Monday 19 February 2024

No 14101, Monday 19 Feb 2024, Dr. X

Solution to 1A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   I turned confused during audition, being most nervous (8) T?M?D?S? (Addendum - TIMIDEST {T{I}{DIM<=}EST} - See comments)
5   Worries about one getting tooth decay (6) CARIES {CAR{1}ES}
10 English poet's fantastic response, expressing love (7) SPENSER RESPoNSE*
11 Maniac in a cult perhaps (7) LUNATIC*
12 Mites in a vehicle on island (5) ACARI {A}{CAR}I}
13 Discussion about extreme of lassitude with cocaine withdrawal (9) SECESSION {S{l...dE}{C}ESSION}
14 Rehab centre in hospital's lousy! Yeah, so awful (7,5) HALFWAY HOUSE {H}{YEAH+SO+AWFUL}*
18 Thoughtless rogue defrauds girl (12) DISREGARDFUL*
21 New club has retro band (9) ORCHESTRA {C+HAS+RETRO}*
23 Food around noon as planned (5) MEANT {MEA{N}T}
24 Celebrate in fancy resort around lunchtime (7) ROISTER {RO{1}STER*}
25 Most important person in family starting to prattle, enthralled by drink (7) KINGPIN {KIN}{G{Pr...e}IN}
26 Himalayan native and girl in health resort (6) SHERPA {S{HER}PA}
27 Writer enthralled by ultimate hard drug, one causing sorrow to be forgotten (8) NEPENTHE {NE{PEN}T}{H}{E}

1   Italian model initially under scrutiny (6) TUSCAN {T}{Un..r}{SCAN}
2   Frenzied woman and guy consuming ecstasy on a date (6) MAENAD {MA{E}N}{A}{D}
3   Break up as boyfriend imbibes, continues to drink (9) DISSIPATE {D{IS}{SIP}ATE}
4   Hair starting to fall, right? Operation certain to tackle medical problem (6,8) STRESS FRACTURE {TRESS}{Fall}{R}{ACT} in {SURE}
6   Declines to entertain new girl (5) AGNES {AG{N}ES}
7   Thing I rue terribly - ignoring husband's love affair (8) INTRIGUE {ThING+I+RUE}*
8   Assisted criminal in vile deeds (8) SECONDED {SE{CON}DED*}
9   Coach's advice to rugby players lifting device (5,3,6) BLOCK AND TACKLE [DD]
15 High society females heartily entertained by hot nude male models (4,5) HAUT MONDE {femAles} in {HOT+NUDE+M}*
16 Interrupts a con stealing Japanese vases (8) ADJOURNS {A}{D{J}O}{URNS}
17 Discovered silicon close to the area of folded rock strata (8) ISOCLINE {SILICON+thE}*
19 Prince in trouble facing tense reprimand (6) CARPET {CAR{P}E}{T}
20 Princess wanting separate carriage (6) STANCE diSTANCE
22 Legally bar shadiest opium houses (5) ESTOP [T]

Reference List
Island = I, Cocaine = C, Hospital = H, Club = C, Noon = N, Ultimate = NET, Model = T, Ecstasy = E, Date = D, Right = R, New = N, Husband = H, Male = M, Japanese = J, Prince = P, Tense = T, Princess = DI


  1. 3D. Date= BF
    Sip= to drink
    Is= ???( is it for continues??)

  2. +1. Do we get 'is' from continues?

  3. 19D- Care for trouble! Care also for tend, nurse!!

  4. 1A TIMIDEST - most nervous; I, confused (DIM)*, audition (TEST)

    1. Anagram of dim would be an indirect clue. Not allowed in typical cryptic.

  5. Replies
    1. Girl only.
      Health resort is spa.

    2. Technically its "that girl".

    3. That girl would have made the surface reading and the clue even better.

  6. 1ac timidest audition = test. During = I (a)mid could this be another way to arrive

  7. 1ac a small twist is there in clue

    1. T(I MID)EST
      Solvers above to unravel MID

    2. great sir........I set to press the publish button at 1 PM..but tangled with site work.

  8. 1a - {T{I}{MID<=}EST}
    Def. - Nervous
    I - I
    confused - DIM
    DIM turned as - MID <=
    auditon - TEST

  9. Nice clues especially anagrams

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.
