Friday 8 June 2018

No 12338, Friday 08 Jun 2018, Buzzer

Today being Friday only the blank clues will be posted. All those who are not regular commenters/rookie commenters/silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake someone will correct it with the right annotation.

Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers till 2 PM thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

The regular blog will replace the clues at 2 PM after which anyone is free to comment. 

Thanks to everyone for the response. Here's the regular blog.

1   Zola to be sure novel is 0K (8,4) ABSOLUTE ZERO*
8   Sanctions conservation bench of judges (4) BANC {BAN}{C}
9   Could be heavy rain? (10) CLOUDBURST {COULD}* [RA] &lit
11 In German the word mostly for one restricting intake (6) DIETER {DIE}{TERm}
12 Hood wearing English dressing (8) ENROBING {EN{ROBIN}G}
14 Defect from France on principle (4) FLAW {F}{LAW}
16 Government left broke, thoughtless and awful (7) GHASTLY {G}{HAST{L}Y}
18 Appearing frequently in theatrolidiKing of England (6,1) HAROLD I {tHeAtRe+On+LiDo+Is}
19 Having knowledge of self-denial, normal (2,2) IN ON {I}{NO}{N}
22 Eject from plane? It's no problem (8) JETTISON {JET}{ITS+NO}*
23 Permissible or all right to retreat facing a lion (6) KOSHER {OK<=}{SHER}
24 Bright generation having true bent for written works (10) LITERATURE {LIT}{ERA}{TRUE}*
26 Sound of Merc in fog (4) MURK (~merc)
27 Perhaps one's suffering can lead to grief as a result of excessive drinking (4-8) NOSE-PAINTING {ONES*}{PAIN}{TIN}{Gr..f}

2   Completely wrong way round (4,2,5) BACK TO FRONT [CD]
3   Love Mark, second one after Mike (5) OSCAR {O}{SCAR} {M,N,O... Mike, November, Oscar....}
4   Mid-court, boy receiving training in tennis tournament (2,4) US OPEN {coUrt}{SO{PE}N}
5   Send for GP (shin all scraped at the front) to get pain-killer (9) ENDORPHIN {sEND+fOR+gP+sHIN}
6   Bird given the bum's rush every so often (3) EMU {thE+buMs+rUsh}
7   A Trojan city for Hélène? (5) PARIS [C&DD]
10 Duck in to catch sight of Gaga (6) SENILE {SE{NIL}E}
13 Public transport in a mess needs fixing, including new executive (11) BUSINESSMAN {BUS}{IN+A+MESS} over {N}
15 Some herald Islam peaceful and a guiding light (5,4) ALDIS LAMP [T]
17 Flowing river briefly bounds out of Karnataka (6) KAVERI &lit {KA}{RIVEr}*
20 Rings to cancel bid barring outsiders (6) ANNULI {ANNUL}{bId}
21 Each parting hear is sad (5) TEARY {T{EA}RY}
23 Tooaction, genuine peaceful protest finally (5) KNELT Tail Acrostic &lit
25 3/5th of paper used for a letter (3) ESS ESSay

Bhargav's Talepiece

The bouncer and the dancer - Part 57

On the morning of the proposed launch Linda stood before the mirror rehearsing, ENROBING.

Alas! She felt GHASTLY!! She KNELT down in deep reflection and prayer. It would not be KOSHER for her to do what she was supposed to do.

Things looked MURKY. She was not an ABSOLUTE ZERO but she had grown old and fatter after the child birth.

She thus decided that she will not walk IN ON the stage.

With this decision she walked down to meet her BUSINESSMAN - husband. She was pleasantly surprised to see her Chef OSCAR walking towards her along with Rita.

What happened next?


  1. 1a: Absolute Zero {zola+to+be+sure}* = 0K (zero Kelvin)
    9a: cloudburst {could}* (RA) = heavy rain
    13d: businessman {bus(=public transport)}{in}{a+mess}*{n(=new)} = executive
    15d: Aldis Lamp {herALD ISLAM Peaceful} (T) = a guiding light (signal lamp)
    24a: literature {lit(=bright)}{era(=generation)}{true}* = written works

  2. 1a) {zolatobesure}*
    Defn: ok
    4d) midcourt = U; boy = SON; exercise=PE
    Soln: USO(PE)N; US OPEN
    Defn: tennis tournament

