Thursday 8 February 2024

No 14092, Thursday 08 Feb 2024, Incognito

Solution to 7D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

8   Males follow Twitter's movie (1-3) X-MEN {MEN}<=>{X}
9   Outstanding due (5) OWING [CD]
10 Greek god rose awkwardly (4) EROS*
11 Pitroda gets nothing with South African snack (6) SAMOSA {SAM}{O}{SA}
12 Excitedly dating... prancing around old prince and taking as one's own (8) ADOPTING {AD{O}{P}TING*}
13 Satanic preparation of fine item of food (8) FIENDISH {FINE*}{DISH}
15 A religious symbol that appears at the top of the clue list in a puzzle like this (6) ACROSS {A}{CROSS}
17 For example, King's doctor manages ranch (7) MONARCH {MO}{RANCH*}
19 Law includes Union Territory in Punjab, for example (7) STATUTE {STAT{UT}E}
22 Contraption that will produce electricity from Monday, perhaps (6) DYNAMO*
24 Remove teaspoon from mashed banana split for national of a Balkan country (8) ALBANIAN {BANANA+spLIt}*
26 Body of water in the northern hemisphere disturbed with ease (5,3) WHITE SEA*
28 Visitors' speculate about temperature (6) GUESTS {GUES{T}S}
30 Wrongly capture after loss of headgear? Correct! (4) TRUE capTURE*
31 Different to return with that lady (5) OTHER {TO<=}{HER}
32 Vehicle part that is pretty reliable part (4) TYRE [T]

1   In absence of mentor, composed commentary for non-governmental federation (1,1,1,1) YMCA {CoMmentArY}*
2   One residing in damaged mansion gets loss of sleep (8) INSOMNIA {INSOMN{1}A*}
3   Therefore, African country gets native of another African country (6) SOMALI {SO}{MALI}
4   Okapi ran haphazardly carrying fish (7) PIRANHA [T]
5   Uninformed giant is wrong about new gold (8) IGNORANT {IG{N}{OR}ANT*}
6   I, a dog? (6) SETTER [DD]
7   Show bottom satellite (4) ?O?N (Addendum - MOON [DD] - See comments)
14 After four, Roy transported material of animal origin (5) IVORY {IV}{ROY*}
16 Indian literary aphorism from crooked tsar touring university (5) SUTRA {S{U}TRA*}
18 Robs cows wrongly, producing weapon (8) CROSSBOW*
20 Brown gentlemen's lines that touch circles (8) TANGENTS {TAN}{GENTS}
21 What one may lend to a revolutionary giving otalgia? (7) EARACHE {EAR}{A}{CHE}
23 The man composed a song of praise (6) ANTHEM*
25 Garbo dances with model actor (6) BOGART {GARBO*}{T}
27 Hurry! Drop Sten on road! Difficult? (4) HARD {HAsten}{RD}
29 Rent revolving throne after His Excellency departs (4) TORN ThRONe*

Reference List
Twitter = X, Old = O, Prince = P, Teaspoon = TSP, Temperature = T, New = N, University = U, MOdel = T


  1. An enjoyable stroll. Thank you Incognito.
    Quite a few deletions today.

  2. 9a
    Both outstanding and due mean owing!
    Its not a DD since both are same def.

    1. Outstanding is also the Best. I hesitated a bit before filling.

    2. Agree with Prasad sir . It is ok if outstanding is answer with best and due are 2 definitions (in a DD). Here it is just 2 synonyms

    3. I've shown it as a CD and not a DD

    4. I am unable to get how it is CD, Col. Both are direct synonyms.

    5. My outstanding due on my credit card was Rs .....

    6. Thats a legal terminology where the business gives a time frame to pay the dues. The dues that are not paid after the due date are outstanding dues.
      Hence outstanding here means in the other meaning of the word. Not owing.

      Anyways, 2 synonyms of Definition are staring in the eye: it cant be CD, IMHO.

    7. Also, there is POS mismatch with CD because the answer here is owing?

    8. OWING to the outstanding contributions of the stock setters of THCC, let us agree that an oversight once in a grid is okay.

  3. Reminded of Dr.Gayathri, one of our active participants earlier, who used to treat herself to samosas whenever she completed a grid.
    Inviting picture by Col.

  4. After solving this crossword was reminded of Henry Thoreau: SIMPLICITY SIMPLICITY SIMPLIFY SIMPLIFY SIMPLIFY

  5. Some good laughs today. X-MEN, SOMALI, SETTER, 7a, true corkers

  6. 8a doest an indication of "in the past" Needed?
    11a doesnt pitroda need a "perhaps"
    12a prancing is extraneous!

  7. Prancing around makes the surface exciting instead of just around.

    1. Prancing is anind. (Dancing!).

    2. At 9:25 you said it's extraneous at 11:11 you say it's Anind šŸ˜€, make up your mind.


    4. Col, was ref to Paddy making it a container. Prancing doesnt work in the meaning of container.
      With excitedly already as anind second anind is extraneous.

    5. @rao ji, the phrase has meaning of dancing around.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Agreed. Technically 'prancing' is redundant.

    8. Anagram of Dating around O& P. Agreed Prancing is not technically needed, mut IMHO it adds value to the surface.

    9. The clue works literally IMHO, technicalities not withstanding.

    10. Paddy ji, we cannot add redundant words for the surface. That’s not kosher. ‘Going around’ is fine as a container indicator but not prancing around (based on the definition)

    11. Got it. But no ji please. You know me well enough.

  8. 7D-moon-satellite and streak(show bottom)

  9. 7D Moon - Showing bottom is mooning and the satellite moon.

  10. One more easy breezy grid from Kishore. Loved X MEN, SOMALI & SETTER.
    And of course BOGART.
    I'm sure most of us here have seen Casablanca & are Bogart fans.

  11. IVORY MOON ANTHEM was playing in the background mildly.

    Vladimir wondered audibly 'what happened yesterday?'

    Ganesh put a bloody CROSSBOW in his lap with a FIENDISH smile akin a PIRANHA.

    Disclaimer: HARD to know TRUE facts even if you are a SETTER or MONARCHšŸ˜

  12. Immaculately dressed like H. BOGART and with the look of a MONARCH, Vladimir
    entered the hall in SOMALI.
    He was carrying the book 'No Orchids for Miss Blandish'. Little did he know that he would
    have no SAMOSAS !
    Soon he was surrounded by GUESTS. He took a HARD look at one among them with
    a FIENDISH look.
    TRUE. It was none OTHER than...
    Who was it?
    What happened next?

    1. X-MEN.
      He was given one SAMOSA and told 'your IPR is as old as BOGART'.šŸ˜…
