Wednesday 28 February 2024

No 14109, Wednesday 28 Feb 2024, Karaoke

Solution to 19D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Where drinks are served to taste almost openly (2,6) IN PUBLIC {IN PUB}{LICk}
6   Game essentially for this type of clue (6) ACROSS lACROSSe
9   American town enjoys upper-class smartness (6) ACUITY {A}{C{U}ITY}
10 A stupid fight with wife? It's not a good idea (1,3,4) A DIM VIEW {A}{DIM}{VIE}{W}
11 No crime with genuine currencies in marriage functions (10) CEREMONIES {sinCERE}{MONIES}
12 Prize announced for music producer (4) LUTE (~loot)
13 Good in shape and not without heart a bit (8) FRAGMENT {FRA{G}ME}{NoT}
15 Caught king out in the game? Bless you! (6) CHEERS CHEckERS
16 Arrest copper colluding with tipster (3,3) CUT OUT {CU}{TOUT}
18 Doctors reported with papers at the Eastern region of harbour area (8) DOCKSIDE {(~docs)DOCKS}{ID}{E}
20 They come from another planet - It's so futuristic feature, on the contrary (4) UFOS [T<=]
21 Incorrectly wrote other unspecified number (3,2,5) TWO OR THREE*
23 Exhausted to set grid to English daily initially (3-5) DOG-TIRED {GRID+TO+E+Da..y}*
24 Ward councils often lacked handsome youth (6) ADONIS {wArD+cOuNcIlS}
25 It comes from China to make fun of model (3,3) TEA SET {TEASE}{T}
26 Models from past blockbusters overwhelmed Indian Box-Office mainly (8) EXHIBITS {EX}{H{I}{Bo...e}ITS}

2   Family type destructive weapons (7) NUCLEAR [DD]
3   Couple is free to take time down (5) UNITE UN(-t)I(+t)TE
4   Bury unusual tale/story (3,2,4) LAY TO REST*
5   Drink and roti prepared in carriage (7) CHARIOT {CHA}{ROTI*}
6   Maybe the Ram's not bound by frontiers (5) ARIES boundARIES
7   They go on turning around peacemakers perhaps (9) REVOLVERS [DD]
8   Jumper's writ initially admitted by bench (7) SWEATER {S{Writ}EATER}
14 Girl's missing. It is the problem of the tongue (9) GLOSSITIS {G}{LOSS}{IT}{IS}
15 Spooner's dance trainer, a pest (9) COCKROACH (~rock coach to cockroach)
17 Removed controls in ground zero following wild fun (7) UNFROZE {ZERO*}<=>{FUN*}
18 Dangerous pass around old ring road (2-2-3) DO-OR-DIE {D{O}{O}{RD}IE}
19 He fights to get rightful tip (7) D?E?I?T (Addendum - DUELIST {DUE}{LIST} - See comments)
21 Violated contract regularly to win second trump card (5) TAROT {cOnTrAcT}* over {tRump
22 Henry took a lot of money for powerful explosive (1-4) H-BOMB {H}{BOMB}

Reference List
American = A, Upper-class = U, Wife = W, Good = G, Caught = C, King = K, Papers = ID, Eastern = E, English = E, Model = T, Indian = I, Time = T, Girl = G, Old = O, Henry = H


  1. 10A- KKR stole one right from under Dr.X's nose 😊

  2. 11A is very good. Though I got it with the help of crossing, I could not parse it.

  3. 19d....solved. but tiny crux in annotation.........

  4. 19Dn DUELIST - {DUE}{LIST}
    Fighter(Defn) - DUE(Rightful)+LIST(Tip)

  5. I was thinking it has to duellist but on checking I find both spellings (duelist) are okay.

    1. my anno.was not right. coz., i was trying the anno. as Duellist. coz., the enu was not mentioned. so I was in dilemma to go with duelist or duellist. But tip=list was not getting in my mind.
      very good word play by KKR garu. corrected my error. Thanks to Mr DNM Rao for the good solve.

    2. The enu(7) was mentioned in paper (Visakhapatnam edition for sure and in this blog) clearly.
      Answer is an alternative spelling, which made it tricky.
      Relied on the crossings to solve.

    3. The default spelling (unless otherwise specified) in The Hindu Cross'Words' is British/Indian English I believe.

    4. Agree with you @D N M Rao. Alternative spelling can be default as well😁

  6. Clues for 7 & 15, in the Down slot deserve a special mention thanq dear Mr. Koteshwar Rao.

  7. You join Col. in having inside info on peacemakers! We, ordinary folks, think of UN etc.
