1 Thanks to judge, a Prince gets to see an Indian landmark (3,6) TAJ MAHAL6 As squash is limited, get a kind of beer (4) QUAS {
9 Sailor's brown plaid cloth (6) TARTAN {TAR}{TAN}
10 In effect, faced uncomfortably tense Opposition leader (2,5) DE FACTO {FACED*}{T}{O
13 Luv, bemoan assuming such a position that's fixed (9) UNMOVABLE {LUV+BEMOAN}*
14 Ill-humour caused by the fellow drowned in drink (5) RHEUM {R{HE}UM}
15 Test model dismissing incomplete plea (4) EXAM {EXAM
16 Say differently Monsieur's measuring system is unbalanced (10) ASYMMETRIC {SAY*}{M}{METRIC}
19 Heartlessness and senselessness about you and me in India (10) INHUMANITY {IN{HUM}ANITY}
21 Gold thread brought from Hazaribagh (4) ZARI (T)
24 Yank out man by chance (5) PLUCK {P}{LUCK}
25 In sneaky manner, look at character in architectural decoration (9) GUILLOCHE {GUIL{LO}{CH}E}
26 Most scramble through a short road to reach celebrity status (7) STARDOM {MOST*} around {A}{RD}
27 Examine again // critic’s assignment (6) REVIEW (DD)
28 The woman with date is in the shack (4) SHED {SHE}{D}
29 Head of anaesthetists drifts through hospital for waste containers (8) ASHTRAYS {A}{S{H}TRAYS}
2 Medical condition? I mean to stand up in Alcoholics Anonymous (7) ANAEMIA {A{{NAEM}{I}<=}A}3 Purpose is to have it back in progress (6) MOTIVE {MO{IT<=}VE}
4 Worker and graduate get wrong washroom item (9) HANDBASIN {HAND}{BA}{SIN}
5 What sticks out is party leader abandoning promise (5) LEDGE {
7 Relative Aristotle's first two letters are ill-defined (7) UNCLEAR {UNCLE}{AR
8 Exotic, matchless No. 1 mechanisms for gambling (4,8) SLOT MACHINES {MATCHLESS+NO+I}*
11 Find out if bishop-in-charge has time (6) FERRET {FE{RR}E}{T}
12 Great! I'm taking SIT's overlays (12) SUPERIMPOSES {SUPER}{I'M}{POSE}{S}
17 Head of family undergoes endless misfortune in a month (9) MATRIARCH {MA{TRIA
18 Exhausted donkey is caught between son and daughter (6) SMOKED {S}{MOKE}{D}
20 Drawing of man holding a classy, uppity girl (7) HAULAGE {H{A}{U}{LAG<=}E}
22 My chela's devised a gold-making practice (7) ALCHEMY {MY+CHELA}*
23 Smart — always after a century and half (6) CLEVER {CL}{EVER}
25 Ray's good Indian mother (5) GAMMA {G}{AMMA}
Reference list
Thanks=Ta, Judge=JM (Judicial Magistrate), Prince=Hal, Sailor=Tar, Brown=Tan,Tense=T, Fellow=He, Monsieur=M, You and me in India=Hum, Man=P (Pawn), Look=Lo, Character=Ch, The woman=She, Date=D, Hospital=H
Alcoholics Anonymous=AA, Worker=Hand, Graduate=BA, 1=I, Bishop=RR, Charge=Fee, Time=T, Sit=Pose,Son=S, Daughter=D, Man=He, Classy=U (Upper class), Girl=Gal, Century and half=CL, Good=G, Indian mother=Amma
Color/Font Scheme
Definition,Solution,Component letters,Anagram Indicator,C/C indicator,Reversal Indicator,Hidden word Indicator, Letter Pick indicator,Deletion Indicator,Homophone Indicator,Movement Indicator,Positional Indicator,Substitution Indicator