Sunday 10 June 2018

The Sunday Crossword No 2999, Sunday 10 Jun 2018

1   Film area held by group back in the news (7) TOPICAL {TO{PIC}{A}L<=}
5   Account by bishop in cold fury turning bitter (7) ACERBIC {AC} and {C}{I{B}RE}<=
9   Average young salmon, reportedly (3) PAR (~parr)
10 In command, one man, thinking (11) INTELLIGENT {IN}{TELL}{1}{GENT}
11 Troublemakers in hour in gaol so out of order (9) HOOLIGANS {H}{IN+GAOL+SO}*
12 Some complain anecdote's fatuous (5) INANE [T]
13 Crude, corrupt rag is read once (6-7) COARSE-GRAINED*
16 Old man with good name, admitting small swindle, scared (5-8) PANIC-STRICKEN {PA}{NIC{S}{TRICK}E}{N}
20 Run into extremely quiet band (5) TROOP {T{R}OO}{P}
21 Indicator of change, portent endlessly disrupting trade (9) BAROMETER {BAR{OMEn}TER}
22 Court studies page with nothing about award for loser (6,5) WOODEN SPOON {WOO}{DENS}{P}O}{ON}
23 Cut and run, missing finish (3) LOP LOPe
24 House in yard, on reflection, unpleasant (7) DYNASTY {YD<=}{NASTY}
25 Day after day seer's unusually attired (7) DRESSED {D}{SEERS*}{D}

1   Western journalist after time and work getting maximum price (3,5) TOP WHACK {T}{OP} {W}{HACK}
2   Runners on a loop, struggling under pressure? That could be us (8,7) PERSONAL PRONOUN {P}{RUNNERS+ON+A+LOOP}*
3   Attackers? Odd characters in cars in this case (7) CRITICS {CaRs+In+ThIs+CaSe}
4   Sluggish husband getting into scrape left upset and sick at heart (9) LETHARGIC {GRA{H}TE}{L}<={sICk}
5   Sadly accepting expert's conclusion in geographical book (5) ATLAS {A{e...rT}LAS{
6   Issue with electronic speech, not constant (7) EDITION {E}{DIcTION}
7   Insects filled in by artist on edges of notepad sketch for fun (4,3,8) BEER AND SKITTLES {BEE{RA}{No...aD}{SKIT}TLES}
8   Pretty tentative initially about large portion of meat (6) CUTLET {CUT{L}E}{Te...e}
14 Last section of tar we newly put on road (9) AFTERWORD {OF+TAR+WE}*{RD}
15 Brave one, not losing heart, clear about record (8) INTREPID {1}{NoT}{R{EP}ID}
17 Claws of crustaceans, young ones (7) NIPPERS [DD]
18 Giant that is guarding thousand people, foremost in story (7) IMMENSE {I{M}{MEN}{St..y}E}
19 Street due to be packed (6) STOWED {ST}{OWED}
21 Coach perhaps with past item of headgear (5) BUSBY {BUS}{BY}

8e hussards 1804(fr).jpg


  1. Special at 10:30 by Amrita, the correct one this time.
    If any one wants the Across Lite version please mail me, as there appears to be a problem in the Across Lite site for uploading CWs, their CAPTCHA is not working

  2. I had solved this puzzle when it appeared. One of the rare ones. Remembered having a quick solve.