  3. 5d)Soln: ENDORPHIN
    Remove first letter from "send for GP shin"
    Defn: Pain killer

  4. 1A:Zola to be sure novel is 0K (8,4)
    Absolute Zero or zero degree Kelvin( straight out of Thermodynamics! Xiith Physics)
    Anagram of Zola to be Sure
    9A: Could be heavy rain? (10)
    Cloudburst. Reverse Anagram
    2D:Completely wrong way round (4,2,5)
    Back to front
    A Cryptic Definition.
    5D:Send for GP (shin all scraped at the front) to get pain-killer (9)
    Remove the first letters(all scraped at the front) of sEND fOR gP sHIN
    4D:Mid-court, boy receiving training in tennis tournament (2,4)
    Us Open
    mid court is U
    Boy is Son
    Training is PE
    Pen goes inside Son

  5. 8a) soln: BANC
    sanctions=BAN; C from conservative
    Defn: bench of judges

  6. Defn: Defect
    Soln: FLAW
    F from France & principle = LAW

  7. For repeats
    12A: Hood wearing English dressing (8)
    Hood is Robin
    English is Eng
    Robin inside Eng
    10D:Duck in to catch sight of Gaga (6)
    Senile is someone gone Gaga
    Duck is Nil
    Catch sight of See
    Nil inside See
    19A:Having knowledge of self-denial, normal (2,2)
    In On
    Self is I
    Denial is No
    Normal is N

  8. 27a) soln: NOSE PAINTING
    (ones)* = NOSE

    1. 27a: nose painting {one's}*{pain}{tin}{g}
      Anagram of "one's" = Nose
      (Perhaps is the anind)
      Suffering = pain
      Can = tin
      Lead to grief = g
      Definition: result of excessive drink.

  9. Not answers to clues...

    While appreciating Vasanth's clue-type analysis, reg. the requests for doing it on a daily basis, I have posted a late-evening Comment under prev. blog when I was at a Carnatic music concert by J. B. Keerthana.

  10. 18ac HAROLD I alternate letters of theatre on lido
    13dn BUSINESSMAN. Bus+in a mess +New

  11. 5dn ENDORPHIN send for go shin - first letters

  12. 20dn ANNULI.
    Annul (cancel) and I from bid

  13. Not answers to clues

    When even new commentators are giving clue types (as seen above) there is no need for someone to work and produce an aggregated list. If any clue goes unclassified or if any clue defies description, then we can step in and give the clue-type. This way a useful service will exist without any imposition on anyone.

    1. Sir agreed. The exercise was done out of curiosity for a puzzle having a large number of 1 type of clue
      It continued for a couple of more days.
      It can be done sometimes for a particular purpose.

    2. As for me enjoying it, actually it is not a big exercise for hardly takes a couple of minutes..a pivot table in MS is the typing in my cell phone that takes time!

    3. I recently self-taught myself about 'data' and 'pivot table' in MS Excel and enjoy doing work with my database of crossword clues and solutions.
      I would like to get to know more but doing it always with an online tutorial is a little cumbersome.
      A few hours of tutoring by an experienced techie quickly answering my questions would be better.

    4. MS Excel is a very big tool for setters

    5. MS Excel is largely self taught. You need to practice more and more to be able to use it effectively. In one of my earlier organisations, I had to work with a large amount of data and there I learnt many tools in Excel which has stayed with me. Here I learnt to use Statistical tools in Excel:another world of its own.

    6. I learned to use excel to fit in formulas in certain squares and if you change a basic data in one square, it will automatically work out all the connected squares as per formula. After trying out various options, you can save what is suitable. It was amazing and very useful.

    7. EXCEL, we ran a complete operations scheduling of asian paints with 800+SKU's as part of course in 2000 on a pentium-3. each run took 5 hours and each error in logic (formula) took another 3-5 hours. the file used to take 10min to save. stock market pricing formulations were even more nightmares. we could start only after DOW closes. it used to be literally last minute reporting in class.

  14. 22ac JETTISON
    Plane - jet + it's no

    1. Anno to be indicated as {JET}{ITS+NO}* or JET and Anagram of ITS NO

  15. 11ac DIETER
    Die= the in german

  16. 16 ac GHASTLY
    L (left) in hasty (thoughtless)

  17. 2d back to front dd
    3d Oscar love-o mark - scar

  18. 23a kosher ko(all right(ok) in retreat) + sher(lion)

  19. 23A. PERMISSIBLE or all right {OK} to retreat {<=} facing a lion {Sher}. KOSHER.

