

  5. Nice themed grid today. RETALIATE, TOP-UPS, RESERVOIR, ADAPTER were some of my favs. Thanks Bruno and Col

  6. A bit tough. I mucked it up by filling BURBANK instead of BURDOCK. Could not get BOLONEY. (Straightforward clue).
    Nice Theme.
    Thanx Bruno!

