Sunday 6 January 2013

No 2720, Sunday 06 Jan 13

1   Mug and flag held by jockey (6) VISAGE {VI{SAG}E}
4   Peering across lake to make out bird (8) STARLING {STAR{L}ING}
9   Cathedral city's organ fund (9) LIVERPOOL {LIVER}{POOL}
11 Opening number covered by funky trio (5) INTRO {I{N}TRO*}
12 Emergency accommodation when the weather's bad could be no party (3,4,2,1,5)  ANY PORT IN A STORM [CD] (Addendum - {NO PARTY}* {IN A STORM} - See comments)
13 Retort made by dealer, ultimately, to one after Ecstasy (7) RIPOSTE {R}{1}{POST}{E}
15 Increase pace in the saddle (4-2) STEP-UP {STEP}-{UP}
17 In game, cracked riddle (6) ENIGMA*
19 Last longer than others where French water treated (7) OUTWEAR {OU}{WATER*}
22 Where bandits are likely to take your money? (9,6) AMUSEMENT ARCADE [CD]
24 Article absorbing female drained of colour (5) ASHEN {A{SHE}N}
25 Vision of gift horse put out (9) FORESIGHT*
26 Novelist from Maine, close to bachelor girl (8) MEREDITH {ME}{R}{EDITH}
27 Lack of interest in a course beginning in York (6) APATHY {A}{PATH}{Y}

1   French writer displaying anger after dance (8) VOLATIRE {VOLTA}{IRE}
2   Speak about very old area of France (5) SAVOY {SA{V}{O}Y}
3   Monstrous sisters, thugs holding Greek up (7) GORGONS {GO{RG<=}ONS}
5   Protestant let off scout (6,7) TALENT SPOTTER*
6   Further publication concerning children (7) REISSUE {RE}{ISSUE}
7   Propose appalling reduction (9) INTRODUCE*
8   Dark logo to be changed - gracious me! (6) GLOOMY {LOGO*}{MY!}
10 At first glance, where are the chronometer's hands? (2,3,4,2,2) ON THE FACE OF IT [DD]
14 Confine drug dealer, clerical worker (3-6) PEN-PUSHER {PEN}-{PUSHER}
16 Like a minister, playwright on the radio (8) PRIESTLY (~priestley)
18 Found out from good editor about film director (7) GLEANED {G}{LEAN}{ED}
20 Happens to drink after performance (5,2) TURNS UP {TURN}{S UP}
21 Incendiary liquid mate used in Vietnam (6) NAPALM {NA{PAL}M}
23 Sense of anxiety in Penang state (5) ANGST [T]