  20. 17d kaveri
    6d emu
    23d knelt. Taking all last letters

  21. 7D. A Trojan CITY for Helene. PARIS. is it a DD ?

    1. please give the two definition from your point.

    2. Paris is a Trojan. Helene is French for Helen. Paris is a French city. I had included a ? too in my comment.

    3. my understanding, a trojan//city of helene (druvert, author of PARIS UP, UP AWAY)

  22. Still to be solved

    Across - 26
    Down - 6, 7, 17, 21, 25, 27A

  23. 25dn ESS (letter S)
    2/5th of essay (paper)

    1. It is not correct. You changed the wordplay itself to suit your answer?

    2. Answer is right, but it is not 2/5th but 3/5th (as per clue)

    3. You are right. It might be a typo.
      However, alternative assumption is possible.

    4. Not a typo, please see below

  24. 6D is EMU - you should take the 3rd 6th and 9th letters from the sequence starting from "the bum's etc
    3D is OSCAR it is second one from Mike ( ie November and Oscar) in the military code.
    5D is ENDORPHIN obtained after removing the first letters in the first 4 words.

  25. Deal of the day, month,year.....
    I got Chambers Crossword Dictionary (2006 edition) in almost new condition for a whopping Rs.100?-!!!!
    Incredible but true.
    New kind of book sale in Pondy Bazaar, T.nagar ( Vijaya Kalyana Mahal) They call it 'Pack your box. There are 3 sizes if cardboard cartons- 500,1000,1500) You pick a box of your choice and pack it books of your choice. Only condition is that you should be able to close the box and tape it. Any extra books are charged at Rs. 100 per book. I had to combine with someone buying a box.
    Worth a visit for all those living in Chennai. Amazing to see such a great collection of books (including classics) and a sea of book lovers of all ages.

    1. Wow! Rs.100!Incredible!

    2. Really worth it. I hope crossword lovers in Chennai will procure this valuable edition

    3. I wish I had this. I have two CW dicts:Penguin CW dict. which lists words as per letter length and gives synonyms in addition it has useful appendices: Names of American States, Presidents, etc. The other is A-Z cw dict. A very useful reference book.
      But in this age of internet & google are they losing their significance?(In the last 1 year, I have hardly used both)

  26. One has to be a little lucky in being able to tag on to someone who is buying a box of books and add this as extra. Anyway, it was my day to find a willing accommodating buyer.
    There is a separate section for dictionaries.

  27. 24A
    Generation = ERA
    true bent = (TRUE)*
    for written works= DEFINITION (10)

  28. 23D : Took action, genuine peaceful protest finally (5) KNELT

    What is the definition?

    1. @lit , KNELT (referring to the act of NFL players, knelt during playing of national anthem last year).

  29. 27a: NOSE-PAINTING: Shakespearean for red-nosed because of excessive drinking. Nose (anagram for one's) pain (suffering), tin (can), g (lead to grief)

    6d: EMU: bird,letters from 'thE buM's rUsh' ('every so often' or selected)

    7d: PARIS: See comment from Balaji above

    17d: KAVERI: KA (Karnataka) anagram for RIVE (RIVEr briefly)

    25d: ESS: Letter 3/5 of paper (prESS)

    1. 25D- Paper could be press or essay. The latter looks better (as earlier indicated)

    2. 17D annotation is incomplete

  30. 4d: us open - c̷o̷ur̷t̷+so(pe)n
    18a: Harold i - t̷he̷at̷re̷ + on̷li̷d+ is̷
    24a: literature - lit(bri...)+era(gen....)+(true*)
    5d: endorphin - s̷end+f̷or+g̷p+s̷hin
    13d: businessman - bus(pub.trans)+(in+a+mess*)+n(e̷w̷)

  31. 26a: MURK: fog (sounds like Merc)

  32. 21D yet to be solved and annotation for 17D to be completed

  33. It is past 2 pm- the deadline mentioned. So I feel you can go ahead.

  34. 21D : TEARY. {T{EA}RY} Each = EA, Hear = TRY.

  35. Sorry about the typo in 8A, I meant conservative.

    Not sure if it helped any solvers, but all the across answers go alphabetically ...
