Tuesday 26 June 2018

No 12353, Tuesday 26 Jun 2018, Arden

Plenty of flower power today.

1   Herb arrived, taking a fancy car back (8) CAMOMILE {CAM{LIMO<=}E}
5   Bloomer occurs, unusually so (6) CROCUS*
10 Satellite placed, outer skin damaged (7) SPUTNIK {S{PUT}NIK*}
11 Egg her to take note — it's not this or that (7) NEITHER {N{E}IT}{HER}
12 Fish eating Yankee is misleading (5) LYING {L{Y}ING}
13 Mother receives free alerts from Whirlpool (9) MAELSTROM {M{ALERTS*}OM}
14 Smoke producer faces open outrage (12) FRANKINCENSE {FRANK}{INCENSE}
18 Most careless way to set up a plant (7,5) MALTESE CROSS*
21 King has an outside chance, not hard to get permit (9) CLEARANCE {Ch{LEAR}ANCE}
23 Flower power, essentially (5) ASTER mASTERy
24 Perplexes one to see workers having total recall (7) BEMUSES {BE{SUM<=}ES}
25 One goes through state by state (7) INDIANA {INDI{AN}A}
26 9 is almost close, finally (6) ENNEAD {NEAr} {in the END}
27 Men try to follow chosen follower (8) INFANTRY {IN}{FAN}{TRY}

1   Group of people surround large fortification (6) CASTLE {CAST{L}E}
2   Short form in forming a glacial cavity (6) MOULIN {MOULd}{IN}
3   People over time have regularly raised all kinds of animals (9) MENAGERIE {MEN}{AGE}{RaIsEd}
4   Doctor dislikes menend of uniformity in thought (4-10) LIKE-MINDEDNESS*
6   Shouts in Rajya sabha make one sick (5) RAILS {R{AIL}S}
7   Study team leader went around this place, that's clear (8) COHERENT {CO{HERE}N}{Team}
8   Attack blunted, ran out, got saved (8) SCRIMPED Anno pending (Addendum - {S{CRIMe}PED} - See comments)
9   After Bury, Rio signed deal — it's part of the architecture (8,6) INTERIOR DESIGN {INTER}{RIO+SIGNED}*
15 She warned about spreading canards about a school (9) CASSANDRA {C{A}{S}SANDRA*}
16 Warm? Warm outside cold inside (8) AMICABLE {AMI{C}ABLE}
17 Wood worker made a member of city council (8) ALDERMAN {ALDER}{MAN}
19 Said to be normal waterway (6) STRAIT (~straight)
20 Blue top, portrayed otherwise (6) DREARY [CA] {TOP+DREARY=PORTRAYED}
22 He has faith in a ruler's upbringing (5) RASTA {A}{TSAR}<=

Bhargav's Talepiece

The bouncer and the dancer - Part 71

A Hariyali, a masseuse who was adept in giving aromatherapy using FRANKINCENSE oil was among those who had accompanied Gombu taking the STRAIGHT RASTA to Shangri-la.

But let us get to the point. First things first.

Their LIKEMINDEDNESS and the fact that in yesteryears he had always been AMICABLE had made Gombu handover the envelope to Sunder Smith. Smith's explanation about the envelope being taken away had BEMUSED him. Was he LYING? Was he off the RAILS? Did he have any INTERIOR DESIGN? What he had been told by SS had NEITHER rhyme nor reason. On whose CLEARANCE had he acted? Such questions had made Gombu a CASSANDRA.

Like INDIANA Jones looking for the Ark Gombu had come looking for the truth about the envelope.

In this on-going game Gombu had realised that it was time to CASTLE.

What happened next? Allah Jaane Kya Hoga Aage!!


1. Allah Jaane Kya Hoga Aage is a song from the 1962 movie  Hariyali Aur Rasta.


  1. 8dn S[CRIM-e]PED
    ran out = SPED

  2. CGB Sir,
    No write-up today because you are climbing Mt. Everest?

    The logo is Mercedes, right?

  3. Right- as I see it.
    Write up to follow, I think. His elaborate sketching might have taken more time.

  4. Flower power= Hydraulic power?!

  5. 11A, how does one get nit? Could someone explain please?

    1. Nit(s) are the microscopic egg(s) on the scalp.

    2. A pain(pein?) Lice in the head ?

  6. One of the puzzles where most answers went in quickly and the remaining took a long long time e.g. scrimped, dreary, infantry and moulin. Thanks for the flowery puzzle Arden.

  7. Many Happy Returns of the Day, Arden.

  8. Many Happy Returns Of The Day, Arden

  9. Many Happy snruter of the day , ARDEN. Ardent prayers to the Lord Almighty to give you a long and peaceful life.

  10. You have given yourself a boquet of flowers,Arden.
    Many Happy Returns of the Day. May you keep us regaled with your puzzles over and over again.

  11. Wishing you a happy birthday.
    From an Ardent fan.

    1. CGB Sir:Aapka aamdaz-e-bayan hi kuch aur(With apology to Ghalib)

  12. The bouncer and the dancer - Part 71

    A Hariyali, a masseuse who was adept in giving aromatherapy using FRANKINCENSE oil was among those who had accompanied Gombu taking the STRAIGHT RASTA to Shangri-la.

    But let us get to the point. First things first.

    Their LIKEMINDEDNESS and the fact that in yesteryears he had always been AMICABLE had made Gombu handover the envelope to Sunder Smith. Smith's explanation about the envelope being taken away had BEMUSED him. Was he LYING? Was he off the RAILS? Did he have any INTERIOR DESIGN? What he had been told by SS had NEITHER rhyme nor reason. On whose CLEARANCE had he acted? Such questions had made Gombu a CASSANDRA.

    Like INDIANA Jones looking for the Ark Gombu had come looking for the truth about the envelope.

    In this on-going game Gombu had realised that it was time to CASTLE.

    What happened next? Allah Jaane Kya Hoga Aage!!

    1. Allah Jaane Kya Hoga Aage is a song from the 1962 movie Hariyali Aur Rasta.

    1. It looks like an Indian movie [of any language] shot in a foreign country, where every other guy will be talking Indian languages and even dancing!
      Great CGB Sir!

    2. +2
      Request for the 'tailpiece' to be taken to the head.

    3. Re:Trivia. The opening line of the song was "Ibtadaye ishq me hum saari raat jaage" perhaps inspired by Ghalib's sher, "Ibtadaye ishq me hota hai kya, Aage aage dekhiye hota hai kya"

    4. PS Ibtadaye=beginning, starting

    5. On rechecking the sher, I find it is actually ibteda e ishq rota hai kya and it is by Mir Taqi Mir and not Ghalib.

  13. Logo is MB. Of course.
    Watch in you tube:
    Mercedes vs Jaguar / very funny commercial battle

  14. @Arden sir,
    Many many more happy of the day!

