Wednesday, 5 March 2025

No 14424, Wednesday 05 Mar 2025, Gussalufz

Solution to 16D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

How to get, How?
9   Cold drink course? (9) REFRESHER [DD]
10 Mindful of a fight starting to erupt (5) AWARE {A}{WAR}{Er..t}
11 Persevere and preserve, son, without ever straying (5,2) PRESS ON {PREServe+SON}
12 Quarrelling with signal guard about dropping lads off (7) ARGUING {sIGNal+GUARd}*
13 Rwanda Air regularly carries this detector (5) RADAR {RwAnDa+AiR}
14 Upon return, he said, "Freak hippo's killing every other marine creature" (9) SPIKEFISH {He+SaId+FrEaK+hIpPoS}<=
16 Now keep a bit of mash (i.e., beet puree) covered in asafoetida (3,3,4,5) FOR THE TIME BEING {FORT}{H{Mash+IE+BEET}*ING
19 Second authentication code: zero, ... one, ... a large number ending in eight? That's no longer valid (4,5) MOOT POINT {MO}{OTP}{0}{1}{N}{e..hT}
22 A breather, then the second part of filming, and that's a wrap (5) LUNGI {LUNG}{fIl...g}
24 Mythical creature is combination packing roc's tail and rhino's head (7) UNICORN {UNI{roC}O{Rh..o}N}
26 Dreams of ride (a Tesla) (7) IDEATES [T]
27 Catch girl and love (5) LASSO {LASS}{O}
28 Out playing golf? Beer at conclusion of game? (3,6) LEG BEFORE {GOLF+BEER}*{gamE}

1   Cloth merchant: "Standard to have red border around" (6) DRAPER {RE{PAR}D}<=
2   Death in advance for criminal? (8) OFFENDER {OFF{END}ER}
3   Ban chess & porn wildly overwhelming India (10) CENSORSHIP {CHESS+PORN}* over {I}
4   Appreciation plummets after husband's input (6) THANKS {T{H}ANKS}
5   Whole party abruptly ends in schism over TV channel (8) ORGANISM {ORGy}{ANI}{SchisM}
6   Called line, scratching bottom (4) RANG RANGe
7   Deer saw a pit inside fencing (6) WAPITI [T]
8   The man hogged vulgarly — prickly creature (8) HEDGEHOG {HE}{HOGGED*}
15 Confident of shining when topless, sporting implant (10) EMBOLDENED {EMB{gOLDEN}ED}
16 Very well folks, voiding 25% of IOUs, keeping the rest (8) F?M?U?L?  
17 Complex relationship trouble involving no-good European (8) TRIANGLE {TRIA{NG}L}{E}
18 Top-rated metal soldier back-firing? (8) IGNITION {NO 1}{TIN}{GI}<=
20 Pointless life, so I took up boxing (6) OTIOSE [T<=]
21 Beg air travellers: "Bags on the counter, this is an inspection" (6) TRIAGE [T<=]
23 Broadcast is prosecuted (6) ISSUED {IS}{SUED}
25 Unpleasant smell in old electronic instrument (4) OBOE {O}{BO}{E}

Reference List
Keep = FORT, Second = MO, Number = N, India = I, Husband = H, No = N, Good = G, European = E, Smell = BO(Body Odour), Old = O, Electronic = E


  1. Nice CW but still no comments?!

  2. Normally Kishore presents Pangram.
    Today’s theme seems to be How? Trying to figure out.

  3. 16d FAMOUSLY; very well; Folks=family; FAM(-I)(+OUS)OUSLY

  4. 16d- Famously- Very well
    (OUS) contained in Family- I
    25% of IOUs- I removed keeping the rest (ous). Nicely put

    1. How did the I from family get deleted?

    2. Voiding 25% of IOUs(-i)is
      applicable to both family and

    3. House is 25% of family = I.

    4. 25% is of IOUs only(i)but
      deletion of(i) is applicable to
      both family and IOUs.

  5. Done almost at the same time.

  6. "Doctor who" to get how; I can also see Tardis-a time machine(I had to google this)

  7. Doctor Who is a television series(googled)

  8. Yes, "Doctor Who" is the nina and the title is a rev anagram clue for that! TARDIS is indeed the other thematic nina.

    Posting my notes on this crossword soon. Thanks everyone who gave it a go, and thanks, Col,, as always, for blogging!

  9. *Notes*

    There are a couple of connected ninas in this crossword. Along the top row and continuing along the fifth row from the bottom, you can see "DOCTOR WHO" ( and "TARDIS" (the time travelling spaceship used in the show).

    The long 15-letter entry in 16a, "FOR THE TIME BEING," can be construed to be a cryptic reference, with this crossword being "for" Dr. Who, who can be thought of as "the time being."

    The title, "How To Get, How?" is a cryptic clue (reverse anagram) for "DOCTOR WHO."

    *Personal notes*

    I gained around 8 lbs over my short 10-day India trip in January, through an abundance of indulgent binges, in spite of lots of running, swimming, and walking. It will probably now take me month to burn it off! But it was definitely worth it—Mumbai has some really fine restaurants. Some notable ones that I enjoyed: The Table, Souk, Avartana, Neuma, Ekaa, Bombay Brasserie. I'm already thinking about next year's revisit!

  10. We have a good variety and taste in food. As you say, worth it for a short trip. But we, who are here, should not get tempted!
    Participated in Tata marathon?

    1. Yes (half marathon). I've been doing it every year recently, and hope to continue.

  11. Could not parse ORGANISM.
    Thanx Viresh!
