Saturday, 1 March 2025

No 14421, Saturday 1 Mar 2025, Hypatia

7 Mother adopts flexible hours to grow quickly (8) MUSHROOM {M{HOURS*}OM}
9 Tree in the ground provides protection (6) HELMET {ELM inside THE*}
10 Jog behind park (4) BUMP {BUM}{P}
11 Request money to inspect sample for particular supervisor (10) TASKMASTER {T{ASK}{M}ASTER}
12 Uncovered moral stories that are productive (6) ARABLE {pARABLEs}
14 Crooked staff mint crores handling international school (8) CROSIERS {CRORES* over I}{S}
15 Glibness? It may be both good and bad (5,8) MIXED BLESSING {GLIBNESS}* [RA]
18 Say, atta is hard to sweep (8) FLOURISH {FLOUR}{IS}{H}
20 Most antique fragment of idol destroyed (6) OLDEST [T]
21 Free universal study about love god inspires sweetheart (10) UNOCCUPIED  {U}{CON<}{CUPI{swEet}D}
22 Unionstrike (4) CLUB [DD]
23 Characters regularly seen in alliance are mostly straight (6) LINEAR {aLlIaNcE}{ARe}
24 Visitor dropping a famous actor outside shooting spot (8) STRANGER {ST{RANGE}aR}

1 German University's unusual tour of Agra, ignoring capital city (8) GURUGRAM {G}{U}{RU{aGRA}M}
2 Wide and fashionable belt (4) WHIP {W}{HIP}
3 Courage of old American killed in war (6) BOTTLE {B{-a+O}TTLE}
4 Cleaners collecting meat and waste material on board (8) SHAMPOOS {S{HAM}{POO}S}
5 Cold drink nursed holds one secret (10) CLASSIFIED {C}{LASSI}{F{I}ED}
6 Heavenly body's heavier, when picked up? (6) METEOR {~MEATIER}
8 Such a similar tactic finally used in stand-out party game? (7,6) MUSICAL CHAIRS {SUCH A SIMILIAR tactiC}*
13 Spooner secures groups for prepacked meals (3,7) BOX LUNCHES {Spoonerism of LOCKS BUNCHES} 
16 Pump air without opening liquid cocktail (8) DAIQUIRI {AIR lIQUID}*
17 Doctor greets us and waves (8) GESTURES*
19 Clothing for men lifting some design ultimately (6) LUNGIS [T<]
20 Rules /for/ fraternities (6) ORDERS [DD]
22 100 + 1 - A solid figure (4) CONE {C}{ONE}

Park=P, Money=M, International=I, School=S, Hard=H, Universal, University=U, German=G, Wide=W, Old=O, American=A, On board=SS(Steam Ship), Cold=C, One=I.


  1. 3d "in" Misplaced!
    Old american killed implies A replaced O!

    1. I read the cryptic as O is in and A removed.

    2. Then it should be
      O in american killed war!

  2. Lovely clues today by Hypatia. Especially liked the cluing for 15a, 21a,5d &8d. I wasn't confident initially while solving spoonerism clues. I can now solve them as I have gotten used to them mainly because of her grids. Reverse anagrams and spoonerism clues are her forte. Thanks a ton.

  3. 11A: If "supervisor" is the definition, what is the role of "particular" in this clue?
